I'm surprised the changed has taken this long.
I can't tell if the jab about saving money is serious... so I'll jump on it gently. "Save Money" I think that's a good thing, no matter who it is. The savings will come from not having to pay a third party to process the permits.
They've been doing this in Texas for at least the past 2 years. No terminals, all online transactions except if you buy it in a store, they had a special printer that printed on the durable paper.
Where the consumer is going to see a surcharge is in WalMart and fishing shops where the agent can charge for the service. For instance, we'll have to add at least one computer to handle the extra usage for processing licenses in the shop. We have on there now for reservations - no way we can do licenses and reservations at the same time. Plus a printer and paper. Not saying WE will add a surcharge - still haven't decided, or actually heard exactly what MDC is going to do and require - but others probably will add a charge. But it will be easy to get around it- buy it at home... where by the way you have been able to if so desired for at least 2 years now.
I've bought my KS hunting license online and printed it on regular paper for the last 3 seasons. I printed extra copies in case I misplaced it too. Small zip lock bag - no problems.