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Wayne SW/MO

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Everything posted by Wayne SW/MO

  1. They wouldn't be hollow for long if it were me. Especially up there.
  2. Well I guess I need to try and do an sbs on a redneck Taney County pizza to offset the JOCO sourdough Margeritta pizza, or what ever the name is. Mine will likely have a yeast crust rolled, a Hunt's tomato paste based sauce and lots of meat.
  3. I suspect ND is overrated. The press has always catered to the huge ND fan base that is spread across the country and they also love a game to write about. It's a game that will have to be watched that's for sure. I'm a little skeptical about Ole Miss being where they are. It seems that AL and TAMU were both overated along with, I hate to say it, OU.
  4. Looks good Ness. I'm a die hard scale man also. I don't bake anything I can't use the scale for. I don't use it for salt or yeast though.
  5. You talk as if it hs commoms so chum it with some softened deer corn and use the same on a ahir rig to fish over the chum area a few hoirs, 12 is best, later?
  6. There has been some antagonism between STL and KC at least since the '50's. Truth is it goes back to the civil war. The two cities were clearly on opposite sides.
  7. Yup it sure is. At one time I had diary reprint written by a women who's husband was a guy who delivered things via the Wire Road, can't remmeber what they called them. At any rate they were southern, but to be able to work he declared support for the Yankees, but she didn't She was under house arrest for a long time and she documented it all. The story starts around 1854 and that period up until Governor Jackson took the militia to war is more interesting than the war period in Missouri I think.
  8. My Great great grandpa rode in the Missouri 4th. They finally surendered in Missiissippi. His loyalty was obvious. Another was in the Cass county Union militia, but that's fuzzy because many didn't have a choice and I don't know if he was one of them. Funny story, another GGrandfathers brother, distant uncle, was a slave owner in Andrew county and also a member of the Union Militia. It was said he sweated a lot for fear that the yankees would find out.
  9. Bull hockey. Little Lord Jameis is a screw up looking for a place to land. It doesn't really matter if they get caught breaking an NCAA rule or a law does it? It's somewhat accepted that they represent the school and most schools don't want to look like reform schools.
  10. They "say" that a carp crushes them in a hard place in their throat, kind of like teeth, and that there system is almost a straight line. Don't know about cats and I haven't heard that they eat them.
  11. In about another 2 weeks or so the stream closes to you will start seeing the smallies moving to the deep holes. I imagine the deep woody holes above the public access will be some good fishing. I've had some really good fishing on the river just east of it by putting in at the fords and paddling to a deep woody hole. When they hole up it seems very slow with something that closely resembles baitfish, including longears, works well.
  12. Aren't we all.
  13. Yeah I've been meaning to send you a simple recipe, maybe one of these days.
  14. I think that has been determined to be overfishing of the big breeders. There's a slot now and you can only keep 2 over 34". I don't think any fish eating zebra mussels would cause them a problem if that were the case there wouldn't be any of those fish. They've been eating fresh water mussels forever. They feed the same way.
  15. I agree it's an old rule and well known. It's bad for GA becasue they aren't all that great this year and now they lost 75% of their offense. As far as Mizzou goes, they'll play with players that have followed the rules and that means without DGB, so no tears for GA. OK canned a 5 start recruit due to start at running back also. Eventually FL ST will have to can Jameis if they want to maintain credibility, it's just that all we know is it will come up, just don't know when.
  16. I'm a vet Ness, an old vet. Send me the money and I'll spend it wisely.
  17. I simply meant that if a 5 and 6 play, one of them will obviously not be a true champion candidate. In fact half of all that would play for the title won't be, wheter it's 4 or 20.
  18. Yeah the pros don't play all that many games so there is no reason for the colleges to. 8 might settle some debates, but 4 will end most of them.
  19. That's probably it Ronnie. I think I'll see if the critters have left any persimmons. I'm thinking I will give them a od bath in hydrogen peroxcide, to kill any bacteria, then cut them into pieces with the skin intact and follw the recipe.
  20. I know that yeast is freely available in the air and I started a culture many years ago that way, But one specific to a friut for instance would seem to have some specific qualities. My question is how do insure that is what you're getting? I doubt it could be too casual because of the risk of introducing bacteria. Maybe I'll try it again now that my duties of watching the grass grow are coming to an end.
  21. I'm pretty certain there was a patch of them in the Pothole area in '07. There was one particuler area that even briad would part if a fish took you there. It wasn't pleasant, you would be fighting a fish and suddenly your line would go slack without warning.
  22. It won't be that far from the James river and the smallmouth fishing fom your kayaks. There is an outfitter in Galena and in Hootentown that will probably help you shuttle if you want to do a float. Fall can be very productive on the rivers, if you can get pass the leaves.
  23. How does that work? I have some persimmons available.
  24. If the story that he had 300 or 400 guns is true that sounds like "fence". It wouldn't be too far fetched in Dallas or Laclede counties where burglery is common.
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