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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. And to think....I was thinking this forum to be a nice place. Guess I was wrong.....trolls and a-holes! I'm out, keep this f'ing forum and the chitheads that inhabit it!
  2. When is the best time to head up to try to catch the Browns? I've never been during the 'run', and would really like to try my hand at catching something other then Rainbows all the time. I don't need 'secret hole info', just a good time frame to try.....thanks! Scott (wife wants to know too) B
  3. Some of the biggest trout, in numbers, have been caught at the weir wall upstream from Searcy. They gather right at the base of the wall(on the downstream side) and suck on the oxygenated water. Cats are further down from memory... Scott (meow, meow) B
  4. I have fished that 'wall'. It is a great place to go and catch untold amounts of trout that stay right next to it, on the downstream side. Yes, the water is a bit warmer, but the trout are there. Took a bunch of video on the 23rd at Cow Shoals....wife was doing a LOT of catching! Nothing big, but they were still pulling on the line. I only caught maybe five, one was about 13-14 inches. Was a fun day. BTW, if you happen to live in the North Little Rock area and lost your fishing license...I mailed it to you Scott (raining or generator, one or the other) B
  5. There is a health bunch of them in the southwestern Little Rock area, to the point a few people have 'freaked out' and called 911 about the noise! Are you hearing any of them there? Scott (rain will make them quiet though) B
  6. Thanks! If anyone else wants to toss some more in the 'ring', let me know. Scott (hard to feel 'em through the interwebs) B
  7. ?Photo? Guess everyone 'stole it too much'....I'm not seeing it. I pretty much fish for the trout species here in Arkansas. I don't really care which one I get to pull against me...I just like them. I will be going after some landlocked salmon in Maine in about a month. But I have a feeling that those Brookies will be swarming the pools too. Scott (hate missing the photo) B
  8. In search of a new fly rod....but I'm a bargain shopper(limited funds ). Has anyone come across a link to something nice? On sale or close-out/discounted? I've been using a 5wt Reddington(have been using this for years...lots of years). It's heavy, fatiguing of a few hours of casting, and not all that responsive to me. I have a BassPro(has a lack of information due to the fella working part-time as a fry cook at McD in the afternoon, but he likes cars), Academy Sports(everything is locked to the wall and no one seems to have a key), Dick's, and a few 'fly specialty shops'(Indian word for over priced and typically judgmental with lacking service unless you are wearing a Rolex)..... I have picked up a bunch of TFO's in BassPro(but they are not big into letting people cast them). I have picked up a few St. Croix(just felt strange, maybe they cast good....but I have no idea). I am open to 'other brands' as I don't have a 'this-brand-is-better-then-that'...... That said, any input to where a fella can find a deal(the classifieds here seem to be highly priced items-not a bad thing, but not for the budget minded)? I'd like something in the 5wt, and possibly in a 4-piece(fits in the little car better), and I toss a lot of WoollyBuggers as well as a bunch of BWO's in a few sizes.... Scott ('net searches can burn someone's brain) B
  9. Spoke to a fella on the river that had read the article today.....he's calling BS on this 'report'. There are plenty of fish in the lake, just because they aren't easy to catch doesn't mean there is a problem....(his words, not mine). His statement that the lake hasn't been as warm as in the past made sense, the shad don't come to the top when the lake doesn't come up it temps.... Scott (dang fish should jump in the boat) B
  10. Finally was able to get the 'timing right'! Longer periods of high water make "ME" fatter, but certainly not stronger..... Were able to get out this morning on Cow Shoals, wife hooked up almost immediately...took me a bit longer. Everything was really small...nothing over 13" was caught/released? So I'm not sure where the bigger, fatter, stronger were...but they were not at the location we waded. Caught/released 19 fish between the both of us over the period of 4.5hrs.....certainly not a 'good day'. Scott (Norfolk will get me next time) B
  11. SDB777

    Remmel dam

    Sure, love to help. When using these ND filters, I typically choose to shoot Aperture Priority.... The top photo is f/32 - ISO100 The bottom photo is f/25 - ISO100 The filter I use is a 6stop filter at max setting, but it give some really bad vignetting at the corners, so I dial it back a tad. Then I choose an f/stop that will give the longest shutter time without going into the 'BULB' setting. If it is super bright outside, I'll even take multiple 'bracketed photos' and blend them using PhotoMatix Essentials.... Scott (can't wait to shoot the ocean in July) B
  12. SDB777

    Remmel dam

    Washed out at Little Red this morning.....seems thunder and lightning will do that kind of thing. Go figure! So much rain this year.... Any way, had a long trip back to Cabot....figured a road trip to be in order! Another 'pastime for me' is long exposure photography.....as in anything in the 15second plus time frame, preferably 25-30 seconds to keep from going into the 'Bulb settings'. Here's a 30sec exposure: Here's a 25sec exposure: The river was definitely not wadeable for us! Maybe if it ever decides to stop raining everyday around here? Scott (ND is fun too) B
  13. This whole place is pretty much under water right now. Normal flow is 70,000-ish CFS at this spot....today the water is just shy of 231,000 CFS! Can't wait until the water recedes and I get to go back! Scott (everyone like night photo's) B
  14. True, it isn't a 'normal' way to do product placement. But what happens when you chuck a piece of 'stuff' in a light tent? The meter finds a neutral 'gray' and the setting is determined, whether it's correct or not, and the shutter fires, and post processing begins. A lot of things can be 'fixed' in post processing, but why bother......it's easier to get an exposure without dark spots or blown out areas by doing it this way. I've tried far too many ways to do product placement with fair to less than fair results. Scott (give it a try!) B
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