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Everything posted by LoweSTX175

  1. I could slide a spinner and a bead on the leader to get the flash up against the jig head. I'm just wondering if that would be too much weight causing the jig head to sink. I could also put an additional floater on it I suppose.
  2. I'm going to try using a bottom bouncer on a floating jig head with a grub. Run about a 2-2.5 leader off the BB. Something I've been wanting to try but haven't yet.
  3. I'm going to be on the lake Sunday after about a two week break. Have the large amounts of shad sort of died off? I was seeing huge groups on the downscan/finder with the larger fish underneath the group. I figured trolling cranks underneath would have got more hits. It didn't for me. My philosophy was I was showing one hotwing at a huge buffet. Every fish wanted to chomp on the prime rib and not the hotwing.
  4. You think I should use a treble or an Aberdeen???
  5. I'm planning on being on the lake on Sunday. I'll post a report. I'm taking someone out who has never fished from a boat. I have a feeling she will be hooked if I can get her on some fish. I'm not sure where I'm going to launch yet. I'll most likely hit flats the entire day.
  6. Where around CC? Around the bridge? Also how were you fishing for them and what baits? I only picked up a single last week. I'm guessing I must have been trolling too deep.
  7. I think the shad numbers are way up this fall. It seemed like all of last week I was trolling over large balls of shad. I'd see fish hanging out underneath them on the downscan. I'd change out cranks and go underneatch the bait but still couldn't get them to bite. Hopefully the cooler temps coming up will get some of the shad to slow down a bit. Either way those fish will be fat next spring.
  8. Nice catch. Largest I've pulled out of Stockton measured 26 1/2 as well. I never weigh so I assume it was about the same. Stockton is starting to get some good sized walleye these days. I like it!
  9. I fished the same are on Sunday evening. Only had dinks (2 walleye, 3 LM bass). I resorted to trying to jig on brush.... caught two drum on one pile. Seems like the fish have lock jaw. There were tons of fish showing up on the downscan in about 25 fow. Just no takers.
  10. PROBLEM SOLVED..... just in case there is another person who has this issue. Hopefully this saves you the headache I went through. This switch is also the same as you would find in a smaller NITRO. Wire like below. BLACK = Power into the switch RED = Front (NAV red & green) and Anchor (Back white) Lights. Each has a jumper and you might have to swap to get the circuit to fully run. BLUE = Console Also be sure to check the fuse periodically when you are trying to wire the system. In my situation it was a 5 amp that obviously blew at some point. Could have been the issue after I took it apart. I know.... should have checked that all along. Thanks for all the help from everyone on the forum. Hopefully the next guy who has issue finds this post.
  11. Just spent some time quietly under the consoles of several of the smaller nitro boats on bass pro's showroom. The switches on those are the same style. When i get back to the boat I'm going to wire it the same way. I'll post some pictures and even draw up and post if I get it correct.
  12. What I have found out this morning on the switch so far. The switch is good. I took off the livewell switch and wired it into the switch that is giving me problems. The livewell works fine with the NAV/ANC switch. I did try the diagram that Zarra suggested. It didn't work. Although the posts are opposite on the switch I have. The four post side is opposite. Still not working. If the wiring diagram is correct I must have some wires not getting connection somewhere I guess. Either way I would have figured one of the lights or at least my console would have lit up. Instead of fishing today I'm going to be messing with a switch all day.
  13. Will it be wired in the same fashion as the livewell switch minus the timer post? I'd also like to figure this out so I can post a diagram that will be easily found in case there is someone else that made the same boneheaded move. I also had an issue with the wiring to the livewell switch when I first purchased the boat new. That problem got resolve by pulling each connector off and forcing a better connection to the wire.
  14. I assume the power wire would go at the top post of the four post side? In my case the left facing side? I tried to look at who manufactured the switch and all I saw was the ole "made in china". I think Lowe boats had it wired wrong to start with. I sure wasn't able to get both lights to work. I do know the way it was wired from the manufacturer the second post from the top of the four post side didn't have anything hooked to it.
  15. I was wondering if anyone knew the trick to wiring a three stage standard navigation switch. I was having issues getting both the navigation (red/green) and white light to turn on at the same time with the switch all the way up. So the genius in me decided to take all the wires off the switch and didn't take a picture to be able to put it the wires back on the right way. The boat is a 2013 Lowe and I have literally tried to look up how to wire this type of switch on the internet. Each method didn't work. The prongs are set up with four going down the left side and three down the right side looking at the terminals. The switch diagrams I have found online are all opposite. I tried wiring in the opposite direction and can't get anything to light up. There are six wires... one I have identified as the "hot wire" by attaching it to the other switches... two others with jumper wires (would assume it is the nav light in the front and white light in the back each) and one other wire that I assume is to the gauges on the console. I'm going to try and take the switch to bass pro tomorrow to see if someone there can help me. Sucks right now because I can't be out on the water at dark right now. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I can take a picture or draw a diagram if needed.
