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Everything posted by Haris122
Truth. Additionally, in this case, one gun he had may have prevented it from a worse outcome. I remember reading his AR-15 style rifle jammed. He was using a 100 rd or other high cap drum for it I think it said, and it jammed. I'm guessing dude didn't know not to put much faith in aftermarket high cap magazines, and that contributed to putting one gun out of commission. One thing about guns right there, it takes more effort to learn all the minor ins and outs, before you can properly respond to the assortment of unforseen situations, whereas a home-made bomb, it either goes off or not. There's more possibilities of overlooking something like using a shitty magazine, and dealing with a subsequent jam due to it, if you're too lazy of a wannabe mass murderer, and get the thing barely prior to the act. Unfortunately this guy put a touch more thought into his planning and had backups, even if he didn't know quite how to put the rifle back into the fray.
Come on Jerry, give it some credit that it can accurately compile information from an assortment of news sources and witness/police statements. Certainly it's not infallible, but if these varied sources it cites, say so, then either all of them are fucking their reporting and statements up big time, or that's what happened. What's so hard to believe about it? There were 2 options, he shot them as everyone was still getting seated and the lights were still on, or he propped that exit door open after he entered the theater, went to his car, got his stuff, and came back about half an hour into the movie while all the lights were off so as to not detract from the movie. As simple as that. You have to admit, there's nothing truly far-fetched about option 2 either. And in this case, it appears option 2 is what's being said to have happened.
Judging by wikipedia, the problem was that he started the shooting during the movie, while most of the theater was dark and not to mention, after throwing a smoke bomb or something masking his sihlouette (sp?) too. Not exactly favorable conditions for accurate return fire, especially around all those people particularly if a bunch of them start bailing out for the door and get caught in the middle. That's the problem. It really seems to be one of those cases where return fire could've either wound up wounding and killing a few more people, or saved the day. The guy really did his homework in that regard (making it hard for people to reply).
If the lights had been turned off already, it might not have mattered. Hard to aim for a gas mask when you can't see it, not to mention who you might shoot on accident if people started running and squirming around, and getting in the field of fire in the process. The way that guy was prepared, and the type of environment he struck in was probably one of the toughest situations for someone with concealed carry to really do much good in. One of the few times that excessive penetration in a CC firearm/caliber would actually be desired in. Could a 7.62x25 in something like a CZ-52 make it through the body armor he had on? Anyone know what it was rated at (the Body Armor)? It seems this guy took the concealed carry unforeseen hero-contingency in mind, and prepared to overcome it, and many others in order to do what he wanted to, sadly.
PhD's drive people crazy.
This may not count as a cycle but man has screwed up other parts of the earth's atmosphere prior to this, only thing is it's a simpler fix, and there was less doubt in the necessity of the fix (CFC's and the Ozone Layer). If we can affect the level of Ozone in a couple decades, why can't we affect that of CO2 in a century even if it exists in larger quantities as Ozone?
Banning poorly placed/secured TV"s, I'm all for it. On a lighter note, I often think how much more useful/productive I would've turned out had TV's been banned. Probably would need Internet banned too, though. Anyone ever saw Beavis and Butthead do America, where they're in the desert having that flashback of their lives before they're about to die, with them just sitting in front of the TV all their lives?
I agree that shouldn't be something that should matter, but I don't think Jerry would be as mild mannered and helpful of a guy to fish with, once this pops back up (and going by the posts something tells me he'd be the one to bring it up again as well) as he makes it seem to be. Not to mention the whole bit about putting a worm on Tim's hook seems a bit patronizing and probably was intended to be, as if Tim is too inept to do it himself, simply because of his "sciency" responses/background. Of course I'm pretty sure you knew that as well, you just liked to ignore the "tool" that's on your side of the discussion.
Are There Any Public Ponds Or Small Lakes Around?
Haris122 replied to jbtiwns30's topic in Other Ozark Lakes
You might want to check the MDC (Missouri Department of Conservation) site if you haven't. I personally never even knew the Department of Natural Resources site listed anything fishing related at all. If you're living near St. Louis or St. Charles, the August Bush Lakes are pretty nice though they're pretty well known. If you already tried those and want to try your luck at something really obscure, I suggest checking out which hunting focused conservation areas have the odd fishing pond there as well. I know the Indian Creek Conservation area in Washington County is supposed to have one, and I might be wrong, but places like that which cater more to hunting probably don't get much fishing pressure, as they tend to be a bit of a drive, and probably don't offer the same opportunities as more well known rivers, and larger lakes closer nearby. I've been tempted of trying my luck at that type of pond once in a while, but it's not too frequent that I get the luxury of going hunting, with a 60 mile drive needed to get anywhere a rifle can be used, so I figure once I'm there, I may as well stick to my usual sorry attempt at hunting something. -
Might get more luck with an answer in the general discussion or regional forums.
Bingo, I got my first channel cat today around 9 in the evening at the main Suson Park Lake with the bobber approach you guys suggested. I had the bobber about 25" above the treble hook, and an egg sinker and barrel swivel about 4" below the bobber, and eventually I noticed it was gone while retying my other rod that I was bottom fishing with. I thought for sure I was going to ruin it during the hookset but I guess that one committed to it enough to even let me set it.
