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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Nice!
  2. Maybe those church basket gobbling poor bastages who are such a drain on society should just KEEP smoking, eating chips and playing x-box so they'll hurry up and die. Between malnutrition, cancer, stress and lack of exercise they should start dropping like flys any day now. You think that stopping smoking is gonna suddenly make them to seem noticeably more respectable to you? If any banning gets done it should be parking lots near Bars. Aren't drunk drivers still the #1 scourge of the nation? Hitchin'posts only I say..... and no giving alcohol to horses, mules or goats!
  3. LOL yep. Imagine that.....thankfully for us fish are stupid. What do you see on the water in Winter that looks like a Royal Wulff? Those big cream cahills are gone after August too.
  4. If all else fails in the late Fall just "match the hatch".... Throw a duck!
  5. Absolutely. Coachman trude, X-caddis, Cracklebacks, foam beetles, and my most recent favorite; Mercer's missing link are all really good on the Ni. I'll leave sizes and colors out so as not to take all the fun out of it for ya, and to avoid assuming that the ones I like are the "best choice" there is. The presence of any kind of "hatch" is irrelevant, and it does seem like the days when you can't keep the chubs off your drys is the perfect time to cut the dry off and throw a tan and brown muddler.
  6. Anything Med. action (standard worm rod) that you'd normally rig with 12-15lb. line is what I like. Gotta remember that regardless of how heavy the bag of salt is you still have to be able to drive that hook into his face. St. Croix AVC66MF or AVC60MF
  7. Hang in there. How close to frostbitten fingers will Musky stay shallow ? As long as there's still food there?
  8. Right on OS ! Is it even possible to get a cool sunrise/sunset pic these days without jet trails in it? The dang skies are like I-44 in all directions. WTH is everybody going anyway?
  9. Shouldn't need much cleaning then, hu? LOL
  10. This is what In-Fisherman says... It appears that the term "Meanmouth" is just a nick-name since the MM's have never been given an actual scientific (latin) name of their own. Kinda like the pole-cat of the fish world.
  11. Hu? No not for far too long.... but if a MM is a LM/SM cross then I have mis-identified a bunch of them, cuz all the ones around here that I call MM's have rows of spots below a very faint (sometimes non-existent) lateral line and shadows of verticle bars but no chin dimples.. If there was no Kentucky in'em then where do the lines come from? The OP's fish looks like just a straight-up kentucky to me, just a little dark.
  12. Hmm, I always thought it was Sp/Smallie too. Ya sure? A quick gargle just now indicated it was Sp/Smallie as well, but the source may be questionable.
  13. Could just be a dark Spotted bass.
  14. I don't believe you need to be any more conscious for the sake of tournament anglers than you do anyone else that is out fishing. Angler pressure is part of the game, just like the weather. The ethics you display should apply to everyone you encounter IMO.
  15. It's not the lack of being able to take a shower everyday that keeps Me from camping more in the Winter, it's the short days and long cold nights. If they'd fix THAT I'd be there.
  16. What, in the release area ?
  17. I don't "do" casinos but when you have the option of opting out then I can't see it that way. Being played like a sucker, to me, is things like....oh I dunno....sales tax on used cars and stuff like that.
  18. But not Trains? Interesting. Glad you're still here, man.
  19. Probably either "Loop" or "Barrio".
  20. It'll be good for'em in the long haul. Gets the money out of the insurance co. pockets and back into circulation for a bit.
  21. Something is wrong here. Part of a college education should really include a semester on "How to find a job".
  22. How much for the red w/white fleck worm?
  23. How about you and I trade lives for a few months? The desert sounds pretty awesome to me about now.
  24. Hey why not, Hank does it.
  25. The 135 opti is gonna be hard to sell, it's basically a pontoon pusher so you'll be practically giving it away on a straight power upgrade. If it's all about money then yeah you'll come out better selling it and then buying a new(er) rig. I wouldn't advise anyone to buy a NEW boat, cuz there are way too many good used ones out there.....but if you have the coin and don't forsee any money shortages in your future they why not, you only live once.
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