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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. This is what started happening, about a week ago. Pops up full screen when you hit SUBMIT, and when you X out of it.....it takes you back one frame. Makes it seem like your post didn't go through. You can trick it by EDITING the post. 👍
  2. Yeah, they've started some new ad campaign here that makes it look like things haven't posted. I'm surprised that EVERYONE isn't throwing a fit about it. You can go back and delete the multiple post if you're so inclined......but screw it..... Gives dogboy something useful to do 😅
  3. "Pig" likely has the same meaning to them, as STALLION does to us. So I'm sure it wasn't intended as an insult. What the seating gal truly wanted to do was......Drop to her knees 😊 Otherwise she can take her pangolin-lookin'-physique back to where she came from.
  4. Those participation checks are BS. 🙄 All that money needs to be divided up between the top 10 300k for a Classic win is despicable!
  5. @oneshot I know you have a bigfoot story. Let's hear it ! 👍
  6. Somebody crafty like @BilletHead needs to build me a super cool Slingshot. I'll pay for it ! 😀
  7. Tales of MoMo started when I was a kid, and we camped and fished on the Salt river alot....as in every single weekend, regardless of the weather. Us kids were pretty shook up about it, but my dad and grandpa insisted that it was total BS and told us HARSHLY to stop being stupid. "There's nothing out there"! Funny thing though....They both started packing deer rifles and shotguns, and Dad always had his pistol on his hip.....Just for the occasional copperhead ya know😅 Lots of things in the woods, or along the river can get a person all freaked out when you have that stuff in your head. A Crane rookery caused me to quickly end a float on the Little Niangua once ! I felt like an idiot later when I figured out what it was......But hey, I had never heard THAT before. Have YOU ? 😳 The first time I heard a bobcat screaming had me headed for the house pretty quick too! 😅
  8. Drives me crazy 🤣 Why is his nock on the BOTTOM instead of on the TOP then ? Consistency is the most important thing......and a finger above insures that the arrow stays where it's supposed to be. But I'm not gonna argue this any further....so to each their own. 👌
  9. No argument there. 👍
  10. That IS a kind gesture 👍. But ya know that most tongue jacks have swiveling wheels, right? 😅
  11. It seems to be the week for those of us that think we know everything.......to learn that we're ignorant after all. Welcome to the club, bro. 😁
  12. I'll admit to one thing......I don't think I've had 3 consecutive days of crushing them BACK TO BACK anywhere.... ever. Scoping or not, that's a highly commendable thing to pull off ! 👍
  13. You wanna see my wedding pictures? Oh geeze🙄 This says it all, right here ! Haven't you learned by now? Ya gotta give in to the day of bride pagentry if you want any peace in your life at all ! 🙄 It darn sure wasn't ME that demanded it ! I fully expect a anniversary gift from you now !!! 👍
  14. I appreciate you agreeing with me. But it turns out we are wrong. 😅
  15. Ahh, now I get it. 👍😁
  16. Those are split ! 😅
  17. Hey, she was the one begging to get hitched, so it's all on her. 😉
  18. I like listening/watching people tell their stories. It's psychological excersise. Some folks are seeking attention. They just want someone to be interested in them. (Kinda sad really). Some are genuinely curious and make up stories in an attempt to flush out others that may have ACTUALLY encountered something. Some are re-telling stories that they have been told, often by relatives, and suspected to be true. Saying that it happened to THEM carries more weight than saying it happened to my absent uncle/cousin/friend. Some truly believe they witnessed something, and have been haunted by it. (I've experienced that personally). Maybe they did.... Maybe they didn't 🤷‍♂️ But those are the ones that interest me the most..... Probably because I can relate. Deciding which category each of these tales fall under is kinda fun. 😉
  19. They seem to be purposely trying to show footage of guys doing some old school fishing, but the Scopers are ruling the event. The kid that's leading has a cool personality. I'm rooting for him. He's gonna cry 😅
  20. You're probably like my wife..... You keep your eyes closed so you don't have to see who you're screwing! 😅
  21. Oh BS, If there is a dog I'll be smoking a turd in purgatory long before you see the pearly gates. 👍 Hell, the buzzards are already waiting
  22. And I'm probably gonna go first, so I'll never get to say "Told ya so"...... Or get to hear YOU say it. 😅
  23. I never had an Indian bow. Martin, Golden Eagle, Hoyt, and an Oneida that looked like a bear trap and I was always scared of it.... If that sucker had ever came undone somebody was gonna get hurt bad. Only bought it because it was what Ted Nugent shot at the time. 🙄 It WAS fast. The Golden Eagle had maple/glass multi-laminate limbs.....it was smooth and fast. Shot like a dream, and held the same tune for YEARS snd Countless shots. I did have a Bear and a Black Widow recurve, but I was all about SPEED, and recurves and longbows were too slow for me. I didn't shoot them much. I'd kinda like to have one NOW though.
  24. Hu ? 🤔
  25. I'd gladly give up $20 to never have to do THAT again. Sugarbritches wanted me to just fire up the charcoal grill......Yeah right, with a 30mph East wind= Not a chance.
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