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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WebFreeman

  1. I think the side effects on most meds are overrated. If you dig down, a lot of times it's only 1 or 2%. And just about anything you take can upset your stomach, even aspirin or ibuprofen. Good luck guys. I hope it works out for you all.
  2. Just watched a green john boat float by. Pretty neat.
  3. I'm a Michelob man myself, if you're taking requests.
  4. I need one of those ghillies to row me around, too.
  5. Trav: right now the homepage is a little trout heavy, but if you dig a little, there is a lot of other kinds of articles and they will change as they seasonally should--crappie, whites, etc. I encourage everybody to try the search engine. It's powerful and you'll find a lot. Phil has 10+ years of content, maps and articles and they're all on here.
  6. Stumbled across this online and thought it was cool. Read the history of the product and you'll see it was made for us. http://www.kellykettle.com
  7. We have about 8 in Republic. The drive in this morning to St. John's was nice. Took my almost an hour to go 15 miles.
  8. There is an article about a mother and sons turkey hunting in the same issue. A hunt put on by the conservation dept. which provided the guns, ammo, and a trained guide as well as training for the kids. How is that anti-hunting?
  9. Cool. Thanks Tim. Ready for tomorrow?
  10. I've never had much luck palmering marabou. I've watched a couple you tube videos on it. Any tips Leonard or zsmith or anyone else for that matter?
  11. Luckily those pictures have been lost to the ages or the monster in my attic that seems to eat stuff.
  12. I would guess it's at the foster museum. Can't remember it, but I'm sure that's where it is. While you're there, get your pic taken on the Bev. Hillbillie's truck.
  13. Funny. Thought it looked a little like it was already stuffed. Thought maybe it had been on ice for a while or something.
  14. Thanks for having it Michael. Nice to meet you in person. The hat and camera bad are nice. Looking forward to getting both on the water.
  15. How about some info on that boat. Looks pretty cool!
  16. Fun report. Thanks
  17. I'm lucky, I guess, I'm not seeing any ads at all. Am I special? Anyone else? I guess it could be my firewall. I saw them before the forum upgrade, but not now.
  18. Really depends on the chef for us. We like Hinode's on S. Nat. Fuji's is good, but the chefs are a little boring, but they do have an early bird special. Seems like there is a forth and I can't place, but Hinode's is our fav--good sushi, too. Make a reservation.
  19. I don't have much experience fly fishing, but I'd say 75% of my fish have come on a WB. My one adventure trip was on the N. Platte in Wyoming. We stopped for lunch at noon with a high sky. I heard a fish jump and stripped a black bugger through there and caught a 16" fish. It was like a fishing show, esp. since the 3 guys I was with weren't fisherman. Later that night I crept up behind some fish sipping something small, stripped my bugger through a hooked one. It was bigger than the lunch fish. I reached for my net, which was 200 yards away in the canoe. I lost it while I tried to wear him out. Long story, but it's my only one. I like them big, weight them w/ a couple shot, cast perpendicular or slightly upstream and strip them back. Usually get hit on the swing, but not always. I also like them in faster water.
  20. Terry, you sound like a local now!
  21. Firewall blocked it. At least I'm not crazy.............
  22. I can't see it... strange
  23. Did you forget the pic?
  24. Fellows and Lake Spfd. don't connect. Fellows watershed flows west then north. Lake Spfd is on the James. I would guess it was a pickeral. Lake Spfd use to be real weedy, which I think I read is prime pickeral habitat. Did you try and catch it? That would be fun, I bet.
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