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Everything posted by bwcballer10

  1. Yeah I went to Orleans Sunday morning and you could see probably 5 foot deep or more. That is way too clear for the little sac. The gauge at 215 hit 3000 cfs after the rain (it was 200 or so before the rain) yesterday. So it will definitely be muddied up. I'm just hoping it will be clear enough to catch some fish Friday after round 2 tomorrow. I am planning on floating 215 to Taylor.
  2. Congrats on catching some nice ones this weekend! This rain may finally push some fish up to the s-curves and above.
  3. Congrats on the walleye, 2 of those are better than a limit of whites! I got to Orleans at like 8:45 Sunday morning and walked up river towards Taylor. I caught a limit plus a couple more whites. On the way home I stopped at Taylor to see if there were any fish that far up. I caught 9 or 10 there in about an hour.
  4. Thanks for keeping an eye on it for me bologna lol. That's the only time I've been above Taylor this year, I was pretty shocked at how low the water was.
  5. Phillip and I floated 215 to Orleans last Sunday and he picked up a walleye out of that hole where we caught all those last year. If we can ever get a favorable 7 day forecast I had planned on trying to get together for an afternoon to see what kind of damage we can do.
  6. Chased the whites after work on Tuesday. I knew that the forecasted rain and cold would have them on the move again afterwards. I tried Taylor first but when I pulled up there were only a handful of rigs in the parking lot, never a good sign. After fishing for 20 minutes without a bite I jumped back in the car and headed to Orleans. I walked upstream towards Taylor and started picking up a fish here and there. Ended up with my limit and threw back 4 dinks over the next 2 hours. Hopefully eventually we will get consistent warm weather and our nights will stop dipping into the 30's so that the water temps will stabilize, gotta love spring time in the Ozarks!
  7. I was looking at my fish log for this year, we have cleaned 54 crappie this spring from the little sac... they all came from the same hole.
  8. Met a buddy at Frisco Line bridge after worked and we walked in and headed downstream. I had been messaging and talking with MNtransplant on the forum for a couple of years. I finally got to meet him in person and fish with him for a couple of hours last night. He met us over there a little bit later. He is a great guy and I was glad to be able to pass along a little bit of the info that I have gained from fishing the little sac for 13 or 14 years. The fish even cooperated decently. My buddy and I walked straight to the spot where we have found some crappie this year. We ended up catching 14 big enough to throw on a stringer, when we started catching all smalls we switched gears and started fishing for whites. MNtransplant met us right as we were switching to fish for whites. We started walking back up towards the Frisco trail and picking up some whites here and there. My buddy had to get back early so he headed towards the car. MNtransplant and I fished a deeper hole for the last 45 minutes of light or so and picked up a few walleye and some more whites. We ended the evening with 30-35 whites, 14 keeper crappie and several small ones, and 10 walleye. Only 5 of our walleye were keepers but that is the most total walleye myself or my group has caught in a single trip. The crappie all came on a white and chartreuse swimmin minnow on a 1/16 ounce leadhead while the whites and walleye were on a purple swimmin minnow on an 1/8 ounce leadhead.
  9. There is a riffle or 2 that I would suggest walking your canoe/kayak through because of some hazards in the water but the flow is just about perfect right now. The riffle right after Frisco line trail, I would definitely pull onto the gravel bar on the left side of river and walk through it. It is by far the most hazardous between 215 and Taylor.
  10. I walked in at Frisco line trail last night and actually caught 4 walleye. 2 were keepers and then one went 14 and another 14 and a half. We are floating this afternoon from 215 to Taylor. I really wish there was a way I could get off work this Friday to tag along for your float. Good luck!
  11. Haha trythisone there is no time stamp so this picture could be from Wednesday or not... the guy beside me said he had watched 5 limits (not counting mine) come out from around him and I watched several being caught in the 45 minutes i was there. He also said an older gentleman had kept some in a bucket but decided he didn't want to clean them when he got done so he just dumped them in the water. I counted 9 dead ones, not cool. 8 of the 15 I cleaned were females actually.
  12. Spent yesterday afternoon chasing whites. I headed to where I had been catching them for the last week. I fought the wind for a couple of hours and never even got a bite. Packed up and headed to Orleans, caught one big female in the eddy above bridge. In a last ditch effort stopped at Taylor on the way home. It was 5 by the time I got there. Proceeded to catch 17 in about 45 minutes. I could not believe that many had made it up that far already. If we get the rain they are talking about and avoid a major cold snap it will be time to start floating 215 to Taylor next week!
