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Everything posted by Unimog

  1. I don't know if two fisheries could be more different than the bend and the rock! I sure had fun down at the bend and hope to get back someday
  2. Must have been Dave and his 6# line. ?
  3. I definitely need to try downsizing my line further on my finesse baitcast combos. Just have a phobia about breaking off!
  4. This is on casting tackle so that's not been a problem for me. I thought I got but fine on 10, I'm interested to see what 8 and 6 is like!
  5. I may try going down to 8# on my next respool. I have 8 on my baitcast drop shot so why not I guess.
  6. Yeah it took me two of them to figure that out lol
  7. I fish the Ned on a medium action casting rod as well. I'm still trying to learn to downsize my line though I'm using 10# fluoro.
  8. FYI don't slap a spro RK crawler on the water to get the slime off. It cracks the bills.
  9. I generally have the z-man finesse wormz, roboworm straight tail and berkley bottom hopper in the boat for shaky head and split shot rigging.
  10. Heck I feel it's about as bad on private land. I've got a guy with property that joins some of mine and he apparently feels that since I'm not there 24/7 to run him off he has hunting rights to it. A couple of years ago he had set up 8 bobcat trap setups. I called the conservation agent and we went out and took them all down and he approached the guy about it. They guy admitted they were his and paid the fine because all he could be charged with was not putting his name and address on the traps. It was cheaper than buying traps! He's a regular violator and knows the punishments for these type things are a slap on the wrist at best. There's definitely an entitlement attitude and it's totally unbelievable. Rifle season is by far the worst. I'm gun shy to let anyone hunt because that turns into their brother in law and their other buddies and they feel like they have lifelong permission. Sorry rant over lol
  11. The one I caught a couple fish off of was in about 20'.
  12. Some of the cedars they placed are so big they're sticking up out of the water. I threw a Ned rig at one as I was passing by and caught a couple off of it. It's pretty fresh as its still green.
  13. Put in at Stockton park all three days and didn't make any long runs due to the wind. Seems like some smaller males are finally venturing up shallow to scope things out. None of the fish I caught had any signs of spawning. I tried to get out of the wind in the coves and caught the majority of my fish on a shaky head and the Ned in 15' or less. Caught a couple on a rock crawler and a wobble head. There was a club tournament of some kind running out of Stockton park and one of them mentioned catching some on a spinner. I saw more than one boat fishing really shallow and in a couple spots I fished that had dirtier water I caught a few that way around some brush.
  14. You have at all those really big females old plug, I'll stick with the petite and average size ones.
  15. I agree although I haven't had a non shimano spinning reel.
  16. I know the Florida strain largemouth are more affected by cold fronts than our northern variety.
  17. Sounds like they're moving up finally and biting the bug. I assume these were secondary points? I'm planning on coming down this week sometime.
  18. I like a Reuben and a chocolate shake at crown candy.
  19. Yeah as far as I can tell its all no wake. Kind of a pain but I wouldn't want wakes if I was in a man lift on a barge.
  20. As an owner of one of the faster boats I'll be the first to say it's nearly pointless. The conditions are seldom conducive to running fast especially on a lake like table rock that gets a lot of traffic. And if it's not the boat traffic it's the wind making it too rough. The longer 20-22' boats do have the advantage of bridging across the waves for a better ride though. I never thought about rods and reel combos being left out of the fishing adventure. I feel bad now not taking flipping and frogging setups with 65# braid to lakes like tr and Stockton. I bet they'd like to get out and see some clear water.
  21. I'm planning on leaving sometime this morning and be there tomorrow as well.
  22. Those are the only three colors I have as well and usually use the green pumpkin or green and red on Stockton. With the water being dirtier than I think I've ever seen especially up toward state park I was switching to darker colors.
  23. Thanks, are you using the pb&j color in the ned due to the dirtier water?
  24. I've got a friend who's generally pretty intelligent that can't fathom that the pomme and sac flow north into Truman. It's more common than I imagined! Im going to throw the Osage in there since it is lake of the ozarks.
  25. I could definitely see muddy water conditions where normally they rarely exist, moving the fish shallow where someone isn't used to finding them. A few years ago a buddy and I came to big cedar for a few days and when we arrived our hearts sank when we saw how dirty the water was. Turned out to be out best TR trip ever and I caught my then personal best 7.5 in my profile pic.
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