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Old plug

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  1. i
  2. I love that place but have not been down there in several years. I love catching snook never used a guide but some of the causways when the tide is running is pretty good. My son goes down to the Tallahasse area evey year and surf fishes for sharks with spoons at night. You can expect thrills like you will never get up here. He has caught them to 7 foot. He has also had big spinning reels stripped of all the line a few times. Sharks do not stop fighing after you land them. Nasty things to unhook. They can spin around and take a chunk out off you real fast. He got his shins skinned up real good this year from one that slapping him with its tale. If you want to go out on with a guide on a boat take plenty of money.
  3. I go along with the spinning gear. But at the same time I do not like to throw rogus with it. They will foul a lot on spinning rods. they float thru the air a bit much to suit me on spinning gear with the loosr line. Rarely use any of them them the past few years.
  4. I agree with that wrench. I got a old ugly stik around here I bought the first season they came on the market. God only knows where it is at. I is a 51/2 pistol grip style.It has seen years of fishing. Replaced the guides a couple times . Slamed the trunk on it one time. Was used so much the epoxy overcoat finish was cracking off all over the rod. I would like to see more of those around today. I do not like the long piece in back of the reel seat myself. Old pistol grip type gave you a better hold on the rod for . Some of these new ones will brush your arm if you ty to snap them side arm.
  5. I do not know wherre you are in St Charles but you can get into trouble up there about a air gun and if it you teen age daughter you will get into trouble for that as well.
  6. if you want to build a range Wrench you know I got a lot of tools and the know how to use them. Only thing I cannot do anymore is drive nail but with 3 sizes of nail guns I do not think I would need to.
  7. maybe what you ned to do is go to that Larry's Country Diner show down there. They do not have horses in there and your right up close to some fine enterainers. I have a friends that go there several times a year.
  8. yeah Mitch that  song has made me set back and take stock of my reatioship with others. I can not hear it but I can read it and I can tell you with 100 % certainty Rhonda wrote that from her own beliefs. She had her whole band place a small concert in her yard at a home warming that was the second song she sang. sort of put them all on notice. She is 55 and does not know how to take it easy. I told Herb she brings to mind popcorn popping. She is as full of life as a16 yr old  That entire family are some of the most God fearing down to earth peole I know. She is home in Kirksville off the road till January. I think anyway. Home will be down here I think in a few years

    Herb her husband is a crappie fishing nut. I will be fishing with him a lot this year. My boat is about done for and About ready for the salvage yard. I will not be buying another one. I am not as confident out ther as .I used to be Besides I have come to believe they are really a money pit. Guy across the road just bought a 19 ft sketter cost him  81,000. 

  9. That is so very true Mitch. People need to be closer together in understanding. I know there is a song that says. " if you dont love your neighbor you cant love God " you got to want and really try to understand all sides of we the people. You do not need to love them litterly but you ned to tey and understand where rhey ar and where they come from..
  10. But they need far less
  11. i realy would like to see them drop the whole tax thing. and concentrate on things that do not cause more division among us. Devide and concur is what is going on in this nation. Al these suggestions about more jobs and what have you just are not possible if you really think about it. I undersrabd they have just gotten a manufacture to build a monster plant in the east. They make class parts for computes etc is all can remember about the function. I will not forget after all the job claims that the factory is highly robot automated. Where is the jobs in that.
  12. A solutly not of any court much less the US suspreme court.
  13. Not at 78 it isn't circlation is not to good for cold weather. Mostpeople over 50 should be on guard in even weather in the low 40s.
  14. Coldest I ever fished was 18 degrees on Lale coffen in IL .i have spent some very cold days back in the day On Old Man River at CDlarlsville Mo. Was a great place to fish for walleye and Sauger back then.
  15. Phil Yes thy are awful if they get on yout tail. I used to supervise a small unit that provided support sevices to IRS agents. You might wonder what the IRS would want with your familys Military records,but they went thru them very thoughly. I am still not sure what they wanted but I know there they are as slippery as a snake if they get a tip on a person. They will go nto person place of buiness and befriend them. then when they spll the beans the sky will fall in on them. people around here tend to have loose lips to much. they will slap fines unpaid tax estament going back years plus interest on them. Not to worry though if you ever git called for audit. I did one time and they were questioning a deduction. We knew we were right. We explained the reason for our deduction to the agent in the office and all the agent said was"I see. Is that how that works?" And that was that.
  16. maybe your a one in a million at least who does not. How about a restaurant owner that that loose icome when someone sneaks out wothout paying docks the waitress the bill then marks the bill up as a loss. lots of that around here. I would not blane you if you did do sone tricks sometimes you have to. But doing things like I just mentiond are uncalled for. But it is soooo easy to get away with.
  17. That is true Mitch. I do not believe in inhairitence taxes to begin with . Not that I will ever be getting any or leaving any. It is like double taxation. The money should just be taxed as nomal income. Capital gains tax is not good either. It might be too late to even worry about these things because the nation is at te brink and the world is also. I would defy anyone to find a way out of this mess.
  18. itis true though ness I am sorry to say. there is q multitude of ways to cheat on taxes including sales taxes in bussiness. I do not rally know any who do not do it. Of course they are not going to admit it. paying cash when pople pay cash it opns all kinds of door to small business. It is a common prqctice around here. loy of dock repair place wll request cash payment as the the tax year winds down. The basic thing is govermrent says you can deduct anything you you to male your bussiness. tha includes ayour own salary so the doors are pretty wide Ness
  19. Of course your not going to have any profit. That is what bussiness is all qbout just deduct everything under in sun as bussiness expenses. The little guy that orks for you is not going to be able to do that. The rich wll get richer and the poor get poorer. We have been involved in a class struggle in this country back and forth for a very long time.
  20. I think you just got stubborn about the skinny water and ir caugh up with you . I had a pretty good season in the deep.
  21. Normal law does not apply to Morgan County Mo.,
  22. SETH 4" is about what they were. I have not seen a sting of crappie like that in the 25 yrs I veen out here. i have caught my share of 100 cappie in a day over the last 70+ years. Never seen a stringer that contained 100 keepers. Recenly my neigbor his wife and me in two boats caught somewhere in the range of 120-150 crappie in three morning and evening trips over 2 days totaling about 9 hrs. All sizes many keepers. They kept about 6 and I kept none. Those 6 they kept were all 12" or better. Was a couple couple wonderful days. Like me he is spoiled to eating his crappie within hours of being caught. That really spoils you. We are both very conservation minded as well.
  23. The thing is a lot of fishermen are all up about personal recognition. I seen a guy with his kids a year or so back on a dock taking picture of themselves holdung up stringer of small crappie must have been between 3-4 ft long. I bet there was close to 100 crappie on there. After the pictures were taken they jusr dropped the stringer in the water. very smug like they were real champions.
  24. One thing you should think about when discussing the where, how and when on this forum if you really want to conserve your area do not encourage people to come into it. There must be 20 times more fisherman today than years ago. Some on here like to advertise for what ever reason. That os not really very good for anything but personal attention. Fishing spots are not some horn of plenty.
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