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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. Awesome. Gonna shoot Monday morning while the family does some zip lining
  2. I do miss Savannah and Beaufort. Great shot
  3. Anyone know if this is open right now? The parks website isn't telling me anything.
  4. Charlie don't surf.
  5. Does this mean I can have your mushroom field?
  6. T-como in Forsyth
  7. Other chair force terms I don't see. "The air conditioning isn't working" "What do you mean I have duty on the weekend" "I am NOT going to p.t. that early in the morning" "What do mean we have to get our own chow?" Semper Fi
  8. Thanks. How bad did you hurt and how long were you down?
  9. Way back in October, I thought I suffered rotator cuff damage and it was diagnosed as a partial tear. So for 4 months I had cortisone shots, physical therapy only to have it still in constant pain. Got it re diagnosed as a torn bicep tendon. Surgery scheduled for the 25th. Is switching casting arms that difficult? I will be off work for a couple of weeks and I would like to get on the water. Oh this will be fly casting.
  10. Does anyone know anything about this? It is going on near the Grand Plaza hotel.
  11. Went out one night last week only to find the top 3 inches of my 7 wt broken. (darn kids) is there a way I can repair it without sending it back to the company or can i just sand down the broken part and add a new tip to it? will doing that affect the action of the rod very much? thanks
  12. Well we know where to look next time someone finds an empty worm box up there.
  13. With only 2 agents for taney county, they get spread pretty thin. What guides?
  14. tippet7


    Not 100% if those were shad, they are some big butt shad.
  15. I hope you called conservation or at least call the guide service and let them know you saw what they did. Was one of the guides one that guarantee fish?
  16. tippet7


    I had a few minutes to kill this afternoon, so I went to the little area across from chateau on the lake, the emergency gate area. I stood on the rock shelf with my fly rod and saw a lot of white bass hugging the shelf. I thought whites were more open water fish. Is this something they normally do? I had a few chase my fly, but no takers.
  17. The other thing about all those people snagging, they were hootin` and hollering thinking it was big fun foul hooking a trout.
  18. I was able to get in the water yesterday for only the 2nd time this year. I have rotator cuff damage, so I wasn't sure how long I would be able to stay out there. Beautiful afternoon, 2 units running when I got there around 1230. Started off below outlet 1 with egg and worm, nothing. Went to a streamer, got a couple of hits but nothing to hand. Switched to a gray scud when 1 unit shut down and caught 2 `bows on 3 casts. Nothing huge, 17 inches and 16 inches, but they sure were pretty, fat and healthy and colorful. Shoulder started getting worn out around 230 so started making my way back. Decided against my better judgement to fish in outlet 1. It was crowded and people looked to be trying to snag. It looked like to me that there was no reason to be pulling the fly that hard out of the water. I didn't even bother to cast. Going to try and get out at night pretty soon.
  19. What a haul we had last night. We probably had to toss about 15-20 lbs of tomato. I think our cucumbers are done. Getting ready for fall planting
  20. We got it delivered yesterday. Haven't had a chance to play with it yet
  21. Is this normal for the cucumber plants? We are still getting some cucs, but productions has fallen off big. Are they just dying out?
  22. Where did you find that? And $$
  23. 1pound 12 ounces. There are bigger ones still in the garden.
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