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Everything posted by OldMillRoad

  1. At least that's your color, Tim.
  2. Quill, I'm interested as well. Can I get the info as well.
  3. Why would any Mizzou fan miss following their team in the NCAA tournament in March? Mizzou Wresting is currently ranked third in the nation. Is there some other tournament going on that I am not aware of? How's that Jayhawk wrestling team doing this year?
  4. I think it just depends on what the fish want, time of year, etc. During a shad kill I think they prefer a bait that falls slowly, at least I have had luck on ones that do. During the spring and summer I think they prefer it to rise. Its great trying to figure out what a critter with a brain the size of a nickel wants to eat.
  5. Saturday was a weird day for me as well. Started at 7, in the point 9 area, lost 3 fish on the jerkbait. Just skin hooking them with the back hook. 2 just came off and 1 was a landing error on my part. Threw it for another hour with no bites. Went looking for them out deep and finally figured something out on the spoon, 2 keeper spots in the boat, bang bang, lost a third. Moved to a different spot and caught 7 shorts in about an hour and a half, 5 of them were 14 3/4 fish. The wind kicked up and I just couldn't fish the spoon right. In hindsight, i should of thrown the little rig a bit. When I released my fish I had about 6 crawdad's the size of quarter in the bottom of my live well. Wish I would have noticed that earlier in the day. It was a good day except for the wind.
  6. Winter Bass Series. Out of Mill Creek.
  7. No worries, Tim. We will have plenty of opportunities to chase them.
  8. Thanks Champ and good luck. If you see me in my 20 ft G3 tincan stop and say hello, it would be great to meet you and your wife.
  9. I'm gonna give er a go in the derby on Saturday. My boy got the bad news he has to work so I guess I will try it solo. I will post up something, even if its pictures of bald eagles and herons.
  10. Great video, Bo. Can't wait to see how your spoon turns out.
  11. Thanks guys. Trips out like that don't happen very often and the fact that it happened in January was something else. Hard to beat this lake when it's right. I did have a bunch of mallards mocking me back in Wolfpen, I reminded them that the South zone was still open and I wasn't scared to come back with my Ol' Beretta. The Arkie boys can have em now, on to the green fish for me.
  12. With duck season coming to a close, and a rough one at that, I figured I would run down to the lakehouse with my wife to ring in the New Year. I guess the good Lord took pity on me and blessed me with some great fishing. 28 keepers in two days. Caught a few on the jerker and a-rig in the cedars, but most came on a spoon in 40-50 FOW. By Saturday the shallow bite dried up on me, but the deep fish were going nuts. Spitting shad all the way to the top. I even had a few around popping them on top, in January!!!! It was a great way to ring in 2015!
  13. Had one over 9 lbs. early this spring. I remember several over 10 being weighed in the 70's at Baxter Boat Dock.
  14. That is a biggun, Quill. We have a few pets like that around our dock. The kids love catching them.
  15. I would highly recommend Dunlop's Fishing Lodge. We fished Campbell Lake, but they have a main lodge on a bigger lake and one other fly-in camp. There are some Hammerheads in those lakes! If you need more information I would be happy to pass it along.
  16. didn't knock em dead. But they ate the heck out of a full size Zinker on and 1/8 ounce head. Don't know why they wouldn't touch the half size, but the full size caught hundreds of walleye and it even took those toothy critters a long time to destroy one. It was a great trip, we had 16 Pike over 41" and two that went 46". I have definitely had my fill of eyes for the month.
  17. And when you try to approach them they always get very introverted.
  18. This seems appropriate. I'm glad I was in Northern Manitoba for the last 10 days.
  19. So will a Super Spook with 3 Trokar's hanging off of it. Just prepare to have your eyelets flattened when you "hook up".
  20. It's a good time having a dock with main channel exposure. We had zero issues in the 70's, 80's and early 90's with dock repair other than replacing the walk-way boards and painting. Now it's yearly maintenance on welds, cable and winches. You could see it coming, a place this beautiful never remains a secret. They are throwing up mansions in Mill Creek at a fevered pace. The quiet lake I grew up on is no more I know its a dream, but it would be awesome if the COE would make a few creeks and coves no wake or ski zones. Don't kid yourself about the price of fuel, throwing $1000.00 in the tank for the weekend is not a problem for these folks I don't understand burning that much fuel and getting drunk all day, just as they don't understand why I want to stick green fish all day.
  21. Thanks, Tim. I am just grateful for each and every minute I get to spend on the lake with my son. Bill, my memory is really getting.......what the hell were we talking about?
  22. Hazbin- We weren't throwing swimmers. My son lost one on a Texas rig, she made a hard run at the boat and by the time he caught up with her, she came up and head shook and threw the hook. I lost 3 on a different bait all together.
  23. It was just one of those nights, I haven't had that many fish come unbuttoned collectively all year. All you can do is grin and bear it. We were just happy to get on them pretty good. The background in your first picture looks very familiar. There aren't usually any fish on that point.
  24. What a difference a little wind and weather makes! Great day Bill. My son and I fished Friday thru Saturday. Friday you could get bit on everything you threw, Saturday the only thing we could get them to eat was a shakey head, I threw a swimbait everywhere and they just wouldn't eat it. Fished the Mill Creek night derby Saturday night and the biggun's turned on pretty good. We lost 4 good fish at the boat, and managed enough to squeak out 6th place, our biggest was 5.56.. They kept us on our toes, but we caught a bunch of fish.
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