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Everything posted by *T*

  1. Good point. I've asked that question of Mo. Dept. of Conservation. Hopefully this re-post clears up the formatting of information Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Small Game Hunting Permit, Migratory Bird Hunting Permit, and Conservation Order Permit. Deer and turkey hunting privileges are not included. A federal duck stamp is required for hunting waterfowl. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $275.00 Age 16-29 $400.00 Age 30-39 $350.00 Age 40-59 $300.00 Age 60-64 $35.00 Resident Lifetime Fishing Permits This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Fishing Permit and the Trout Permit. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $275.00 Age 16-29 $400.00 Age 30-39 $350.00 Age 40-59 $300.00 Age 60-64 $35.00 Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner (Hunting and Fishing) Permits This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Hunting and Fishing Permit, Trout Permit, Migratory Bird Hunting Permit and Conservation Order Permit. Deer and turkey hunting privileges are not included. A federal duck stamp is required for hunting waterfowl. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $550.00 Age 16-29 $800.00 Age 30-39 $700.00 Age 40-59 $600.00 Age 60-64 $70.00
  2. From Mercury website: Are Mercury engines compatible with ethanol fuels? The fuel-system components of Mercury engines will withstand up to 10 percent ethanol in gasoline - the maximum level currently allowed by the EPA in the U.S. There are some efforts to establish E-20 (20 percent ethanol mixed with 80 percent gasoline) for use in some areas, but that will require agreement from EPA to grant a waiver. Part of the EPA waiver process will require verification from studies that demonstrate that higher levels of ethanol do not create problems with fuel-system materials or operation of hardware. E-20 has not been extensively studied by Mercury and is not acceptable for use in Mercury products. E-85 fuels must not be used in any Mercury engines and could seriously damage current Mercury products. It is not legal in the U.S. to market any ethanol fuel as gasoline if it contains more than 10 percent ethanol. Don't know if this relates to older(?) engines and/or fuel line components though.
  3. When I turned 60, many years ago, I purchased a Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner (Hunting and Fishing) Permit for $70. Once I turned 65, I no longer needed a fishing or small game hunting permit, as long as I had my driver's lisence on me for proof of my age. I would still need Trout Stamp, if I had not purchased Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner (Hunting and Fishing) Permit. From age 60 thru 65 there was some cost savings to be had on permits, as well as never needing to purchase another Trout Stamp. And a great gift to a youngster, age 15 or under would be a Lifetime Fishing ($275), Hunting ($275) or both ($550) permit. Have a good day! Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Small Game Hunting Permit, Migratory Bird Hunting Permit, and Conservation Order Permit. Deer and turkey hunting privileges are not included. A federal duck stamp is required for hunting waterfowl. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $275.00 Age 16-29 $400.00 Age 30-39 $350.00 Age 40-59 $300.00 Age 60-64 $35.00 Resident Lifetime Fishing Permits This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Fishing Permit and the Trout Permit. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $275.00 Age 16-29 $400.00 Age 30-39 $350.00 Age 40-59 $300.00 Age 60-64 $35.00 Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner (Hunting and Fishing) Permits This permit carries the same privileges as the Resident Hunting and Fishing Permit, Trout Permit, Migratory Bird Hunting Permit and Conservation Order Permit. Deer and turkey hunting privileges are not included. A federal duck stamp is required for hunting waterfowl. PERMIT TYPE FEE Age 15 and under $550.00 Age 16-29 $800.00 Age 30-39 $700.00 Age 40-59 $600.00 Age 60-64 $70.00
  4. Nice! Mostly Dam/Long Creek area? Good mix of baits you got bit on too.
  5. What would be the recommended color of basket to use in murky water as in that situation, custom paint job? And should I go for a suspending version?
  6. Used spin-rite 25 + years ago for giant spots on table rock. Availability made me change to l'George.
  7. replace hooks or at least open them out afew degrees
  8. Sshhhh, 1/4 oz silver, hammered body Little George..
  9. dtrs, no need to be bringing up the spin-rite, (only needs some real hooks)!
  10. *T*


    Green head, 4th from top is really nice. What hooks are you using?
