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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. ^^ That's the whole point of having a Conservation Commission that's as insulated as possible from partisan politics. Manage my fish and game resources based on science, please and thank you.
  2. So do I. I'm sticking with the thought that anybody with a map can find anyplace they want to get to and fish. And about the internet age comment - google and google earth make it so easy to figure out how to get to where you want to go as to make it laughable to try and keep your spots a secret. What creates pressure on a given body of water is much more where it is in relation to population centers and how easy it is to get to the accesses. And outfitters, more than anything else.
  3. Very nice.
  4. I'm 60. Grew up in Nevada. Went to school at MSSC after a hitch in USMC. Bought my first canoe in 1973 or maybe 1974. You can get the rest of my resume' face to face someday, the Good Lord willing and the creek gives us a decent rise.
  5. Oh come on. This is the age of the internet. Like I said and I'm sticking with it, anybody who has a map can find any creek and furthermore, almost any access.
  6. I don't pay anybody to fish with me. And that admission is also worth the price. Maybe not well worth though. But I might need a shuttle some day. Do you do that too?
  7. If I could get a cheap Yeti, I would. I mean who wouldn't want the best at a great price? Enjoy the float. It's been 20 years plus but my bestest buddy and I did a five day Buffalo/White River float. What a great time that was. Except for the running out of ice part. Thank goodness we were smart enough to bring along some good red wine. We were green as grass about the White River at the time. Pulled the boat out at Buffalo City and walked upstream to see if the campground was open and maybe had some ice. It was abandoned. When we got back, the boat was gone! The river had risen about two feet in less than an hour. God loves me though, and the canoe was twirling around and around in an eddy about 200 yards downstream. That was the last time I ever left a boat untied that was not in sight at all times.
  8. I'm about to the point I need to wet a line or wet the bed. darn work anyway. Going to Memphis this weekend to hunt the little dogs and to Nevada next weekend to visit my dear mother. After that, I'll be able to get out again. Thanks a lot for making it even worse.
  9. That would have made me update my avatar too!.. Nice one man.
  10. Tiny Torpedo is an old river fave of mine. So is a Pop - R. So is a Hula Popper. I like small Strike King spinner baits. I like small buzz baits. On the spinner and buzz baits, any color skirt is fine as long as it's blue and chartreuse. Or maybe white once in a while.
  11. Anybody with a map already knows how to find creeks. Thanks for the report cullinby, that's one of my favorite areas to fish too. And about only 5% catching fish. Last time I was on Beaver, there was a group of drunk rednecks and their kids (not drunk) fishing and keeping everything with gills. Those kids and their worms definitely put a serious whipping on the hole they were camped on. Pressure is pressure.
  12. So you were pulling my leg all along. I thought so.
  13. Just think of the arrow heads you'll be able to find.
  14. I miss Harold Ensley even worse.
  15. How many nights would it take to clean out a good hole anyway. I mean if someone were so intentioned. Not many.
  16. You're lucky you didn't get snakebit.
  17. If you will recall, I believe the bent of this thread to the Smallmouth v. Spots discussion largely arose from some comments I made about having a problem with keeping smallmouth and if I wanted some fish to keep and I could choose spotted bass I would. Where is the whoops?
  18. It's like that over here on the Finley too. I suggest maybe going down to the Buffalo or something.
  19. That suggestion somehow sounds familiar.
  20. That's really funny.
  21. ^^ And that's why if we're out on the river & I want to cook some fish and I can take spotted bass, I will.
  22. Sorry man, I'll take Bill Pfleiger's words as the most likely correct ones about fish in Missouri.
  23. According to those losers at USGS, a whole lot of places. http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?speciesID=397
  24. Well, if you believe those losers at MDC: "Introduced populations of spotted bass tend to replace the smallmouth through hybridization and competition". And I happen to be a great admirer of smallmouth bass.
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