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Everything posted by Harv

  1. The numbers are better than last year at this time and the quality seems better but from what I hear not near as good as the other trout parks. With the hatchery not producing and Montauk and Shepherd of the Hills supplying trout (?) it's a wonder it's as good as it's been.
  2. Nice fish Jeff! I finally made it down to Bennett on Sunday for the first time all winter, great day to fish.
  3. That's sad news, I have many great memories of those two both on the creek and at Springview fly shop. Thanks for posting this Jeff.
  4. Well said Jeff, I was one of the lucky ones to call him my friend. Prayers for Sandy and all the family 🙏
  5. A thumper keg is used between the stillpot and the condenser to increase alcohol content above 50% (second distillation)
  6. Harv

    Tiger trout

    I like the idea that AGFC is trying them. With there brook trout stocking program it is likely they could happen anyway as it happens in nature. To me it's just another triploid trout and I'm all in for more triploid trout to be stocked in MO waters. I can't understand why MDC hasn't stocked triploid browns since 2015 or why they don't stock triploid rainbows. The frankenfish debate will always be with us for more than a few reasons, records being one or because the hatchery created them but triploid's can and do happen in the wild. I do liked the idea that when the brown triploid's where released, MDC marked them for easier ID and think that should continue if they ever start the triploid stocking program again. Tiger trout in MO? My vote would be yes with no hesitation, But I like the look😉
  7. Wanted to give a short review of the spey casting class / clinic that Phil Lilley put on this last week on the 14th and 15th. I was unsure of best place to post this so feel free to move but I wanted more to see it. I was one of the small group of people that took the class and I really enjoyed it. Phil did a great job of organizing this event, had all the great gear ready for you to use and John McCloskey and son Micah did a very detailed two full days of class. John did the first half day intro to spey in classroom setting and covered everything A to Z. We moved straight to the water and started. Back to the water on day two all day long! John and Micah know their stuff and are willing to work hard to make sure you had the basic fundamentals down on three spay casts so you could fish and continue to refine your form. Some picked it up faster than others but by noon on day two we were all shooting line and doing 60 to 70 foot casts (some even more) with the 4wt trout/micro spey rods and reels with skagit style heads. I hope Phil continues to offer this spey clinic as it’s the only one in our area of the country. I highly recommend this clinic to anyone wanting to learn two handed casting, the equipment and applications of swinging flies. Spey casting is very easy on the body compared to single hand casting and has many applications depending on line, head and tip combinations. Great spey clinic Phil ! Thanks for putting it on and please keep it going. Harv
  8. Well done video.
  9. Korkers / Redside FB3320 wading boot size 11 with Kling-on soles and studded Kling-on soles. Like new in the box (were used for 2 hours). They were too small and I got a larger pair. I paid $130 would like to get $100. Send me a PM or call five7three44nine0seven4six. I can send you photos and I'll try a post some. Harv
  10. laker67, As you found out the other day I couldn't make the one day trip to Montauk. Next best try will be mid-July weekends. Jeff Tief thanks for that report it will help me when I do get to go.
  11. All, Thanks for the welcome! Sorry for not getting back sooner, work and family things. Got a pair of Korkers-Redline, a new pair of shades and trying to get my net back from my brother in law, I'm about ready to go. laker67 and kdan, really good to hear from you. If I get the dust blown off the equipment this trip out and don’t break anything maybe we can all plan a day trip.
  12. Hello to all, A friend told me about this site so I thought I'd join the forum to catch-up on the trout fishing in the area. I've not had my fly rod out for many years, been missing it a lot lately. Thought I'd give the old gear a trip to Montauk to see if it all still worked. Looks like I'll need new wading boots (no more felt) any advice for best for the buck? As for the flies I'll tie up some of the old stuff but if you have any favorites I’d welcome the help. Harv
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