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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by BackCastingGolfer

  1. Make your own dubbing and get the color you want...its that easy.
  2. Having worked at that the Bass Pro Headquaerters for a few years I'd be willing to bet that Johnny Morris would be more than happy to help with this if contacted.
  3. I've started Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, pretty good so far very interesting concept.
  4. Where do you work and where can I apply lol!
  5. Ever had those moments where you are sitting at your tying bench and just can not decide what to tie? Someone (a lot smarter and techy than me) needs to develop a Fly Tying Smartphone App, with a design like the ones made for mixing drinks. "I don't know what I want to tye..lets see I have (insert marterials here)", enter them into the app select see patterns and *BAM*, a list of flies to tie with those materials and instructions to tie them, or perhaps a link to a youtube video. Thoughts?
  6. I dissagree that NO ONE fishes for food. I don't keep smallmouth, but there was a stretch recently where I was unemployed and crappie,bluegill, and goggle eye was a SIGNIFICANT source of my food.
  7. I don't see me tying with them all the time, I may not buy some for quite some time, but I think they are well worth picking up a package or 2 and tying up some sweet shad patterns.
  8. I haven't fished them yet, but what I like ist the profile I'm able to get over a clouser. I can put alot more material on the fly with these. They also aren't very heavy, which I also like.
  9. Not at all, I grew up on the Spring River in NE Arkansas, and I hardly ever fished in the summer for this very reason. Drunk morons floating right in the hole/riffle you are working, then have the stones to ask if you're having any luck...
  10. I am really enjoying tying with these new things! I see these hanging from some fish lips soon!
  11. Saw there is also the Redington Crosswater during the Fishing Classic for less than 100.
  12. I think the biggest point we need to get across is that all bodies of water than are home to fishwere NEVER designed by God/Nature to sustain fishing pressure. I often think about our world without the automobile and how fishing was limited to where you lived and that was it.
  13. There is also the "Intruder" during the Sringfishing Classic for 49.99, I have 8wt and use it for my bass rod, there is also a 5wt.
  14. Right now BPS is selling a combo called the "Bugger", for the price it is an awesome combo. I would stay away from the Dogwood Canyon setups...I jut don't like the feel, but the next step up is the Hobbs Creek, solid stuff.
  15. Just finished my yearly Lord of the Rings read, next is Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
  16. I only keep bluegill and goggleeye...no bass for this guy.
  17. I know this is an old thread but thought this would help explain the Browning rod breaking...Browning Fishing is Bass Pro...that would explain the broken rod.
  18. I've been playing around with these. One idea I'm wanting to try out is putting a little piece of foam on the tail to keep the tail up when sitting still. In this pic the top has a foam tail, the bottom is marabou.
  19. Backcountry Outfitters is usually cheaper than Bps. The only time I order stuff online is for like grab bags from cabelas where you get a lot of material.
  20. I know I have seen alot of guys loking for a walk the dag action fly pattern and ran across this one while checking out Clear Cure Goo. http://www.clearcuregoo.com/page19/page31/page22/page22.html
  21. Do use their light or your own LED light?
  22. Thanks Tim! I'll have to order some and try it out!
  23. Has anyone used this stuff? I've seen alot of demo videos and they stuff looks great. http://www.clearcuregoo.com/
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