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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Jerry, So they actually made it illegal to fish off of the docks? Or ypu can fish FROM the dock.....but not fish AROUND the dock? Having a hard time wrapping my head around that one.
  2. I dunno, ruthead. Alot of perfectly lubricated wheels continue to get greased regardless of how loud the others squeak. Those left rear hubs have been smokin' for quite awhile.
  3. Killer! Good luck with the leg overhaul.
  4. LOL You just answered your own question. What makes that whole deal seem impossible is when the person who last held a title for a boat is either dead, absent, or uncooperative. The DOR doesn't seem to understand (or care) how uncooperative dead men can be, and only lawyers know the secret password that causes them to instantly understand and begin to play nice. Sooo, when you find a boat/motor/trailer you wanna buy and the "owner" says they can't produce the titles you just tell them you'll take it for 550.00 less than what they are asking because that's what it'll cost you to make it "legal", or you'll pay the asking price if THEY can provide title(s) Most will at least try for 550.00
  5. My Missouri river experience is limited to the Mokane/Portland/Hermann area, along that stretch there are dikes that are situated 70-90° to the flow. The face will not have any sand above 3-5ft of the current water level at any given time because the surface currents keep it scoured. Dikes that run mostly parallel to the flow are nothing more than a rip-rap bank....and not worth spending time on I wouldn't think. Except for maybe the uppermost end of them.
  6. Once upon a time they had a big meeting, all who cared were asked to attend and voice their ideas/concerns at that time or forever hold their peace. Quite a few took the time, traveled and attended, quite a few made excellent points and gave quality feedback. As soon as the doors were closed all the feedback and concerns (that they requested to hear) were all ignored. Well not quite "all"..... they DID change the ruling on foam and rubber legs.
  7. Probably won't be long.
  8. You may already know this but the Summertime sweetspot around the wing dikes is on the upstream side at the depth where the rocks stop and the sand begins. I have no useful ideas on how to effectively FLYFISH those spots, but I know that's one location pattern where they like to position themselves on the big rivers. I expect the bite in those backwater spots you like is pretty slow now. That'll change when some cool rain breathes some life back into those areas.
  9. Yeah I know it's a double-edged sword.
  10. Yeah. Outside talent ! Someone less stingy with the pellets. Seriously though, Bob. All things considered how would a wise hatchery manager make better use of the upgraded hatchery operation?
  11. Think they'll ever have an access at Berry bluff?
  12. My routine is basically a carolina rig dip worm smothered in Bowker's Original or Sonny's super sticky original. Think structure just like when you're bass fishing and don't waste too much time in one spot if you're not catching fish. Dip bait seldom catches really big channels but 2-7lbers won't ignore it, if they are there they'll eat it. Take extra #4 trebles and collect your hooks later when you clean them. Just slide the worm up the leader and tie on a fresh hook after each fish......cuz they'll swalllow it 9 times out if 10. That's the best (most dependable) way I know of to load the boat with eating sized cats anywhere that they swim.
  13. A little customizing can make a world of difference. If you carry alot of weight above your hips then lowering the seats a bit helps alot, and it doesn't take as much as you might think (1-1 1/2 inches increases stability a bunch).
  14. I'm really hoping that the new hotrod hatchery results in at least a somewhat better fishery BELOW the park.
  15. Probably, but not closely enough to wanna go bail them out.
  16. Still beats sitting at home playing Xbox, I hope they were able to catch a few before they were arrested.
  17. There should be a gasket between the airbox cover and the carbs, its purpose is to act as a vibration dampener and keeps the bolts from vibrating loose.
  18. You would have to add a "trim position sender" and I'm not sure that those 70's model Mercs even have a place to mount one. If so it will be on the inside edge of the motor mount, port side.
  19. I win. I've already worn out 2 pair of mid-range wading boots, 3 deep cycle batterys, 4 10amp chargers, 2 hitch balls and 1 reciever pin this year.
  20. Purple to the POS Black to the GND Thought it was Gray to the S (or SEN), but on that old Merc with no trim sender circuit in the harness it could be Brown or Tan. Then yeah....Blue or White to the guage lights (parallel) fed from the light switch...Not the ignition hot.
  21. Do y'all ever pull into a restaurant parking lot and say " it's too crowded let's grab a pizza and go home"? Or ya ever look out across the water and say "screw it, it's just too crowded to go fishing here today"? Or do you choose to launch anyway, adding one more boat to the crowd .... and then bitch about how the crowd spoiled your day? Everyone hates crowds but few hate them enough to leave one.
  22. That was a $6-7000.00 run. You're not gonna see much of that kinda stuff because not that many people have the coin to do it more than once.
  23. If it is a tank venting issue you'll notice the primer bulb sucking in. My guess, assuming that the engine is not getting HOT, is a fuel pump failure or improper float level settings (with emphasis on the latter)
  24. That makes the 3rd incident like that at Lake Ozark this year. In one of the previous incidents people (not knowing wtf was going on kept jumping in to help the ones in distress not realizing that they were getting shocked and it nailed about 4-5 people. Initial codes here are strict but the constant rocking and rolling that these docks are subjected to eventially exposes wires. If you know what to look for you can spot the effects of electralysis on moored boat lower units and dock cables. Even though a GFI is installed. Im no electrician but.....Many times the service to the dock is buried and a GFI is installed at the walkway and the exposed wire is underground near the shoreline before the GFI. The GFI probably doesn't do any good when that happens, and current can leach through the damp soil into t he water. The GFI should probably be installed ahead of the buried wire. A buddy of mine got bit once while reaching down with his rod tip to unhook a spinnerbait from a dock cable. Ya just never know.
  25. You and that fish have alot in common.... You look alike, love the river, and have rocks in yer head Did you think you'd hung a nice hybrid until he started going in circles?
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