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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. This maybe wrong but the line I pull out and is laying by my feet is in front of my hand not behind it. I know it's a practice thing but when I was doing it the other way and not holding it at all I would loose the loop when trying to get it under my fingers. You are right though I shouldn't be creating bad habits that I have to break/unlearn in the future. - Thanks
  2. Was out this afternoon practicing again, started with about 20' out then increased it to 25' was doing a fairly good, so I went to 27.5' still not doing to bad. When I felt this looked pretty good I went to the full 30' was able to keep it in the air with the loop not looking to bad but then it began to decenacrate so I would stop go back to 25' & start over. During this I paid close attention to my wrist so it didn't break over on the back cast. I counted 1, 2 on both the front cast & back. Was going to video it so I could look later and see if it looked like I thought at the time but it was getting late and daylight was disappearing fast. Yes Al all your suggestions as well as the others has helped a ton. Also have the book "Troubleshooting the Cast" by Ed Jaworwski which I'm hoping as well. Thanks everyone.......
  3. The streamer box is cool, did you tie all those? I think you can buy tounge depressors at a craft store.
  4. Oh cool it shouldn't take long for my name to float to the top and I start getting the $5 spots......... :-) Checks in the mail as they say, my guess is Saturday or Monday
  5. I figured it would take a bunch of practice before I was ready for any water, practicing in the yard is how I learned to baitcast too. Went to the park today, more room than in the yard. Worked on keeping my wrist straight and the rod traveling in a straight line. Had a wrist brace on but in another video I was able to see most of the casting happening with my wrist. If I let out about 20 ft of line I can make it look pretty good, start letting out more and I can see the loop going to the dogs. Appears to loose speed and just falls apart. I can get out about 25 ft before this starts happening. Was false casting out to the side so I could see the loop a little easier.
  6. Can't go wrong at that price I'll take one.
  7. I tried Al's excerise yesterday, it wasn't as easy as it sounds, wasn't to bad with about 20 ft out but with 30 things would get crazy.? I tried using one of those elastic band with sayings on them that were the rage a while back. It helps in keeping the wrist straight but isn't perfect. Saw a YouTube video about casting to use about a 1/3 of a roll of toilet paper, slip the tube over the rod handle and hold it in place with your arm. Spent a lot of time picking up the TP roll. :-) Got some more work to do I know I have to train the muscles in my arm and this will take awhile so I'll keep plugging along.
  8. That's not strange it's just downright rude.
  9. Welcome Brent, great place to hangout and learn a few things along the way.
  10. Tongue depressors, might be a little but could be ripped to proper width. The one I have are 3/4x6
  11. I'm sure I could find something on that list that I need, OK want. Merry Christmas to all
  12. Those are cool looking. For compartments wonder if the lens for a drop ceiling light would work. I'm thinking of the ones that are little squares. I used some one time to make an aquarium filter.
  13. This might be a dumb question, when stripping out 30 ft if line does this include the leader?
  14. Took the RLS to Walker Lake Wednesday to try my luck at catching a few trout and get some practice in. While I was there I decided to video myself casting. The angle is a little strange as I laid the phone at my feet and videoed looking up from the ground. After watching the video I think I see a problem. Wondering if you see the same thing? http://youtu.be/JHtaaOMTYG8 Watching the video it looks to me like I'm using my wrist to cast more than my arm. Which is causing the back cast to go past 1 o'clock
  15. I heard that if you get 50 likes your PC will go up in smoke............. Boy are we off topic here or what?
  16. That's true Norm but some places there's more ad than content and the ads popup in your face while you're trying to read the content. Nothing pisses me off more than to be reading an article and a friggin ad pops up in your face and you have to click on it to continue reading. I normally block those places by clicking away and not returning. That is not the case here, the ads are there and for the most part about fishing. I do t find the ads here obtrusive at all. I do click on them from time to time and if I want to shop at one of the advertisers I will try and remember to start my shopping journey here.
  17. Took the new RLS out in the yard today between rain drops and did what Al suggested. It did help but as soon as I turned straight and tried it I was back to the more sloppy cast. Think I just need to keep doing it Al's way until I get the timing down.
  18. I read OA most of the time on the tablet and the ads are not blocked. Don't think they bare blocked on the laptop either, though I do at some places.
  19. Thanks Al I will give that a try, I have thought of video taping it to so I could see what I was doing. Was at Cabela's tonight and they had the RLS combo on sale so I picked one up, they had one setup in the store and it felt much lighter than the Wind River. The Cabela's clerk told me that if I call during the day they will give me casting lesson(s) for free. Can't hurt.
  20. Been thinking about trying g my hand at fly fishing for awhile. So on Black Friday I picked up a Cabela's Wind River Combo, 9' 6WT. I practiced with it in the yard for awhile using a practice fly & practice leader. Today I went to a local pond to try it with an actual fly. It seems to cast okay, they talk about feeling g the rod load which I don't seem to feel. I'm also thinking I should have bought a 5WT instead of the 6WT. I'll be fishing for trout in the urban stocking program at some local lakes and for sunfish & small bass (8"-15") for the most part. I'm thinking now that maybe I should have gotten a 5WT so I'm thinking about returning it and getting the same combo in a 5WT or upgrading to a 9' 5WT Cabela's RLS combo. Will I be able to tell the difference between the 5Wt & the 6Wt? Also would it be worth the upgrade to the RLS combo? Thanks
  21. On my spin cast & bait casters I use KVD L&L is it okay to use it on fly line, leaders & tippet? If not what would suggest?
  22. Thanks for the tip.
  23. That explains quite a bit, I've fished there several times over the summer and fall and did get hung at times but nothing like with the spinners and spoons, as you said they had treble hooks. Was using mostly plastic worms on me bass.
  24. I eat honey almost every day in my oatmeal. We buy pure honey from a local bee keeper, like it better than store bought.
  25. I ended up with #4 Moss Green. Went to Walker today and was catching fish on in lines & spoons. Tried floating a trout magnet, all I caught on it was a small 6" bass. My biggest problem was getting snagged and breaking the line getting it loose. Caught 7 nice trout & 2 small bass. Lost all the trout lures I had, so I had to go an replenish for tomorrow. Think I'll try Valasis tomorrow.
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