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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. Wish I was closer, if it was up STL way I'd be glad to help
  2. I have been fishing in a local neighborhood pond in the evening lately. The bite is pretty decent til 7 pm then it just stops as if someone turned off a switch. Normally fish senko style bait and junebug works well. Thought maybe it was color related so last night I tossed black, something. The water is clear to stained. Last night I even tried a small crankbait which has worked there in the past. Not sure there are any big fish in the pond, catch mainly 8-11" ones. Any suggestions on what to try?
  3. I have fished the acre pond a couple of times recently. I normally fish in the evening, the other night I went there a little earlier than normal, happened to cast out towards the fountain, got a bite. Threw out again, another bite. This went on for about a half hour the it just stopped. Went back last night, same thing. So now I have a theory, they are hanging around there during the day, then as evening arrives they start moving around. Got to go back now and test this theory out more.
  4. I had the Daiwa spincast , after a short period of time it wore a groove in the top hat the pin. This was using good mono. I agree get her a spinning reel, I use only Pfluger Presidents & Purist but started by using their Trion line.
  5. They used to have power boat races at George Winter Park in Fenton. Think they moved it to Creve Cour lake.
  6. LMAO To bad when he fell out of the kayak it didn't hit him in the head. Think the catfish needed to be fed.
  7. Great shots! We have 1 feeder but rarely see more than one feeding at a time. If one is feeding and another one flies up they will start chasing one another away.
  8. Browser cache makes since but tried using Chrome instead of Boat and had the same results. Think I need to try reading on the laptop and see what happens.
  9. If you want to river fish from the bank you might want to look at the Meramec in the Valley Park/Kirkwood/Fenton area.
  10. Changing it to last 24 hours made a big difference. I had it set to Since my last visit, that showed no new messages, last 24 hrs showed a bunch. Thanks
  11. I normally use my tablet to read the forums here. When I click View New Content I don't think I'm actually getting all the new content. For instance a couple of days ago I posted a question about fountains in ponds. After 24 hrs o so there weren't any replies, which I thought was odd. I then clicked on My Content and in fact there were new replies and replies to other threads that I had participated in. I thought maybe it was I had New Content bookmarked was the issue so this morning I went straight to the forums and then clicked View New Content, something, there were new replies in my content that didn't show with View new content. Can't imagine it's the browser but later I will try a different one just to see.
  12. The one pond the water temp is around 92 and no they weren't bitting anywhere. I fished the same pond last year with much better results. If I checked the water temp there last year at this time I don't remember what it was. The one pond is about a acre & the other is around 2.5.
  13. I would start By going to the Missouri Conservation Dept (www.Mcd.gov) go to the fishing section on the right you can search for mcd sites by county. Good place to start. Also try the parks dept for Jeff City, might be some overlap here. Google earth is another way to locate water in your area. After spotting it you will have to decide if it's public or not. Many times it will give you a name you can do a search on for further information.
  14. Floating fountain now that never crossed my mind moguy, but does make sense. Now that you say that as I look back the fountains appear the same no matter what the water level.
  15. There are fish in both ponds, I have caught them but not around the fountain..
  16. I fish a couple city park ponds that have a fountain in them, I assume to keep the water moving. My thoughts are that the water around the fountain would be the coolest and also hold the most oxagen so there should be fish around it. In both cases this doesn't seem to be the case. At least if they are there they are not biting. One pond the water is clear, the other it's between murky and muddy but more on the murky side. So what gives?
  17. If I stilled scuba dived I would, be a great way to see how fish react to different presentations & lures.
  18. Looks to me like he needs to go to the gym
  19. Not having much luck myself as of late. I normally fish plastic worms too. Been trying different presentation & colors bites & hookups few & far between. Tried some top water & cranks too. I'll just keep plugging away til the eater temp begins to drop. Welcome to the OAC
  20. We're happy for you. Always nice to fulfill a dream, enjoy.
  21. Great photo & kudos for exposing your girls to the outdoors. So many kids there days only go outside to walk to the car to go to the arcade. Wish more patents were like Clay, this world would be a better place.
  22. A friend of mine lives not to far from there so he and I decided to test the waters per say. We got there about 5:30 pm or so on my 4th or 5th cast I hooked a 12.5" lmb using a Smoke Shad Shim-E worm. Thought we were in for a good evening but that wasn't the case. That was the only fish caught by the 2 of us. There was a guy catching small sunfish but that's all that I saw being caught. Tried a junebug Rage Tail 7" thumper but it didn't produce either, nor did the green pumpkin. Tried the Spook, nothing. The water has a greenish cast and maybe 2/3rds of it is covered with green floating alage. Think the only thing that keeps it from completely covering the lake is the fountain in the middle. The side that was accessible had slabs of concrete throw in it, I'm guessing to create some cover but it sure made it easy to get hung up bouncing something off the bottom. Might have to give it another try when the weather cools some.
  23. I would have to agree, this is a friendly bunch, I think we can thank Phil and the other admins here for a very pleasant atmosphere, not to mention all the nice folks here.
  24. I actually saw someone in TR Friday in a canoe. I was at the state park by the marina. A 2 man canoe with one person in it, with the waves white capping from the boat traffic.
  25. I saw some YouTube videos on how to refill the butane but without pads that doesn't do much good. There is also a video about using an ARS pad which is a little smaller but claims to last just as long. The best price I've found so far has been $19.99 for the value pack.
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