Mid-South Walleyes http://mid-southwalleyes.com
Well 2009 has certainly been a year of ups and downs. It was definately a year of "ups" for the team of Leslie Wake and Keith Smith as they swept all the titles by capturing the 2009 Team of the Year, North Division Champions, South Division Champions, and Big Fish of the Year!
The awards will be presented at our annual banquet at Hemmingways on January 14th at 7 pm. Again this year we will enjoy the buffet at $21.00 per person, please contact Lee or I if you plan to attend so that we can provide a head count, email or forum post is fine. We will accept cash or checks at the banquet.
This years Cabela's NTC will be held June 5 & 6 on Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, Wi. We don't know yet how many team invitations we will get, but should know by the end of January.
We have scheduled four tournaments for the 2010 season. All four tournaments will be counted for points and there will not be separate divisions.
May 22 - Stocton Lake - Mutton Creek Marina
June 19 - Bull Shoals Lake - Theodosia Marina
August 28 - Stockton Lake - Mutton Creek Marina
September 18 & 19 - Bull Shoals Lake - Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock
Please send in membership renewals when you get a chance so that I can get all the rosters and mailing lists updated before the tournament season starts.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Tournament Year from Lee and I at Mid-South Walleyes
Membership - $30 per year for individuals, $35 for families.
According to their website- Our meetings are held at 7pm the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Log Cabin Room inside Bass Pro Shop, Springfield, MO