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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. What kind of area did you find them in? Flats, bluffs, main lake, cove? Not asking spots, just general.
  2. 2 or even 3 units. It looked like 3 at the dam face. They can run all 4 units but only run them at, say, 25%. If you want to know HOW much water, need to note the water level.
  3. You can hear it... it was howling today at the dam. Straight up lake. White 1/8th oz jig, worked it behind the boat downstream. Missed 90% of the bites. Did float a miracle fly under a float and only caught one small one. Only had an hour or I'd try other stuff.
  4. They're hard up for news/calendar events...
  5. They had just increased to 75 mw, about 1.5 units. Perfect for jig fishing.
  6. Where did you fish? Or would you rather not say.
  7. That's Jackson. He was my dad's dog from my daughter's female chocolate lab. After dad passed, I inherited him. He's 18 months and loves to get out in the boat. He's NOT like his mom (Darby) who has almost pushed me in the lake several times trying to get at the fish I catch. Jackson likes to lick them once or just check them out and then loses interest. He likes staring at blue herons till they fly.
  8. Yes- yesterday from 4 till 5ish. One drift from cable not quite to the boat ramp. Yes running same pattern today. I love it! But I have appointments all day and probably wont get out. I used a white 1/8th oz jig on camera. I caught 3 rainbows and one brown before I turned the camera on. After I turned it off and was going to start up and go in, I had a brown/orange jig on another rod and threw it 3 times - caught 3 rainbows. They were just all over it. No shad in the water- saw no evidence of shad. They always like white in the winter (and spring and summer). Just like the seasons (winter, spring....), I like it when they change up generation patterns. It's fun to get out and fish it when they run water after not running much over the weeks.
  9. Nice to see you, Bill!! We need to get together.
  10. Has this topic run its course?
  11. I have a friend who lives in Neosho that fishes the Spring 12 months out of the year and catches whites all the time. Not every time but close to it. I've been with him in the winter months, like right now, and caught our limit. We typically use jigs, grubs and swimming minnows and right now fish them very slow. The bite is light and they'll be on the bottom.
  12. 66 years is young... I never met Dwayne but remember seeing him on the lake. Wish I had said hi.
  13. post for James Edward eb_lawncare at yahoo.com 1994 gambler 209 2000 Merc 200 hp efi Tandem axle trailer New tires all 4 New seats redone New carpet New sea star hydrolic steering New Humminbird 596 Jd down imang 25c gps lowrance dash New batteries Motor guide 70 lb thrust pro tour series Dual console $6500
  14. I was told second hand that a party gigging in that area said they've been seeing more 10+ pound walleye from Barker to the dam - more than they've ever seen. Take it for what it is... second hand.
  15. Well, me and Duane got out on the lake alittle after noon today. Boated up to the Narrows, anchored the boat and got out on the flats. Heard there were a ton of people out but I think the log jam at the mouth of Fall Creek must have dispersed at noon cause there weren't that many boats out. Chop on the surface was perfect. Wind blowing downlake. Duane asked me what I was going to start with--seeing there wasn't any midging going on I said scuds. I tied on a #12 gray scud tied on a 200R hook. They didn't respond to it real well. Broke if off so tied on a tan scud. They like it. Duane tied on one too and we started catching rainbows fairly regularly. I hooked a real nice rainbow, I'd guess it to be about 18 inches. It ran me out to the channel twice. Had it about whipped when the line popped. Strange. Wish I could have gotten a pic of it. I proceeded to pop off 2 more bugs on hookset before I decided to change out my tippet. Was using 6x Rio flourocarbon. Found out Duane started with 7x and stayed with 7x all day. I did try 7x after a long dry spell but went back to 6x after breaking off a couple of times. We fished there for a couple of hours and did well but nothing over 14 inches and not many of them. Boated on up past the tennis courts, got out and waded the shallow side using scuds. We hit several hot spots but mostly found areas we didn't get bit. Got down to a big shallow flat where they were midging so we tied on #16 or #18 zebras, rusty, black, clear/white and pearl, and caught quite a few. Boated back down to the Narrows flats and finished the day catching them on a #18 or #20 rusty midge Duane tied but in the head he tied in a small piece of chammy material. They liked it... well they like Duane's rig better than mine. Maybe it was the 7x. Headed in about 5 pm.
  16. There are some good fly rods for entry level anglers for about $100 - Templefork, Orvis - I'd stay with companies that offer good warranties if you break one. If you're just fishing Taney, stay with an inexpensive reel because you don't need much of a drag system with most of the trout you catch here. If you're wading, make sure you buy boots with no felt. It's illegal in Missouri.
  17. k- Here goes. We waded in just below the rock pile. No generation. We waded all the way across the lake to the Powersite side - it never got to our waste. Looked for fish- all Duane saw were small suckers. Drove down across and up the Powersite side to the path in through the woods just below Silver Creek, parked and walked down to the gravel bar there. Casted a bunch using swimming minnows. It seems to be less than 8 feet deep- more like 6 feet. I lost 3 baits. No bites. Drove down back across and down to Barker. Nothing. I'd like to know how deep it is down there too. Didn't seem like much more than 10 feet. We fished from the corner to the bluff. Saw one boat on the lake between the bridge and Barker. Another gigging boat between Silver and the dam. No one else. I'm sure it'll get good
  18. Meeting him in 45 minutes at the Pothole. I gotta go...
  19. That's what I say.... who cares? Media is wearing out both stories. Armstrong - he's finished. Te'o, he'll get his shot in the NFL. Move on.
  20. I may venture down there tomorrow night. Have to see if Doty wants to go...
  21. Best thing to do is go during the day to get the lay of the land. Look for eddies - key in walleye fishing. These areas will differ as to water release, which you want. Either side would be good. Fish within 1/4 mile of the day- I'd think the best. Locals keep this area and techniques close to their vest... and I don't blame them. It's an excellent fishery for all kinds of fish and it can get crowded easy. That's why I don't personally report everything I hear about it... so when I do mention fishing is good there, you should take note! And it has been good. I think this walleye winter season will be the best in recent years.
  22. I did notice though that if you just paste the url of a youtube video, it will work.
  23. Post one here and let me see what you're talking about. Now the IPB people told me to post embeded videos this way: Check the html enable box (right of text box) Then click the BBCode switch (top left end above text box) Then paste the code. They're working on a fix for this.
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