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Everything posted by kirbydog

  1. As said-most of the Taylor River below the reservoir is private land and the fishing just below the dam is almost always crowded. It has some big fish but they all have graduate degrees in avoiding the hook.
  2. Bear, Your gonna like the suffix-make sure you get the 832 as they make another braid that's not as good. The suffix works better on a spinning reel than anything I have tried.
  3. I use a fluro or mono leader on braid-only exception is when I'm dragging jigs in deep water-I figure the fish can't really tell at that depth.
  4. The guys that argue that zebra mussels are gonna hurt the balance of things have yet to put up any science or factual data to support it. They just do the sky is falling deal and tell us we aren't smart enough to see the what they see. Get over it Quillback, its gonna be OK.
  5. We've had them in lakes/reservoirs I fish here in CO for years-I've yet to see any difference in the fishing. And we have them in some lakes I fish down in Texas with the same result. Here in CO we have boat inspections before launching at most of our bigger lakes. About the only thing it accomplishes is to create some more gov't jobs.
  6. Silver and gold with a white or silver skirt for me. Sometimes a skirt with a little chartreuse in it if the water is stained. With a spinnerbait I think you're getting a reaction strike and color doesn't matter all that much cause a fish mostly reacts to the flash and vibration. ..
  7. Thanks guys. Lake OZ during the colder months has always been (for me anyway) a great lake to fish a finesse jig. I consider myself good with a jig but just don't seem to have the patience to pause a jerkbait for 30+ seconds. Guess I'm gonna have to learn to slow down with a jerk as I've always read thats the best thing you can throw during the winter.
  8. Like I said-been to Oz many times over the years and never really minded the boat traffic-especially if I was there after Sept or before Memorial day. But I know what you mean-out on the main lake channel it can get interesting.
  9. Retired, living in CO but we want to get a second home either on Lake Oz or Tablerock. Mostly we'll be there during the cooler months-Oct/Nov thru April. I'm thinking Tablerock will fish better thru the winter months but don't really know that. Looks like their lows during the winter months are 5 degrees warmer. Been to Lake Oz many times over the years and really love the lake so this is a hard decision.
  10. The important point here and one that I've thought about for myself- as you get older you want to actually be on the lake because some day you may be too old to drive but not too old to walk down to your boathouse/slip and get in your boat and fish Nothing like walking down your back-yard and stepping in your boat for convenience. Cause some day, God willing you'll be 85 or 90 years old and trailering won't be an option anymore.
  11. Oh, by the way, I've been a Casrdinals fan since the Lou Brock, Curt Flood, Bob Gibson, Julian Javier days.
  12. Was letting Pujols go to the Angels. By anybodys definition he has been a bust there-batting I think around 250. If the Cardinals had met his demands that would have tied their hands in going after any other players to make the club playoff ready last year or this year or beyond. Maybe this has already been talked about and sorry if this is in the wrong section but the way things have turned out was almost predictable-high profile, mega money trades have a habit of not working out. Pujols gave St Louis many great years and helped them to two Series titles but in essence, we traded a guy who just doesn't have the stuff he had 3-4 years ago. If you look at his numbers in St louis, they were down from his peak years and declining. Meanwhile, the Cardinals have the best record in baseball. And their farm system looks solid-they will be a playoff contending team for the forseeable future.
  13. To the poster that said alot of these conversations end up in a political, liberal vs. conservative argument, I couldn't agree more. I am on a number of other fishing sites that are very loosely moderated and almost anything goes. But the thing they have in common is they all tell you to leave your politics and your religion at home. There are other sites for that. What began as a conversation about who carries (or not) and why de-generated into an argument about Obama, Romney, Ryan, Clint, whose fault it is the eeconomy is bad, and on and on. Because the thing about arguing politics is you're almost never gonna change someones mind so all it ends up being is venting. I'm waiting for the day somebody posts about fishing line and we end up arguing about abortion.
  14. As said, I fish all my deep cranks with braid. Not recommending it for everyone-but its what works for me. I set the drag on the light side to give the bait some give on the strike. And I throw 15 lb braid which has a 4 lb diameter-I believe I'm getting just as deep with this set-up as I would throwing 10 or 12 lb fluro. And you get that crank back from 99% of the snags you'll get. They say its 15 lb test but I'm guess its closer to 20-25.
  15. You don't say where the line was breaking and how old it is. 10lb is a little light for 3/4 oz IMO. I'd go with 12 lb. If the rod is rated for 5/8 and under the nyour stressing it a bit with a 3/4 lure but I don't see where that would cause the line to break. Also, assuming the cranks were floaters, you should have gotten them back. I throw all my deep cranks on braid-haven't lost a crank in months.
  16. I'm a huge fan-have been since the Bob Gibson, Lou Brock, Curt Flood days. Last 4 games they've scored one run. They were playing good ball and on their way to getting that 2nd wild card spot or better-now, who knows. Everything seems to have changed since the collision at home with Molina. I know teams go thru bad stretches and I'll always be a fan but 1 run in 4 games for a team with 4 or 5, 300 hitters just seems unreal. I've been wondering about Matheny-LaRussa is HARD to replace, maybe harder then I even imagined.
  17. Probably a dumb question-but if you don't have a concealed carry permit, is it OK to have a gun on your person that is clearly visible-say in a holster outside of your clothes. Guess my point is, IMO, a bad situation if far less likely to escalate if people can see that you are armed.
  18. du du du ,du du, du du du du. Don't carry but its been on my mind lately. There are some strange people out there and now that I'm older I'm less confident of how I would do if there were a physical confrontation.
  19. Chief, I'm sure we'll be revisiting this in Dec.
  20. So all you guys who are picking them to be 7-5 or 8-4 are gonna come on here and tell why they're 4-8 in Dec. Right? Saying the Big 12 is a better conference than the SEC is dislusional thinking. Been a Razorback fan for 40 yrs, my wife bleeds LSU. I can remember the bowl game where OK would have been national champion-all they had to do was beat Arkansas and they got spanked 31-6. 1973 or 1974 . Thats how far back I go. Don't get me wrong MIszou will be a good add to the SEC, just don't see them having alot of success for 3-4 yrs.
  21. Agreed-Missouri is in WAY over their head. But hopefully being in the SEC will help with recruiting and that will help over the long run. Over the short run its gonna be brutal.
  22. AA, Your posts scream out for spell-check.
  23. Never had one but the wife tells me they are very good sandwiches. Its amazing to me the world we live in. Some people were born to protest and act outraged. All I want to do is go fishing more.
  24. There are some big trout in there-only difference I would make is going up to 6 lb line.
  25. Been fooling around with this rig for a couple of months now. Trying different weights, hooks and baits. My hook-up ration was bad at first but getting better. Thing I like about it, you get down to the bottom in a hurry and keep the bait in the fishes face (assuming they are on the bottom). Has been a good summer tactic. Took me a few weeks to realize a sweep set was better than hauling back and crossing their eyes. Also figured out its easy to over-work the bait, better to shake it a little, not alot. Be interested in what others have found. I've caught fish on everything from a wacky rigged senko to finess worms-the latter seem to get more bites. Drop shotting seems like it will be a really good wintertime presentation-again,assuming the fish aren't suspended. Seems like it will be a great way to get at my spots and smallies when they're 35-45 ft deep.
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