  16. I've even got to the point that I'm anal and want to take the hook out on the fish that others in my boat catch. I've started taking pride in making sure the bass and dinks get released very quick, lightly handled and uninjured back into the water. I like to catch the bass just for the fight... not to fry.
  17. Mutton starts out the morning at 74 then has reached 78.5 on the surface. At least that was the pattern earlier in the week. Kramr - right now the dinks have been around 14 inches. Walleye numbers have gone up greatly in my opinion. I also think that lowering the size limit has helped as well. Of course the MDC stocking effort must be working.\ Dan - I'll be in the camo Lowe STX. Normally I'm trolling, but tonight I'm going to sit on some brush.
  18. I got "lmt out's" post on the lake... motivated me to stay out longer and got one more walleye tonight because of it. I agree it is a good thing when we are complaining about having keeper walleye. Growing up just getting to catch a walleye was a treat. I just wish our crappie numbers would climb again. Good part about the walleye numbers being up is a guy like me will turn back every bass I catch. I've been releasing 17-19 inch bass with no issues. Years ago I'd keep them just to get something to fry. Not anymore.
  19. Launched at Cedar Ridge at 1:30 PM. Trolled both Flickershad, Walleye Runners, BB with Death Rigs... you name it to troll. Ended up with a handful of dink LM bass, walleye. Ended up with 2 Walleye and 1 White Bass that kept. No real patterns. Started catching more fish (all dinks) later in the evening... close to 6 PM. Lots of shad balled up everywhere. My downscan had lots of fish underneath all the shad. Trolled like crazy with cranks and BB underneath the shad. Caught nothing around the shad. Plan on going again tomorrow. Will most likely go later and simply jig over brush piles around Ruark and Mutton in the evening. I hope others are doing better this week.
  20. I've got the boat ready right now. Waiting on my fishing buddy to show up then I'm heading to Cedar Ridge. I'm going to move further out to 20 foot. If that doesn't work by about 5 pm then I'm going to brush pile bounce with jigs. Hopefully I have a decent report with some success for tonight for everyone.
  21. lmt out, what time of the day were you on the lake? I'm going to go out later tomorrow and be out close to dark. I'm going to be out earlier towards the end of the week or Saturday. I'm going to try and shoot at some teal at sun up one of these mornings.
  22. Launched from Mutton Creek at 9 AM. Trolled around Point 6 again going 2.1 mph with FlickerShad at 14-18 FOW. Caught 2 dink walleye and one dink LM bass. Move on the other side of the channel and drifted the flat with worm harnesses and shrimp. No luck on the flat. Drove back into Googer Creek trolled back out at 2.1 MPH in 14-18 FOW... caught one dink walleye. Once again it seems tough during the day on the lake. Still seeing lots of large balls of shad on the downscan. Planning on going later in the day tomorrow (launch at 1 PM) and fishing into the evening. Planning on trying some new water for myself personally. Looking at going to Cedar Ridge. I do have a question for anyone who might know if you can still go under the 215 Bridge. One Monday it looks like there are no wake buoys all underneath the bridge. Just curious if I need to drive all the way to Cedar Ridge to launch or if I can drive from Mutton.
  23. Launched across from old Point 9 at 10 AM. Fished the two flats just south trolling only Flickershad changing colors and sizes. Everything from slick mouse to chartreus tiger and sizes 7-9. Caught a total of 6 dink walleye, 10 dink LM bass, 2 good sized drum, and one 22 inch long Catfish. Moved towards the old point 10 (now B9). Trolled into the cove around the bank all the way to Chicken Rock. Caught 3 more dink LM bass. Then trolled under the power line with no luck. TOW went from 74-78 by the afternoon. Loaded the boat up at 3:30. Did take the time to use the downscan to look at some of the brush piles on the way back to load up the boat. Looked like there were some fish on the piles, but didn't take the time to try and pitch a jig. Will be going tomorrow again, not sure where I'll launch or where I'll go. Will post again tomorrow. I trolled the entire time at about 14 FOW. Might back my depth off tomorrow and go shallow (6 FOW) and use size 5 flickers tomorrow and jig on brush tomorrow.
  24. Launched at Mutton Creek 1:30 PM. Trolled around point 6 and off the point at Hawker for two passes, then returned to point 6. Trolled #9 Flicker Shad and transitioned into bottom bouncers with worm harness (artificial worms). Caught 1 LM bass at 15 inches, 6 dink LM bass, 2 dink walleye. Loaded up the boat at 5:30. TOW 75-77 degrees. I will be fishing all week and will post an evening summary every night. Tomorrow I'm most likely going to give the flats a try.
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