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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Has Sage ever made a bad rod? I've liked every one I've ever picked up. I generally don't like fast action rods that well but the Z axis is the exception. It's just exceptionally smooth and sweet. Believe it or not my favorite Sage is a 5 wt Launch I have. Greg
  2. I agree. Very frustrating. I was really looking forward the the fall run this year. Greg
  3. You are right of course. But I still prefer my fly reels to be metal. Not saying that's right or wrong. Greg
  4. Dennis, trout junkie and outside bend - I appreciate all the info. Greg
  5. I have to admit I count too. I'm not really sure why? I'm not trying to impress anyone (and I'm sure Al wasn't either. But I just like to know exactly how good (or poor) a day I've had on the water. Greg
  6. Hey I think I resemble that remark??!! LOL Greg
  7. It is a beautiful thing. That's the first I've seen of that Sage model. Something in me rebels against plastic on a fly reel though.............? I'm not sure why? Just a personal bias I guess. Greg
  8. I would look forward to that as well. We are hoping for a really good fall fishing season on Taney. I'm trying to talk my son into going night fishing with me one of these times. He's a little creeped out at the thought of it though. Night fishing is definitely and acquired taste. Greg
  9. As the father of a young man about that same age (who means the world to me)- I just can't understand a statement like that. Greg
  10. I've caught both smallmouth and trout on the current. Wading and floating. To me the best rod for both species is about 8.5 to 9 ft long and for a 5 or a 6 wt. I generally use my favorite rod which is an 8.5 ft 5 wt. Green and black mohair leeches (weighted) is one of the flies I've done the best with when fishing for both species. Greg
  11. My son and I fished a few hours on upper Taney today. The fishing was tougher than it was a couple of weeks ago. Still an enjoyable day though. I'll attach a couple of pics. We helped a guy net a rainbow that was well over 20". He was obviously struggling and said he had forgot a net. I waded out to him and managed to net it for him. Tried to get a pic for him but the fish jumped out of his hands right as I was about to snap the pic. It was a beautiful fish. Greg
  12. It may very well have been the case - but I don't think any of us should jump to the conclusion that alcohol was involved. That's not fair to this gentleman or his family. Greg
  13. Thanks Trav. It does look like beautiful country. Greg
  14. Double Wow. I'm 6'4" and 230 lbs. I thought I had it rough finding stuff that fits!! But I do have a friend that is about your size and he has a pair of XXL Simms Freestones that seem to fit him pretty well. Size 17 wading shoes? I don't know. I wear a 14 and I had a little trouble finding those. Most lines only go up to 13 with a very few going up to 14. Not sure if anyone makes a 17. I would check with a fly shop. I would bet if you called Simms they would custom make you some. They do custom sizing on waders I know. It would probably be fairly costly though (custom built shoes). Good luck. Greg
  15. I've caught them in Canada. I had no idea there were any in MO. They are very good eating. As good as Walleye in my opinion. Greg
  16. I agree it is a sculpin. And probably exactly the one your FIL thought. http://www4.samford.edu/schools/artsci/biology/zoology/vertzoo-05s/pages/5.htm Greg
  17. Just to clarify (and speaking only for myself):I wasn't pointing my comments regarding not caring for posts that don't name a location at any particular person at all. Thinking about it I would be hard pressed to even remember who does that? I certainly did not post in response to Mr. Agnew's last post. At that point I don't think I had even read his most recent post. And I certainly didn't mean to make anyone out to be a "villain" as someone else stated. As I said this is an open forum and everyone is free to post what they want - just as everyone else is free to comment upon it, and to read or not read it. I also think my comment regarding these posts being "senseless bragging" was a little strong and I apologize for that. When you have a great day on the water all of us like to talk about it. My opinion is that if someone posts about their day of fishing and omits the location and or what lure or fly they are using - it's probably not really a fishing report but is more of a fishing "story" - although the details are probably very true. Some stories are well worth reading (to me) if they contain humor, useful tactics, pictures, etc. If not I simply choose to stop reading them. But I won't apologize for my feeling that the best reports will still always be the ones that do name at least a general location. That makes it more real to me and I think to others as well. I still remember one of the first reports I posted about fishing on upper Taney. Phil responded to my report with "Nice and thanks for posting but where were you on Taneycomo and what were you using?". I can't speak for everyone else on the "other" side of this but I think I unintentionally came on a little too strong and I apologize for that. Greg
  18. That's exactly right. I can't tell you how many times I've started reading a post and then it becomes obvious the location or fly or lure is a secret. That ruins it for me and most of the time I stop reading right there. I don't think anyone was saying that others don't have a right to post those type of reports. But please don't tell me I don't have the right to not read them or to state my opinion. Greg
  19. Regarding Orvis stuff: I'm a gear junkie but I've never owned an orvis fly rod. But I do own a couple of Orvis fly reels. One is the original Orvis battenkill disc 5/6. It wasn't expensive but I really like it and use it more than any other reel I own. I like it better than my 2 Ross reels. Greg
  20. I enjoyed the pics. That 2nd one in your posting really highlights the color variations that are possible in our SM. Greg
  21. That's a good one. I can't top it but I have caught an alligator once and a cormorant (bird) - both in Florida. Greg
  22. I do understand why some are reluctant to post the exact location of some of the areas they fish especially if it is a smallmouth fishery/stream which are more delicate than stocked trout areas and lakes. I do think things like broadcasting the location on a forum like this could have somewhat of a negative impact. But in that instance why post the report at all? If you post a report and are unwilling to name the location (or the lure or fly you were using) - then to me that report just comes off as pretentious and more or less senseless bragging. I've never posted a report like that for that very reason. Just MHO. Greg
  23. It doesn't sound like any of us really know enough about the PR job to criticize them as a whole. I certainly don't. 35k/year doesn't sound like an unreasonable salary either. They certainly aren't getting rich at that rate of pay. It's always really easy to criticize other professions when you don't know much about them. Greg
  24. Thanks I appreciate the advice. Greg
  25. Thanks for the report. I've gotta get down there @ night. Greg
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