  13. Caught a 7 and 1/2 pounder below 215 bridge on the little sac 4 or 5 years ago in September on a shad colored swimming minnow
  14. Walked in at Frisco line trail bridge first thing Friday morning. River was rolling and muddy which was to be expected of course. I walked as far down river as you can and never even got a bite. I assumed the river hadn't been muddy long enough for the fish to get used to it. So while I was there I figured I would wade slagle from the gravel road to the mouth of the creek and see if they were stacked up at the mudline. 4th or 5th cast I hook something big that breaks me off but that was the only bite I got. So at this point i am pretty bummed because I assume the skunk is happening. I make the long walk back to the truck. Before I take off for the house I decided to try the creek below Taylor. Get there and try for a few minutes, still zero bites. "Yep the water is too muddy but I'll give the mud bank above the creek a shot". I have caught lots of fish there in the past. So my 3rd cast i hook a nice female white. Proceed to catch some nice ones before the rain started. Once the rain started the bite stopped. I had on the waders and raincoat so I fished for 30 minutes or so in the rain, never got another bite. Finished with 13 keepers and 10 dinks.
  15. No problem, happy to help any way that I can. It sounds like the fishing turned on a little bit at least towards dark. The 2 guys that were with me don't fish very often but I could only manage 9 whites and a walleye yesterday. They added a couple more whites and walleye so it definitely could have been a worse day. Hopefully we still have a couple weeks of whites in the river and hopefully this warm weather this week will help to make it more consistent. Good luck everyone!
  16. Put in at Taylor and went up river above the s curves this morning. Found lots of fish scattered a little bit of everywhere, no big concentration in any one spot but I did catch 50 or 51 with 20 of those being the little dink males. It was a fantastic way to spend my Tuesday!
  17. It isn't a very long float. You can make it as long or as short as you want just depending on how much fishing you do. When we fish it pretty hard it usually takes us in between 4 and 5 hours. When the water gets above 1000 cfs the current can certainly make it quicker. But right now the lake is pushed up past Taylor so the current stops around or above the s curves
  18. It is just starting I believe. I think the next couple weeks will be on fire!
  19. A few years back somebody caught one just below Taylor.
  20. Nope it was for sure a musky Wrench. When my father in law first saw it he thought it was a short nose gar but then we drifted right over the top of it and there was no mistaking it was a musky. We used to fish a heated dock on pomme right by the dam and one of those things would swim by and turn the crappie bite completely off.
  21. We did pull into slagle creek and fish for a second today. Father in law looked down and said "what is that?" It was a big musky laying there in about 2 and a half feet of crystal clear water right underneath the boat... CRAZY!!!
  22. There was 9 rigs parked at 215 when we stopped to unload the boat. We floated from 215 to Taylor and ended up with 20 nice ones and several dinks between 3 of us. We had been Monday, Thursday and Friday this week and this was by far our slowest day of the week.
  23. I had planned on going Friday with my father in law but the river went from about 380 cfs to 1400 with our rain yesterday. That will make it pretty muddy for a few days. I think we will hold off and try Sunday instead. Later into the run I would say just go and fish the mudlines at the feeder creeks. But this early in the game I would say the water going from crystal clear to muddy is going to make fishing tough. It sounds like wherever you decide to try Saturday morning you better bring the rain gear.
  24. The little sac river is closer to Springfield. Take highway 13 N out of town to highway 215 at Brighton and take a left on 215. Take that through morrisville and then 3 or 4 miles outside of town highway 215 crosses the river. That hole directly below the bridge is the best walleye hole I have found on the river. If you stay on highway 215 after crossing the river there is a little paved road S 60th on the right, take that until it It's, take a right and Taylor bridge is right there. Lots of bank space there up and down the river to fish. If you take a left at the T, follow it until it T's then take a right and it T's again almost immediately, make another right and follow that to an old wooden bridge that is no longer open (Orleans bridge). Another great spot with bank access is walking into the river at the Frisco line trail bridge. After you take 215 through morrisville on the right side of the road right before you get to the 215 bridge is S 86th (gravel road). The Frisco line trail intersects it after 2 miles or so. You can walk in to the river on the trail and lots of bank access walking down river. Generally the whites run all the way to the 215 bridge. If you look at all of this on Google maps you can kind of see how far each bridge is from the other and how far from Stockton lake they are. Let me know if you need any other info.
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