I was raised by two single women - Mother and Grandmother. Hard workers both of them. They taught me a lot about life, one of the important things being - care about your own future, don't rely on others to take care of you.
Stuck with me too, even as a young married man I always focused on caring for the family, our place and our future. It took a while but by my 30's I was able to live beneath my means and save with IRA and 401K while employed by others and ultimately working for myself. The failure of Social Security was preached about then and I believed I would likely never see much if anything from that quarter. Glad I was wrong but had I been right we still would be OK. Not wealthy by any means but solid comfortable retirement where we can do pretty well what we please.
The day I quit working for a paycheck from others changed everything for the better. Tough work life but I always maxed out retirement savings contributions - even if it meant a staycation instead of a vacation. Selling the business two years ago was the crowning achievement that put us out of worrying about money.
It's hard for me to work up much sympathy for the able bodied people of our country who are like grasshoppers only living for today and don't have any actual retirement plan other than hope. Good luck nonetheless.