Not to take away from any highly likely F-up on the parents side, but sometimes kids really know how to mess with stuff until it's just wrong to fire it off. All it takes is time, and they would figure out even how to get a round in the chamber and take the safety off. Granted a 3 year old probably wouldn't have the strength to rack a round in it if it wasn't already there, but it's not always as simple as loaded gun, safety off, easy to reach place, and then add curious kid. Plenty of grown people don't know how to handle them properly, much less little kids. That being said, careless/uneducated people is by far the biggest problem, though a simple "ignorant sheep" analogy is an oversimplification of the issue.
I tried my luck out recently at Bush CA Lake #3, and one of the Suson Lakes in South County and experienced some of the same, quick bite, let go, quick bite routine as mic has. If I take the rod out of the holder the first bite, is there a decent chance of setting the hook if I'm quick enough to react in the process of the next bite? Cause it doesn't seem like they're fully commiting to the stink bait, so waiting for one to give that good gradual pull, hasn't done anything. Btw, in my case I don't think any Carp were involved as Bush CA Lake #3 is not supposed to have any, and that Suson park lake I fished isn't either, on top of the bites starting up late in the evening even though I kept putting the bait out since 7 p.m. Bluegill nibbling on the stuff at the bottom of the lake when it's further from shore, isn't all that likely, and easily mistaken with a catfish bite, right?
Couldn't Have Made This One Up...
Haris122 replied to Phil Lilley's topic in General Angling Discussion
That was crazy. Note to self, do not swim in the ocean or estuary near it, while someone is fishing nearby. -
Good Time To Fish Busch Lakes.
Haris122 replied to BredMan's topic in August A. Busch Conservation Area
That was a blast. I headed out there today (yesterday technically) and paddled/fished around lake 6 (not lake 7 like I intitially mentioned) for a couple hours. Had i just got there with a little more time to spend, I may even have caught something. Anyhow, I'm definitely giving this a try again, sometime soon. By the way, any info on Lake 6. What kind of fish reside there, and the success or lack of it, people had with it? I think one day I will get there early and try my luck at several lakes, see which ones I have luck with. -
Did they tell you what species they were? I'm no shark expert but I'd let you bump in front of me if those were Bullsharks, too, haha.
No swivel on the beetlespin, right? I should try it like that.
Any Luck Recently At Unger Park Lake (Fenton)?
Haris122 replied to Haris122's topic in Other Ozark Waters
I think he means two that are a little away from the golf course/meramec. Preslar and Fabick Lakes. Haven't tried out the smaller one (Fabick lake I think) but Preslar is kind of in a obscure place. I forgot the name of the street, but you go away from the river near where the golf course and the park in Fenton meet, then turn left onto this other street (great description right?) and up this hill next to some obscure subdivision, and up at the top of the hill there's a small lake. Maybe 1/3 to 1/4 the size of Unger Lake, and probably shallower too. Still not super tiny, but I fished it this spring maybe 3-4 times, and never got anything in there either. I did see a small bass follow one of my lures, but it was not truly sold on it. When I went there, that one seemed more sparse of fish, than Unger, though it actually gets stocked. Maybe I should give it another try, but I just felt like it had nothing to offer that Unger didn't already have, while being another 2-3 miles of extra drive. -
Any Luck Recently At Unger Park Lake (Fenton)?
Haris122 replied to Haris122's topic in Other Ozark Waters
Interesting. I didn't know that it doesn't get stocked any way other than naturally. Like you said though, most of the fish I've seen this year in there, were the ones you mention. Still, with gar there, i figured I should still be catching or at least getting bites from them if nothing else and yet that's not happening either. This is one tough little lake. -
Just been wondering if anyone has gone there recently and actually hooked any fish. I've went there for probably the last 5 trips or so, each time 2-3 hours , except today, when I gave it 4 hours. Each time I went in the late afternoon/early evening, and not one fish bite (did catch a turtle on catfish bait under bobber). I could swear the lake is not low on fish, as near twilight, you see little bubbles and wakes (some of the wakes are not so little) by the dozens, and yet they don't seem bite at all. I haven't seen other people with much luck either, though they generally didn't stay very long. For whatever reason, that lake is really ,REALLY tough to get anything on for me. Probably the single most frequented fishing site of mine, and yet, all I got to show for it is 1 nice size Crappie back in late march, and that Turtle recently. I'm wondering if Unger Park is just a naturally tough spot to get anything, or if it's just me?
I hear you David. Except I can't even claim the outboard mechanic bit. I'm happy when I have a 1-2 fish day. The days I do catch A fish, I've averaged out maybe 1 every 3-4 hours. Best day to date has been a 4 fish day. Fishing is one hell of a drug. Days without nothing cursing your luck, and yet 1 fish and the entire day was worth it. And you start the cycle again, haha. Worst part about fishing is when you see someone come up there, and catch something quickly while you spend all day and still get nothing. Makes you just want to snap your rod in two and do some dynamite fishing.Thankfully, I've been spared that in the last couple trips of getting skunked.
They're saying there's a 1 degree difference between St. Louis today, and Phoenix, Arizona (they're at 109, we're at 108). I'd hate to think how bad it would feel with the humidity. Of course the dryness in the air, isn't helping the brushfire situations.
You guys ever had any luck at any of the Conservation Areas, up to an hour away from stl, or do you guys keep to your or someone's private property?
And your dog liked to eat, just the skins?
Has Anyone Fished Lately?
Haris122 replied to Patrick M's topic in August A. Busch Conservation Area
I think I remember the MDC website mentioning that Lake 33 has and will have some dam maintenance or something going on for a couple months, so the water is supposed to be real shallow there. Might want to avoid that one.