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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. As Table Rock Lake hit its power pool level, generation at Table Rock Dam was adjusted down to less than 2 units this morning, down from about 90% flow. This is making fishing on Taneycomo much easier. No fishing reports yet today but should get something up before the day is out.
  2. 3 grand kids. 2 by our oldest daughter, Sara and Josh (Overland Park, KS) and now Megan and Jimmy, Rogers, AR. Looking forward to teaching them all to fish!
  3. After the rains the other night, Table Rock and Beaver have risen to the point the Corp as saw fit to release A LOT of water. They're releasing 4 units at 200 mw which is close to full capacity. With this release, the water temperature in the lake has dropped to 46 degrees putting our trout into shock. I say shock... they're not eating very well. We see this every time we go from little generation to a lot. We haven't seen water like this for may be 18 months. I think it sends the trout to the bottom and it takes them several days to get reoriented. Once they do, they start eating again. It's been 3 days now and we're seeing some trout caught today although conditions are hard. With this much current, getting to the bottom is a trick and if you're not on the bottom you aren't going to get bit. Period! Guys this morning caught fish drifting from the cable at the dam down to the boat ramp using an egg/scud combination. Use a bigger scud- #10's and #12's. Bill also was dragging a small floating crank bait using a drift rig and catching fish- he said catching bigger trout than the scud was. I've sent some people down to Roark Creek to see if trout are moving in there with the cold, high water. They usually do, may be not this quick. But when they do, they'll be in there thick and be easy to catch. Should see some crappie and whites in there too. More later.
  4. Wow... you're a long way from home here! Welcome!! What type of fishing do you do there in Nigeria?
  5. I'm humbled by the article... I didn't know it was going to be about me so much as the fishing. It did get me thinking about people's perception of me in regards to trout fishing on Taney... I'm not the guru people think I am here. I'm not that diverse. I jig fish, fly fish only some areas. I don't bait fish and seldom fish below Fall Creek. Yea I've been here 30 years- the old man on the block (except for Acton's at Blue Haven) but that doesn't make me any more of an expert than the next person. Now Ken White, the writer, that was a treat meeting and fishing with this guy. Somebody needs to write a book about him and what he's done in his life. The most impressive thing - 12 kids and 42 grand kids! Then there's the people he's met, photographed. I really enjoyed fishing and talking to Ken. Hope to again soon.
  6. BassFan.Com One of the things that differentiates competitive bass fishing from most other sports is the degree to which a particular venue can change from one year to the next. The world's best golfers go to the Masters every year and know they'll find lush green grass on the famed Augusta National layout, and tennis players head for the French Open knowing that the clay at Roland Garros Stadium will be red and firm. http://www.bassfan.com/news_article.asp?ID=4568#.UXCp5oITGek
  7. Hey I'm more excited about this: JP Cummings, our 3rd grand child.
  8. You can reach Buster at 417-335-0357 for a guide trip.
  9. May be I should add a disclaimer...
  10. Sorry- didn't get this posted earlier...
  11. My buddy Paul has been turkey hunting so I don't have anything to report. Should be good though. Put in at 10-C bridge and go up?
  12. I wouldn't say a ton but some. Every creek will have bass in them. Should find bass just about anywhere in the main lake from the Landing down right now, water being in the mid 50's.
  13. Beautiful fish!
  14. On Thursday I got to the Lake about 9 AM and fished the morning about ten yards down stream from the rebar. The weather was cloudy and a cold 32 degrees. I fished a #12 Black Woolly Booger all morning. I had a strike at least three of four casts. I lost count of the stockers I caught, but caught two rainbows about 14 inches long, and one at just over 18 inches. I found I had to let the Woolly Booger drift in the current before stripping back. It required a lot of patience. That afternoon I didn't do quite so well. The sun came out and they stopped hitting. I think I caught four stockers before quitting at 5 PM. On Friday I fished hard all day from 9 AM to 5 PM stopping for a three hour lunch. I'm not proud to say I caught one stocker all day. I fished the area up and down the gravel bar, and tried just about everything I could think of. These included Black and Olive Woolly Boogers, a Pheasant Tail Woolly Booger, and a Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle. Nothing seemed to work. The sun was out with a hard North wind which caused several tangles. Even with the tough fishing on Friday we both had a great time. The accommodations were outstanding, and your staff most helpful. Edward Spence Thursday morning we only fished from 9 Am to 11. I caught 20 rainbows on #14 beadhead pheasant tail woollybuggers. This is a pattern I tie and I've had success with it nearly everywhere I've used it, especially at Taneycomo and Bennett Spring. I'll be glad to share it with anyone who is interested. When I quit the fish were still hitting it but I was tired and ready for lunch. Thursday afternoon we fished from 3:30 to 5:30 and I caught 1 rainbow on a #20 Dan's turkey tail emerger, then switched to a #20 zebra midge under a #15 dry fly and caught another 17. The biggest were 13 inchers. I was just using the dry as an indicator with a hook in it but nothing ever hit it this time. Friday was a little slower and more crowded as we expected. We started about 9 AM and quit at 11:30. I caught 4 trout on the same #20 emerger and 5 on the same woollybugger. Friday afternoon we started at 3:30 and quit at 5:30. I caught 4 fairly nice sized trout on a #18 zebra midge. All these fish were caught along the gravel bar towards the lower end and beyond. No monsters this time but lots of action. If there is another place in the country with more trout per mile I don't know where it is. Thanks again for the usual Lilley's Landing hospitality! Bruce Cochran
  15. TR's temp is colder than Taney. It's 54 at the dock, 59 downtown.
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