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Wayne SW/MO

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Everything posted by Wayne SW/MO

  1. Well that's a change worthy of a complaint. That gives the wintering smallmouth no protection. I don't understand the MDC sometimes, fishing is suppose to be a sport and not an easy harvest.
  2. You'll have to be outside the boundry to be legal. I would look for deep water. Is the hole at Riverfront still there?
  3. It really depends on the use. Obviously the 7 mag has more range and killing power, but do you need it? Both are flat shooters and the the 7 is pretty popular among elk hunters in OR, but many consider it borderline. I have no idea what you mean by 90 grain shell and 280 grain?
  4. Any form of acid will will help. Wine, lemon juice or a vinegar for no more than 4 hours will help. You can also use Accent, which is MSG. The only thing about MSG is if you're one of the few who get headaches from it, but it isn't bad for you otherwie. If it was the Asians would all be dead early, instead of late. A little rough treatment helps break it down also. If nothing else beat it with a cast iron pan. Don't forget to identify the grain and cut across it.
  5. While every species has it's limits, I've always used 50 as a guide. Obviously there is some leeway, but this isn't far off in my opinion.
  6. I don't what it pays, but I'm sure some local TV will come his way, not to mention some bargaining power if he's sucessful.
  7. Piper's has a pontton and a small bass boat that he rents. Might be another small boat, can't remmeber for sure. Well his site says he has them all. He is on 176 just to the east of Rockaway. Nice guy. http://pipersresort.com/boatsmotors.html I think Edgewater in Ozark Beach does also. Pipers woud put you closer to Cedar point and Forsyth and Edgewater, if they have rentals, would put yiu closer to the dam.
  8. Steckel said in an interview that he thought the trend was to draft younger men to head coahing positions. He said he thought at his age this was a good start for him.
  9. Interesting that Bo Pelini went to an FCS. He's from Ohio though and maybe tired of the big league BS. I don't tink OU will push Stoops, but some of the defensive games really brought Mike Stoops abilities in to question. Baylor was a good example. If you didn't see it, He pulled the DB's back and gave the receaivers a 6 and 7 cushion. Petty walked down the field just taking what he was given. You can't give an outstanding QB a flat footed receiver 7 or 8 yards down field, he won't miss.
  10. I've never quite understood the mentality of firing a coach because of a failure to win a major championship or because of a bad season. Pinkel has done a very good job with what he has to work with. I'm sure some will be ready to replace Stoops after this year. I think Mike Stoops should go, but 2 of his losses this year came down to missed kicks by one of the best in the league and a QB who is inconsistant, but without a ready replacement. The last loss they were without 3 key offensive players, which is very unusual.
  11. True and I would go one farther for the sake of the fans and just list 6 or 8 teams alphabetically that they feel are in the running.
  12. I was simply pointing out that there is no great risk in playing a few of another division. I think this makes the argument that not having a playoff a plus is BS. he commitee may have gotten it right, but the constant be about strength of schedule, can't be measured early, and the strength of non conference just didn't hold water. if theyw ant treu power they have to judge on things other then what can't be controled. They knocked TCU and Baylor over Olahomas demise, but if they did their homework they would have known that K State got a gift win and the last game was without most of their offensive leaders. OK wasn't struggling when they played TCU or Baylor. Sorry quillback, but that doesn't say Conference Playoffs won. While I don't really agree with the dual chamions, both teams did only suffer one defeat in the conference and they played 9 of them, which happens to be the same number of conference teams played by OSU< AL and OR. As it turned out OR played AZ twice. The same thing has happened in the past when there are playoffs.
  13. I think the no playoff argument is a cop out. The reality is that with enough teams to have a playoff you can avoid some teams. Alabam is #1, but they also didn't play GA, or FL and SC which have been strong in years past. The Big 12 teams can't escape a matchup because they play all the teams. Saying this is an advantage is assinine. The same argument about no clear champion was bogus. The committe knew, if they did their home work, that Baylor beat TCU head to head.
  14. I hate to predict so I won't, but I will point out that "great" Ohio State teams have had their butt handed to them in the past. If they didn't like the Big 12 format they should have said so early on. The reasonng they came up with eliminated them from the start. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Alabama for instance, I didn't look at the others, played its share of cream puffs also and they didn't play Georgia. They critizized Baylor for doing what they all do.
  15. I can't believe you think a football palyer isn't anymore physically strees than a soccer or basketball player.
  16. I dont think FSU deserves to be in, but I'm sure they'll make it. They haven't beaten anyone and struggled against far to many teams. think Baylor deserves a spot, but it probably won't happen.
  17. Oregon probably has the best defense in the "group". The other contenders tend to rely on offense, but Oregon does appear to have both.
  18. You overlook things like TV schedules F&F. The pros broadcast every game, but colleges don't and it isn't an overnight process. You may think football is no more stressful, but the prefessionals invloved don't agree with you.
  19. Table Rock is the key. Taney can't hold any water from TR generation so you can be assured that there will be a flow when TR is releasing water. I my experince the 3 hour delay is right on.
  20. You have just introduced an opinion. I don't think the NFL model is a good one, at least when it comes to which teams are the strongest. The very fact that they change strength of schedule every year according to the previous year insures that the playoffs will shift from year to year, and they do. College players don't have the luxury of waiting. It's true that some teams manage to stay near the top year after year, but in the end the mix of teams with various test muddies the water What is wrong with a well written computer program that takes into account strength of schedule? There would be no opinion allowed unless a team had a major change very late in the season. Everyone says that FSU doesn't play anyone and that would show up if the model was written right. A team like TCU, who lost a very close game to a one loss team would get a boost as they should. I would hope that in the long run a strength of schedule criteria would bring some teams to drop some of the easy games and look for some lifting competition.
  21. I agree, but only because it will show that they have risen above their schedule late in the season. That's one of the flaws that can be overcome with a playoff, but there still has to be a way to pick that is free of opinion. Lets face it, the method the pros use sucks because every year they rig the matchups for the next year. A does good, they get a tougher schedule the next year and so forth.
  22. Well we can only look at this year or the past, but this year points out the flaw. What would Arkansas's record be if they were playing in the east? While I believe 8 teams are plenty, I don't think there is a perfect way to pick, but I will always belive the computer rankings come closes and they are hard to argue with. The fact is that you example of how MU and AU could play would take into account the disparity in the competition. I think a program coud be written that would take into account, strength of schedule, offense and defense productivity, give credit for close games and take away for blow outs. One advantage for us, the fans, might be that the hungry teams might decide to play fewer cream puffs and that would be a good thing. It would be nice to see teams like Arkansas, Alabama, Mizzou, Oklahoma and the like shed a couple of their easy games and challenge the midwest and the west coast for instance.
  23. So Missouri would play 3 teams without 5 or more losses and Arkansas would play 3 teams with 5 or more losses? Where is that an even schedule?
  24. But you still have to pick 8 and if you 16 you still have to pick 16. I belive there were 128 teams at the start of the season and now 4 have to be picked. The computer can do something that humans can't and that is look at all the teams quickly and compare competition. Yes they are emotionless and impartial, both of which have no place in the final say. It would be easy enough to overcome the one disadvantage it has, and that is a major change in a teams structure. I could see OSU or FSU being downgraded if they lost their QB's very late. Even that is iffy for humans to evaluate. As for Missouri, they didn't have the competition to get a higher ranking. All but one of the SEC teams they played have 5 losses, the only major non-SEC team they played beat them, and the ranked SEC team they played annilated them. They are good, but they have to be considered a big underdog against 'Bama.
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