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Everything posted by netboy

  1. Looks like we got around 10-11" here in the Cotter area.
  2. Sorry to hear that. We lucked out here in the Cotter area. Big rains went to the south of us and snow went to the north. We ended up with about 1/2" of rain and then some cold temps. Probably gonna try Norfork tomorrow afternoon as they are showing minimum flow starting around 11ish
  3. My daughter and her family are here for New Years, and she wanted to go fishing, so we headed to Ranchette this morning. SWPA forecast showed 1 unit all day and the weather was pretty nice for a change. We had a good morning with around 3 dozen rainbows between us and a few browns. Best flies today were olive and brown woolly boogers and also caught a few on egg patterns under an indicator. Only saw 1 other boat all morning. Here's a couple of the better browns.
  4. I was fishing from the boat.
  5. Yes, Diamond State opened a couple months ago. It is located at 10413 US 62 on the Flippin side of 62 bridge.
  6. Sorry to see it close. Had lots of fun times there at their annual Streamer Lovefests and Friday fly tying gatherings. The Friday fly tying gatherings are now at Natural State Fly Shop at noon every Friday and everyone is welcome. I just got back from the sale and there was quite a crowd. The parking lot was full, and things were going fast. It was more like a party. Saw lots of the "Usual Suspects" and it was fun to catch up with everybody.
  7. North Arkansas Fly Fishers Mountain Home, AR Today, Saturday, December 28 at 9am, we will kick off our last, our final, and only closing down sale at Dallys Ozark Fly Fisher. Flies, winter clothing and outerwear, fly rods from Sage Orvis and TFO; flylines; fly tying materials; fixtures and much more. Everything 50% off and better. We have logo fly boxes and clothing, so you can take a piece of White River fly fishing history with you. It's been a grand ride, but all good things come to an end, and this is it for one of the best fly shops anywhere. Join us for the wake and bid Dallys farewell. Steve Dally
  8. I haven't posted a report in a while, but fishing has been pretty good. The White River has been good with lots of rainbows a few decent browns. The Norfork has been slow with increased flows from the flood gate releases and dirty water. I fished Rim Shoals this morning and had the equivalent of 1-unit flows. Best flies were a small 1/64 oz olive and brown jig. Fished from 8 to 11 and ended with a couple dozen rainbows and a few decent browns. Here's a couple of the better browns from this morning.
  9. netboy

    Fox pic

    Looks good but set the 2x4's on their edges and use a couple of pegs behind them to hold them up.
  10. netboy

    Fox pic

    Thanks, I'll give that a try.
  11. netboy

    Fox pic

    We have trapped 8 dillos so far this year. I set a live trap in the area they have been rooting with no bait and line up a couple of 2x4's to make a funnel into the entrance. Stupid things find their way unto it.
  12. netboy

    Fox pic

    Good pic of our local red fox on the patio this afternoon. He does a good job getting rid of the rodents.
  13. Brings back memories. I learned to fly fish at Bennett with my Dad back in the late 50's and early 60's.
  14. Looks like they are only releasing around 850cfs over the top and around 4-5k through the generators, so it shouldn't pose a problem.
  15. Don't mind the walleyes and whites, but we don't need any trout eating stripers. From what I have heard, they have done quite a job on the trout in NFOW above the lake.
  16. Saw this notice earlier today. The lake is currently at 568.27 and power pool is 553.75. Facebook
  17. netboy

    Delivery today!

    Looks good. Tell us more.
  18. We got another 3" last night, so that makes 10" since Sunday. White river is high and muddy at Cotter.
  19. Crooked Creek now running at 20,800 at Kelley crossing in Yellville. USGS Current Conditions for USGS 07055607 Crooked Creek at Kelly Crossing at Yellville, AR
  20. I don't know of any guides over there since Brian Sloss moved away. You might give these guys a call and see it they can help. Hufstedlers
  21. We have had over 7" since yesterday and it is still coming down. The White River is now the Brown River. Here is a pic off our deck...
  22. The Bull Shoals Dam C&R will close tomorrow night until February 1 for the brown trout spawn season. With that said, I have been fishing up there the last week or so. Fishing has been good with some nice rainbows, but only a few small browns and cutthroats. Best flies have been scuds and egg patterns early and then when the sun comes out, cracklebacks. Here is one of the better ones this morning.
  23. Size 16 scud hook tied with Australian Possum fur dubbing, which ends up being a tan/brownish color.
  24. I went out of the house at 7am to pack up the truck for a morning's fishing and ran into this guy. He was pretty belligerent and backed off a few feet and then we had a stare down going on. He stomped his hoofs a few times and I took a few pictures and continued to pack the truck. He just stood there for about 5 minutes and we stared at each other. He was still there when I drove off. Went to the dam and fishing was about the same. Scuds, midges and cracklebacks worked. Lots of people fishing today but it was still pretty good. Here are a couple of pics... My buddy and a nice rainbow on a scud.
  25. Went to the state park access this morning and fishing was pretty good. It seems the shad kill is beginning to decline. The fish seemed to be getting back to normal feeding patterns. The last few weeks the trout have been feeding heavily on the shad kill when they turn on the generators in the afternoons. I caught a couple nice fish last week that puked up shad when I netted them. Best flies today were midges, scuds and a crackleback. Ended the morning with a dozen nice size rainbows and a couple cutties. Here is a one of the better ones....
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