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Everything posted by strangercreek

  1. This was done legally through a gun shop in KC MO. They transferred the gun from my name to their shop, then transferred it from them to the new owner. It costs $40 to do it. What are they going to do about this? http://www.webpronews.com/gunsmith-uses-3d-printer-to-make-a-rifle-2012-07 Gun control is a joke. Address the criminals, not the guns
  2. No way this will ever happen. What are they going to do about the quickly developing 3d printing technology? Magazines have already been printed and tested. Printers kill people, people don't kill people, time for a ban and background checks.....what a joke. I just sold a Ruger 9mm with a 10 round and a 17 round clip (semi auto) to a friend in MO. I wonder if that makes him an automatic criminal now.
  3. I have always wondered about Longbranch Lake. I go up to Macon and Laplata for work sometimes. When I drive across 36 to get there I am always eyeing the creeks and rivers that flow through the area between St Jo and Macon (Medicine Creek, Chariton River, Grand River, HIggins Ditch, etc). I wish I had time to spend a day walking the banks with a fishing rod...not sure if they are accessible. I have a client that has mentioned Walley in some creek out that way. FYI, Ardent fishing reels are made in Macon.
  4. I have been switching some stuff around (sold some fly gear then donated several items to PHW) but wanted to put together an inexpensive glass combo for rough fish. I was looking for a decent reel in the $30-40 range and decided to get an Okuma Sierra based on my experience with a helios and an SLV (both great reels). The Sierra, Tempest, Magnitude (no longer made) and the old Cabelas Prestige (no longer made) are all the same reel. They have a polished brake disk and shoe with a wide adjustment for the drag. It reminds me of the disc brakes on my mountain bike, very smooth perfect drag pressure with excellent feel and tolerances. I bought it for $40 at Academy (couldn't find any shops that had them in stock). I also bought an eagle claw 8' 5/6 Featherlight 2010 model (awesome rod blank for $25 from Everharts in Clinton). The reel has almost perfect tolerances, a finish similar to the Konic (seems to be a sprayed/baked urethane of some sort), a nice wood handle and a counter balance (not rivited, but screwed on). Its not the lightest thing in the world but balances a heavy glass rod well. I couldn't be happier with the drag system and can't wait to put it to the test. It doesn't have a lot of contact surface so the really positive drag feel is surprising I see that a non rim control medalist can still be purchased in a packaged combo for $50 at academy. The sierras are sold in a clam pack but the tempest combos have the reel exposed where you can handle them. They are the same construction, although the finish on the sierra is different. I am pretty happy with this setup and look forward to comparing it to my new Cabelas CGT 7'6" 5wt glass rod (using my White River Classic fly reel, the older classic arbor style which is a buttery smooth reel, though not a "truck stopping" drag). I have always liked Okuma's reels. I'm looking at one of the Trio spinning reels for surf fishing in Myrtle beach this spring. Here is a link to the website for the Sierra https://www.okumafishing.com/product/view/reels/fly-reels/sierra
  5. Once you take a carp on fly rod you will change your thinking about rough fish. You will find yourself targeting gar and drum also. Buffalo are tricky for me, i've never been able to fool one, maybe someone else on here has (with flies, not bait). People say they are the counterpart to bonefish or redfish. I've done reds and I agree. Its to much fun.
  6. Anywhere in SWMO? springfield, nixa, ozark, branson, etc etc. I am wanting to pick up another one of these and have to come down on business thurs/fri. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Jason
  7. My niece has one of these and it casts great. I just bought one of the cabelas cgt glass rods (7.5 5wt) but I've been playing with a DT6F on it, its more of a 6 in my opinion, I can't wait to use it. I like a 6wt
  8. ..
  9. Mr Fink passed away last year.
  10. I enjoyed this, thanks Phil This also helps me with my renewed interest in spin and baitcast fishing
  11. As much of a drag as it is, doesn't Kansas give the land owner rights through the stream bed? (which I disagree with). I have friends that have been chased off Stranger Creek in Leavenworth county (it is almost 100% private property for its entire length.) I don't even bother because of this. It just seems really absurd that someone can own a water way. Since I live in Leavenworth County, I think I will go outside and barbwire the sidewalk in front of my house. I kind of see this as the same concept.
  12. I also agree. We owe those children and their families more than just point a finger at the simplest answer. Tired of the gun debate, its not soley a gun issue.
  13. I have the actual Ruger Model (a mark 3 i think?), awesome target pistol, a blast to shoot
  14. My wife is wanting a pressure cooker for this purpose, we'll see what happens. We can all start canning asian carp, I've heard that it is really good to eat actually, maybe a good way to get rid of them. And of course, yes, anybody "can" fish, in fact I encourage it. All you need is a rod, some line, and the proper license and some bait or flies
  15. Cabelas in Kansas City has Lamson 3.5 (7/8) and 4 (9/10) Konics for $69.21 and $79.21. I just purchased one for an 8 wt. This is about 25% less than the sale price on their website. Also, Bass Pro in KC is closing out 1st generation TFO pro series for $85 starting Wednesday. They are going to have 8'6" 5wts, 9' 6wts, and 9' 8wts. I called them to see if they will actually have 8wts and the guy told me they actually have plenty of all 3 lengths/weights These are actually the TFO Pro Special rods. They are made on the same blank, 4 piece but have the same green finish as the signature series. There are $80, a good buy. Here is a link to the exact rod at retail price from Sportsmans Warehouse, just for reference. http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/sportsmans/TFO-Pro-Special-Fly-Rod/productDetail/Fly-Rods/prod999901364197/cat112000 You could build a great setup for a really good price with these two deals.
  16. The book was based on the novel of the same name by Daniel Woodrell. I've several of his books, Tomato Red, Death of Sweet Mister, etc. He has nine books and one group of short stories call the Outlaw Album. He is from and resides in West Plains as far as I know. I like his style of writing. If you liked the movie you should check out some of his stuff. The majority of his work is set in the Ozarks. The movie Ride with the Devil was based on his novel "Woe to Live on" The leading role in Winters Bone was Jennifer Lawrence (Bill Engvall show, Hunger games)
  17. Good reference to Winter's Bone, glad to hear someone else has actually read the book or seen the movie. Daniel Woodrell is a great writer.
  18. Congrats....and Chuck is a class act, always helpful and one awesome angler
  19. I would be interested in a hiking/mountain biking thread, maybe both activities could draw some interest. I have some nice battle scars from the Sac river trail
  20. items are gone
  21. One of my favorite fly shops of all time has closed down. They are having an auction. They had a pretty big inventory last time I was there. They were a TFO, Sage, Simms, Van Staal, Bauer, and a bunch of other brands dealer. I don't think they ever carried any Lamson stuff though. They had a MASSIVE fly tying material and equipment selection and some really cool looking fixtures. The store was decked out. You can go get some new gear then head to the Indian River, Banana River, and Mosquito Lagoons, then don't forget to head to Dixie Crossroads to have rock shrimp and corn fritters. They are located on Washington Avenue in Titusville (east of Orlando) right in the median basically (one way traffic on both sides of the store). It was always a really cool place. I hate to see them go, http://flyfishermaninc.com/
  22. sorry about that, didn't realize it was your property
  23. Tim, what material leader do you use for dries down there? (flouro, mono etc)
  24. That right rear tire looks like it might be a retread, I don't know if I'd trust it at river speeds. The front also looks like it is wearing funny....you need to get that thing into an alignment shop, quick
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