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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by YAKFM

  1. Great job Rangerman! You are definitely dialed in. Its awesome that you are able to share the outdoors with the family too.
  2. My family and I fished near K dock for 4 days last week. This was my first trip to BS and I came away impressed with the quality of the fish and the beauty of the lake. I spend most of my time fishing Beaver and Table Rock chasing walleye on both and stripers on the former. We targeted walleye last week on BS, but we did catch a few nice incidental K's and LM too. Ended up with 7 walleyes between 22-25" with another 10 between 18-21". We caught >80% of our fish from 6-8 am and 7-9 pm. We did pick up some in the middle of the day early in the week, but only when there was cloud cover. All fish came on bluff walls in 28-35 FOW on trolled cranks at 2 - 2.5 mph. We used Flicker Minnow #11's, Bomber Deep Fat Free Shad's and SK 6XD's with 1 or 2 oz snap weights. Shad colors worked best for us and the only time we got bit was after the cranks made contact with structure. A big thanks to Rangerman for the information supplied in his posts over the past several months. A few sample photos included.
  3. Lol, haven't been run over.......yet. I haven't been able to get out as much the past 2 years for a variety of reasons, but that will change in the Fall. I have a boat now so I pick my spots with the kayak and when I have had time to fish I have been fishing TR more than Beaver, for the same reason you listed.
  4. Great information. Thank you Jon!
  5. I had a similar experience yesterday. Big gizzards up shallow. Caught a pile of fish including several dozen small walleye from 6 to 16" while fishing for crappie using a Bobby G. White bass were thick in another stretch I fished. Good numbers day yesterday, but nothing big. Found the walleye, crappie, and WB in 16-22 FOW. Caught the fish on crankbaits and Bobby G.
  6. Nice brown-eyed girl J.
  7. Nice going Tanderson. I'm looking forward to getting after them again in the next couple of days/nights.
  8. Ahh, that makes sense. I thought that that was awful close for two anglers to be fishing on the final day of a big tournament like that. Thanks for the info Mike.
  9. Any number between 200 and 400 is a sizable tourney fishing crowd. Layer on top of that the non-tourney anglers, jet skis, wake boats, cig boats, and pontoon boats all coming out of hibernation and temps in the upper 70's through the weekend. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a massive water-craft hatch. After our bow surfing experience from the wake boat waves Saturday I am on board with weekday and night time fishing exclusively.
  10. How many boats are they expecting for this tournament?
  11. I saw them as I was driving over the 12 bridge Sunday afternoon. There was another FLW boat on the channel side of the bar just out of the frame when I passed by too. He's close enough to ID what the FLW guy had for lunch.
  12. What record did they break at Crappie Masters J?
  13. Shadalanche!
  14. Nice job Green!
  15. Location: Mid Lake Air Temp: 62 Wind: NW 20+ Water Temp: 59-60 Visibility: 7-8 FOW Depth: 2-24 FOW Lures: Crankbait, Swimbait, and Minnows 39 Total Fish: 16 LM and Spots (up to 22"), 1 SM (16"), 14 Stripers (18 to 20"), 8 Walleye (1 legal at 19") Fished mid-lake post-frontal conditions Monday afternoon with F&F. The day started off slow as we looked for crappie in the back of a creek. We found dozens of beds that were mostly empty with a few unwilling participants with lockjaw. By noon we moved to a wind blown point and marked numerous 30 lb class stripers (and dozens of schoolies) in 20-24 FOW. Almost immediately we started hooking up and had multipe doubles. Most of the active stripers were schoolies, but Fins did manage to hook and break off a 30lb plus striper on a brushpile during the chaos of a double hookup. The 5 lb plus bass in the photo came from 16 FOW near brush. The stripers, walleye, and bass were all schooled together and were feeding on several large shad balls. We caught 7 short walleye in 2 to 16 FOW from 16 to 17.5". Overall great day on the water. Photos
  16. Location: Mid Lake Air Temp: 62 Wind: NW 20+ Water Temp: 59-60 Visibility: 7-8 FOW Depth: 2-24 FOW Lures: Crankbait, Swimbait, and Minnows 39 Total Fish: 16 LM and Spots (up to 22"), 1 SM (16"), 14 Stripers (18 to 20"), 8 Walleye (1 legal at 19") Fished mid-lake post-frontal conditions Monday afternoon with F&F. The day started off slow as we looked for crappie in the back of a creek. We found dozens of beds that were mostly empty with a few unwilling participants with lockjaw. By noon we moved to a wind blown point and marked numerous 30 lb class stripers (and dozens of schoolies) in 20-24 FOW. Almost immediately we started hooking up and had multipe doubles. Most of the active stripers were schoolies, but Fins did manage to hook and break off a 30lb plus striper on a brushpile during the chaos of a double hookup. The 5 lb plus bass in the photo came from 16 FOW near brush. The stripers, walleye, and bass were all schooled together and were feeding on several large shad balls. We caught 7 short walleye in 2 to 16 FOW from 16 to 17.5". Overall great day on the water. Photos View attachment: Esculapia-20150420-00984.jpg View attachment: IMG-20150420-00987.jpg
  17. I fish Beaver from a kayak 50-60 days a year and many other days from a boat with Fins and J-Doc. As others have commented, safety is paramount when you venture out in a small craft, particularly given that you are just getting started. I my opinion (and many others) it is critical that you wear a PFD and have a bright orange flag attached to your kayak. The last time Fins was out on the water at the same time I was he commented that he could see my flag from deer island to the 12 bridge launch. I use a 2x2' flag affixed to a 4 foot pole. I also usually fish during the week when the traffic is lighter and I almost always fish during the peak hours of light during the day (between 10-4). As others have suggested I recommend that you fish in PC or the protected areas as you are getting comfortable with your rig and the lake. As far as the striper specific advice goes, Fins advice is as good as it gets. I also use a graph and rod holders which are incredibly helpful for controlling the kayak and locating fish. Good luck and safe paddling.
  18. YAKFM


    Nice work Tanderson. Good to see the eyes starting to cooperate.
  19. Nice going Green. That's some good bank fishing!
  20. Very nice Scott.
  21. I've caught some crappie with this black coloration in the Bella Vista lakes. Never caught one like this in Beaver though.
  22. Nice work Lance! Good luck out there again today.
  23. Yep, snagged a banana peel with F&F and a baby diaper and beach towel out on solo trips. The diaper and towel were in front of swim beaches, as you might expect. A few rusted/worn lures but nothing that could be used again.
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