If I could get a cheap Yeti, I would. I mean who wouldn't want the best at a great price?
Enjoy the float. It's been 20 years plus but my bestest buddy and I did a five day Buffalo/White River float. What a great time that was. Except for the running out of ice part. Thank goodness we were smart enough to bring along some good red wine.
We were green as grass about the White River at the time. Pulled the boat out at Buffalo City and walked upstream to see if the campground was open and maybe had some ice. It was abandoned. When we got back, the boat was gone! The river had risen about two feet in less than an hour. God loves me though, and the canoe was twirling around and around in an eddy about 200 yards downstream. That was the last time I ever left a boat untied that was not in sight at all times.