Are their fish population survey #'s to support the notion that there is even a problem?
MDC should be able to compare some data sets from years ago to recent studies, right? Kevin Meneau should have this information for the Meramec basin and tribs. IF the data points to a decline in big fish, or in populations, trending downward over the last few years, we should be ALL over them. As to the hypothesized cause, that would be another discussion.
A group of some buddies of mine were able to form a small group, and with a little properly applied pressure, (letter writing campaign to the right people, and a website) . . . we probably appeared bigger than we really were . . . I like to think we had at least SOME impact on MDC's recent changes in the trout regulations. A few of us had discussions with the trout biologists and even got some #'s from shock-surveys down on the STMA of the Current, 11 point, Meramac, etc. The biologists blamed a lot on recent years drought conditions, and they stammered and hee-hawed about resistance that locals will put up to reg changes . . . but in the end, I think they saw the light that a LOT of concerned trout fishermen want to see more enforcement, less harvest, and tougher regulations on those areas where the fishing clearly had not been all it could be.
The same could be done with smallmouth. If we've got our facts straight and go about it right. We could form a pressure group and get some stuff done!!
Its a game of inches. Eventually we can seek the all-out ban on jet-boats from all unimpounded waters, but not just yet ; )