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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. We need to hand out name tags... I'd like to put faces with screen names next time. Powerpoint images - depends if Mike shares them.
  2. I did record it but not sure it would make any sense posting the audio cause they refer to slides almost the whole time. I counted 65 in attendance.
  3. Cody Smith is our Greer's Ferry guy.
  4. Good area... I'd try both. Depends on light I'd say.
  5. Mike Webb is nationally known for his presentations on electronics. This is an incredibly opportunity... hope the place is packed!
  6. I'm actually not taking the trip. A couple of friends are and I was checking it out for them. But I will report back after their trip.
  7. We may be seeing a change in generation patterns here on Lake Taneycomo. Saturday the water was off for part of the afternoon and tomorrow they are scheduled to shut it down mid morning and leave it off for most of the day. The area lakes are all below power pool, and with mild temperatures in the forecast, this may be a pattern we’ll see until spring rains come and change lake levels. Can you count on this? Very hard to say, but it does make sense. Since the cold weather broke, we’ve seen a lot of fishing pressure on our trout. But the good thing is that less pressure during a very cold and wet winter means there is an abundance of rainbows in the lake right now, even though hundreds are being caught each day. We’ve seen evidence of this in our fishing, and in witnessing how everyone at the resort fares each day. Most are catching trout on various baits and lures. When the water is running and you can get a boat to the cable below the dam, drifting flies and working lures has yielded some nice rainbows and a few browns. A gentleman told me he had landed and released a 21-inch brown Saturday close to the first island below the dam. He used a sculpin-colored one-eighth ounce jig when the water was running. While fishing this past weekend, I saw a couple of large rainbows cruising the flats above Fall Creek, so there’s trophy trout around to target. No one has reported seeing any thread fin shad coming through the dam. It’s still not too late in the season for a run—I’ve seen them as late as May in the past. Water temperatures on Table Rock are still in the low 40’s to high 30’s while Taney’s water temp is hovering around 40 degrees. When fishing jigs during generation, I’d try white as well as darker colors—brown, black, olive and sculpin, not to leave out ginger, gray and pink. My favorite is still the sculpin/ginger combo. When the flow really slows or even when it’s off, I drop to a 3/32nd -ounce on four-pound line or a one-sixteenth ounce on two-pound line and work it off the bottom. I reduce the jig size because I can work shallow water with no movement more slowly than when I’m using a heavier jig. With no generation we can go to a jig-and-float rig and try our micro jigs and marabou jigs. Some of the guides run a double rig using a beaded egg fly and a zebra midge under a float. The egg acts as an attractor and the midge (#14 red, black or green) is the bait. I’d drop to two-pound leader at least when using small flies. Fly fishing—we’ve seen huge midge matches the last couple of weeks when the water has dropped; the rainbows have been keying in on them. Saturday when I was up fishing the flats below Lookout, I watched as trout were all over the top, some just nosing the surface picking off flies while others ran and whacked midges that were buzzing across the surface to dry their wings before flight. See video. Drop a zebra midge under a very small indicator 12 inches deep and cast it close to where you see a trout rise. No movement is necessary; just hope the trout will notice your midge in the mist of all the other real bugs. Leave it for 20 seconds and then find another active rainbow and cast at him. If they get picky, drop down to a size #16 hook or even a #18. If it’s sunny, tie on a bright primrose and pearl or another shiny-bodied midge. Strip a soft hackle or wooly bugger if the surface is choppy. Below Fall Creek, inflated night crawlers are the best way to catch bigger rainbows, either with generation or without. Gulp Powerbait will catch a limit of stocker rainbows pretty easily most days using a white egg and another color such as orange or pink. Spoons and spinners have really worked well all winter, but you do usually catch fresh stockers on these lures. Fishing down lake is still generally worthwhile. Most of our guides have been fishing between the bridges, and even the tournament anglers caught their biggest trout at the mouths of Turkey and Coon Creeks and in front of the Landing. On dark, rainy days, go trophy brown hunting and throw some big stick baits around docks and dead trees. You may even hang a big bass. For the coming weeks, keep an eye on rain in the White River Region and watch how it affects lake levels. Use OzarkAnglers.Com and its links to keep track of levels as well as up to date fishing reports.
  8. Ordered it on Amazon- thanks!
  9. Pumpkin- you mean orange? Straight orange? Do I carry that one?? Don't think I've used that one before. Amazing.
  10. I'm looking for a good crowd for this week's program at the Springfield Nature Center Tuesday evening. Anyone from the Branson area want to carpool? We should be one or two car fulls to head up. Bill and I are leaving about 5:15 may be.
  11. I'm looking for a good crowd for this week's program at the Springfield Nature Center Tuesday evening. Anyone from the Branson area want to carpool? We should be one or two car fulls to head up. Bill and I are leaving about 5:15 may be.
  12. Got this from my Stripper Club email subscription just now 3/14/10
  13. We've already "hashed" this out. The topic was heading into the twilight zone, somewhere between a river and a the cesspool of politics and I cut it off. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21735 Catchabiggin, I know you're new here but political discussions always go bad on the forum. I know this deals with fishing. I believe we covered most of the bases on the old topic so until new news comes out of this, I'm gonna close this before it gets going again.
  14. Posted under Megan's account... sorry.
  15. Great report! Thanks
  16. I get 2-4 emails a day on fishing from the club - pretty cool. I'd recommend it if you're fishing Norfork. I asked to reprint reports and they said fine but no specific locations should be reported. I've uploaded some pics they've sent but I'm not going to mess with any reports - may be general ones if fishing gets good for stripers. They don't seem to be interested in using the forum which I understand. They have a private thing going with paying members and that's ok.
  17. <object id="myMovie" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="540" height="100"> <param name="src" value="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3">'>http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3"> <param name="console" value="video1"> <param name="controls" value="All"> <param name="autostart" value="false"> <param name="loop" value="false"> <embed name="myMovie" src="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3?embed"'>http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3?embed" height="100" width="500" autostart="false" loop="false" nojava="true" console="video1" controls="All"></embed> <noembed><a href="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3">'>http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3">Play first clip</a></noembed> </object> Phil Lilley and Bill Babler talk fishin' Don't see the device? Click the link and hopefully something will happen. http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3
  18. Something new... pretty easy to do too. Have to wade through the Table Rock Report - Taney is the second half. <object id="myMovie" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="540" height="100"> <param name="src" value="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3"> <param name="console" value="video1"> <param name="controls" value="All"> <param name="autostart" value="false"> <param name="loop" value="false"> <embed name="myMovie" src="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3?embed" height="100" width="500" autostart="false" loop="false" nojava="true" console="video1" controls="All"></embed> <noembed><a href="http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/fishing3-14-10.mp3">Play first clip</a></noembed> </object>
  19. Had alot of trouble editing this for some reason. I shot most of it with my flip but had to finish with a regular video camera cause the batteries ran down on the flip. Trying to get tis editing thing down so it won't take so long to "get it in the can". Would like to do more.
  20. You can tell when you fish them. It does make a difference as far as how slow you can work a 3/32 vs a 1/8. When the water is off, I'd rather work a 3/32 oz in water that's 2 to 8 feet deep but any deeper I'd go to a 1/8 oz.
  21. Any WalMart or you could buy it online. https://www4.wildlifelicense.com/mo/start.php
  22. <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>
  23. <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10138656&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10138656&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/10138656">North Fork of the White River Part 2</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1209677">Phil Lilley</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> <p> Part Two
  24. Is there such a thing as hiking along the Buffalo, say for 4 days, and getting a shuttle to the end of the hike? Anyone done it? Suggestions? Thanks
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