  11. Have a 4" Floater & a 4" Slow-sinker and have also missed way too many fish in the spring. Don't know if it was how they were taking the bait in post spawn last year or what?? That's a big hook hanging off of the belly. If they are grabbing the tail, no hook-up. Wondering down-sizing hook one size might help? More subtle wake action on the Floater than the Fin but definitely very alive looking. Smaller version looks vg also and maybe better hook-ups?
  12. Wow, next thing you know you'll be telling me moon phases, moon rise/set impacts fish activity, or even lenght of daylight, angle of the sun!
  13. Whoa, those are 4 serious bites!!
  14. On Table Rock, had two 4-15oz (spinner bait) and two 4-6oz (spook) as my best on spotted bass. And just cant break the 4lb ceiling on SM. Had 3 or 4 that went 3-15 (jigs & grubs). TRock LM, just 6-15 (#8 ShadRap) for me. Meanmouth in 3-1/4# range and Walleye never hit 20" mark. That being said, hope to update some of those numbers in 2014!!
  15. This is not about bragging at all but brought it up on another thread. What are some personal bests on Table Rock on overall size Lm, spots, SM, walleye. And, if not recent, how many years ago. Include fish caught by partners you fished with if you like. I'd bet there's some interest inwhat you have to say.
  16. 7lb-8oz Spot? That's quite a fish. Knew of it, but just imagining its dimensions blows me away. On Table Rock, had two 4-15s and two 4-6s as my best on spots. And just cant break the 4lb ceiling on SM. 3 or 4 that went 3-15. TRock LM, just 6-15 for me. I'm interested in personal bests for others at TRock ?
  17. Sure are some great suggestions here for new fishermen, and some hilarious ones. Kinda thinking post #1 had it right though. Oh.....wait a minute.......
  18. Hmmm...I don't know about that last sentence. Maybe it's the kid in me but just can't get over pulling on the line and having something pull back. Gets me every time. Puzzle analogy is real though.
  19. Saw this BIG, black furry creature swimming across the lake, think it was Jackson Hollow, told my partner, "First bear I've ever seen on Table Rock!" Sure looked like one. When it got to the other side it started barking at us. BIG, near black german shepherd. Had me convinced for a bit though. Dang, another hijacked thread!? Sorry.
  20. Let me start with a few thoughts of my own, but please chime in: 1) Be aware of seasonal patterns/movements of species you are after on the waters you are fishing, as well as their food sources. 2) Understand baits commonly used successfully on those waters and how they are used there. 3) Have decent, appropriate equipment and develop familiarity with it. 4) Recognize what is happening on the end of you line at all times. (Can't emphasize this enough. Don't miss out on bites when you get them.) 5) Stay after them. All fishermen struggle at times but persistence seperates the average from the good from the very good. Uhhh.........hard to stop at 5. 6) Fish with and learn from an experienced person or a skilled guide.
  21. Lake of the Ozarks, March, 2010, 34ยบ with freezing rain & sleet accunulating on boat & on me and partner, plus a constant 20-25 mph wind. Ended up weighing 3 or 4. Can't really remember. Brain froze up that day. Would prefer minimum 45-50 &some sun.
  22. No arguement from me there. That's why tackle stores do a good business when I'm around. And why the deck of my boat gets too crowded with rods most days I'm fishing.
  23. Well I, for one, am totally on board with the grub/swimmer bite. Just sayin`, lot of options in May depending on what you prefer to do.
  24. This is a bait fish don't see real often but I have also had great bite with it in May in secluded spawning coves. Spawn & post-spawn shallow fish are suckers for it. Cast near bedding areas, let the bait sit, if you see fish showing interest, give bait slightest twitch. But May offers probably most options of the year. Check back here early May for current report.
  25. My color choice is based on lots of factors with one being the confidence factor. Sun/clouds, flat water/slight chop/big wind, water clarity, water temp, plus what type of bite I or others have been experiencing. Late winter/early spring I'm not afraid to go with brighter, whiter, more flashy colors for those more undisturbed fish. This goes also when there is an aggressive bite ongoing. Later spring bite, especially in clear water, (finicky fish) I like more subtle colors or more transparent baits. That being said, I could fish aurora black, chartreuse shad, ghost minnow, pro blue standards most any time, as those have produced so well in the past. Always ready to try new colors & baits though. Bait size comes into play at times also. Patiently watching the weather for that first 3-4 day warming spell. Get ready.
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