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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ColdWaterFshr

  1. Sorry I had to bail out on this swap. Been traveling too much for work.
  2. Got a buddy that is planning to join. Please put in a placeholder for him. He needs to set up an OA profile
  3. I was an early pioneer of the sport, in the late 80s when bike shops had 1 or 2 Mtn bikes, the rest were road. Competed in the first Mtn bike races and trials at Ritter Springs and Busiek SP. did well, but there was maybe 8 of us. 🤣🤣 I’m old
  4. Those look great! Now have her start tying some #22’s….or triple articulated!
  5. I could see that trailer getting all kinds of tangled up in the rest of the mini flies. Just not conducive to fly-casting.
  6. Merry Christmas!
  7. We didn’t go in the park at all.
  8. Spent this past Friday thru Sunday on upper Current, Baptist to Cedar Grove. River was still somewhat milky, but visibility to bottom was about 5 feet. Destruction was evident upon arrival at Baptist. Though it had been cleaned up, huge piles of gravel and sand were everywhere. Sand covers the whole river valley. 15 to 20 foot trees and larger, …. (6 ft me holding 9ft fly rod, 4 feet short of debris overhead, standing 5 feet above waterline) ….swept down at 45° angles through both sides of the river corridor up to 20 feet vertical from the rivers edge. Large trees down everywhere. Parker Hollow was unrecognizable. Needs bulldozing and lots of chainsaw work, though it is accessible in high clearance vehicle. Fishing was good for 10-12 incher hatchery slicks, if that is your thing. I fear the sand deposits and major gravel shifts will take years for the riverbed insect population to recover. parking lot at Baptist was jam packed on Sunday at noon, fisherman looking for easy targets.
  9. Amazing what doctors can do. Glad you're all healed-up!
  10. Nathaniel Rateliff and the Nightsweats with Gregory Alan Isakov last week. Great night!
  11. Iris Dement was quite a show the other night. She can flat out play that piano and sing. The 2 other gals that joined her were amazing talents in their own right. Ana Egge who has done work with Ron Sexsmith, Jason Mercer, and Liz Draper, upright bass, with Charlie Parr and also the Cactus Blossoms.
  12. She’s playing in Springfield Sunday night at the Gillioz.
  13. Seeing Iris Dement tomorrow night at City Winery.
  14. Robert Cray was in rare form last Friday night
  15. I saw it a couple weeks ago here in St Louis. It was okay. Little but underwhelmed. Was expecting more action and visual. It went more heavy on stories, all of which were good. A good fundraiser for Gateway TU. Raffles were very good. I encourage anyone to go.
  16. Yes, the letter is what makes this 100 times better than just a painting you admired from a random person who did a book cover. A John Gierach book cover no less, but that you talked to him, and he took the time to write such a heartfelt letter and yes, that second to last sentence kills me. Just ordered the book on Amazon. Thanks.
  17. Beautiful picture. But that he took the time to write you a letter and tell you the story about the painting . . . blown away. That is super cool. Love this.
  18. Sad to hear of his passing. https://www.hatchmag.com/articles/beloved-author-john-gierach-passes-away-78/7715996
  19. Agreed. Crowds are gone. Water is better. Not so danged hot. Was down at Carillon Beach a couple weeks ago and didn't want to leave.
  20. Daughter
  21. I'm in discussions with a buddy of mine who is a major book publisher in NY. I've shared excerpts of your travels and adventures, Oneshot. There is interest. The "Oneshot Chronicles" could shoot right up to the top NYT bestseller list. We need more content for liftoff. Keep it coming, I will PM you royalty details with rights and editorial exclusions/edits, distribution details, book-signing events and so forth.
  22. Made it home just a few minutes ago. Really enjoyed this trip with you guys. Thanks for organizing, Dan. And thanks for bringing all the food, Ness and Rick! If the flies weren’t swarming and it weren’t so danged hot, I would’ve liked to had spent more time chatting with all of you. I like that stretch of water. Very clear water, pretty bluffs and spotted many nice sized fish. Ended up with a dozen or so smallies, most in the 14-15” range and a couple largemouth, including a big one that had to be 18” or more that threw my bait as he tail walked. Fun trip!
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