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Everything posted by TTJJ

  1. All of Aarons gps/depthfinders were dead earlier today, due to his electrical problem. GPS are working now. Bassmaster sure has great live coverage.
  2. I called Stockton COE today to order my yearly launch sticker; they said tourney is on as scheduled, and that boats have been on the lake all week. March 6 & 7.
  3. I accidentally clicked on the ‘View New Content’ link. For anyone who has a Primos ground blind with a fiberglass rod going thru the end of a cloth rod pocket. Lowes plumbing department - Coupling-Reducing 3/8”X1/4” ($1.55 each); Walmart – Coats Upholstery nylon extra strong thread ($2.16), Chenille needles ($1.27) ; some electric fence wire. Drill hole thru 1/4" end. May get an extra year or two out of your blind. Wait for it ----- more $$$ for fishing lures, impellers, etc. Just for the record, I last fished Table Rock May 6, 1993. I don't care if you have 0 or 2000 posts; fix your blind for less than $5 and don't spend $200 on a new blind. My repaired blind survived 2014 spring turkey and 2014 fall archery deer/turkey.
  4. LD, you better check with your insurance agent first about any boat insurance policy exclusions. My boat insurance policy strictly forbids any type of competitive boating activity. This includes bass tournaments, benefit crappie tournaments, even free tournaments. Any boat damage or medical issues would not be covered. This major insurance company insures my house, trucks, and boat.
  5. Sorry Champ 188. Lurking is cheaper than cable TV. As for contributing – zoro.com has a good price on a Marson HP-2 rivet tool to attach a new springfield taper-lock bushing, and only $5 shipping. eBay does have the cheapest price with free shipping, but after reading a few of the sellers 1* ratings, I decided to pay couple more dollars at Zoro Tools.
  6. Two co-workers and I hired an 8-hour striped bass trip on Beaver Lake back in 2009. After fishing for awhile that July morning with no bites, the guide went back to shore, pumped out bait tank and discarded shad, refilled bait tank and added shad. Went back out, ended up with zero striped bass. One co-worker and I hired an 8-hour walleye trip back in 2008 in this area. We caught zero walleyes. Good luck.
  7. I have boat, house, and auto insurance all with one insurance company. All their boat policies exclude ‘Racing and speed contests’ (bass fishing tournaments, boat racing contest, benefit crappie tournaments, etc.). Better check with your insurance agent to see what your boat policy excludes.
  8. TTJJ


    Could always be worse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5h0PBU8F8&feature=player_detailpage
  9. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

  10. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    Yard pest relocation may not seem very exciting for some. But they’re out there: river bottom gobblers, 12-pointers, yard skunks.
  11. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    Didn’t trap anything last night. The raccoon showed up again. The hole under the small concrete slab remained covered up with dirt. Maybe he couldn’t sleep with the compressor running all day, and left. I’ll try a different location.
  12. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    I'm only targeting what ever small animal is digging around my house. My PVC trap has a removable back door, which makes cleaning it easy. Bait for tonight is apple core, peanut butter, and tuna. I'll also push the loose dirt into the hole.
  13. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    Nothing caught last night. Didn’t get any pictures of any animal moving away from the AC compressor concrete pad last night. I’ll replace the bricks with concrete blocks. The hole going under the small slab is medium size. The trap door was closed and locking mechanism in lock position after raccoon attack. Camera is located about 1 inches from foundation; so whatever is under AC pad has to go thru camera range, if it's still there. I did trap a opossum and a skunk in the PVC trap couple years ago. After I put fresh bait in trap and adjust camera view just slightly to the right a little this afternoon; I will take a hoe and push some of the loose dirt into the hole, and see if it gets cleared out overnight. If it weren't for game cameras, you'd never know what's going on in your back yard!
  14. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    I may have something that needs trapping. There is a fresh dug small hole under my AC compressor concrete slab. I already set up my skunk trap today and will get my Bushnell black LED game camera set up this afternoon. I’m going with peanut butter and tuna tonight. I have couple Havahart traps (med and large), but will try the PVC trap first.
  15. nm
  16. Good luck with tree $tumps.
  17. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    A good bait for raccoons is large marshmallows.
  18. TTJJ

    Skunk Removal

    go to Youtube and search for skunk and trap. there are several videos with both good and bad results dealing with skunks in traps. Be careful. I bought a ~ 6" dia PVC trap, traped a skunk in my yard, release it where MDC said was the local release area. Raised solid door, got back, and skunk walked off. I have a wire trap also, but didn't want to go the tarp route. If you are close to a MDC office, they may loan you a PVC skunk trap. I bought my PVC trap from snareshop co, with the removable back plate, makes cleaning trap easier. Skunk did not spray while in the 6" PVC trap, being hauled to release area in pickup bed, or while leaving trap.
  19. might check on http://pure-gas.org/
  20. My bass boat, two trucks, and house were all insured with one major company. I later found out that my bass boat was not covered during any type of competition (company fishing tourney, Friday night bass tourney, bass club, benefit crappie tourney, etc.). I had to switch my bass boat to another company. Better ask your new agent about this. I'm sure there are boaters out there you think they are covered. I'm not going to mention which company, because I don't want trouble.
  21. river angler man, good luck on your fishing trip and catch a big one or two or ... daily/possession limit.
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