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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I've been reporting guys catching whites, walleye, striper and yellow perch for a week or more now on the flats in 33-39 feet of water jigging spoons. I fished the flat in sight on Lead Hill Marina a couple of weeks ago and did real well. Most times, these guys are limiting on whites (25 in Ark) every time out.
  2. The same used to be said about white bass... I haven't eaten Yellow Perch but I've heard they are very good.
  3. Yea they used to on the lower end but the stripers kept eating them. Used to be they took trips in pontoons at night and fished close to the dam face deep for big rainbows, I remember. I don't think they stock them anymore.
  4. Thanks for posting. MSU boys are tearing up the hardwood this year... 10-0. Have a blessed Christmas!
  5. I guess you could say both trout and stripers are being stocked in BS. Arkansas is stocking stripers and trout are coming over the dam from Taney. I'm sure the stripers are keying in on both shad and rainbows. I'd be very tempted to troll a Castaic rainbow bait down there. Vince Elfrink caught a 1-12 oz yellow perch there last spring and broke the state record. There are quite a few of them in the lake now. You're right about water and the run this winter. We may see a fantastic walleye run if it all goes right!
  6. Actually they've been catching stripers at Powersite and in the Lead Hill area for a week now. Also, Taxidermist (John) says they've been catching them further down lake on Bull Shoals. None below the dam on the White and none in Taneycomo. I don't think it's the "purists" who are saying "no" (not sure who's asking). It wouldn't make much sense for MDC to stock stripers and rainbows in the same waters. It sure would hurt the tourism biz and completely change any management plans MDC has for Taney. I'm going to try to get down there soon to see if it's true- about Powersite. I know for sure on the Lead Hill report cause I've talked to the source personally.
  7. Glad you did- howdy!
  8. I went with a guide 3 years ago but I don't know his name. We fly fished the inland waters, mangroves, and caught baby tarpon. I'd think June would be much better fishing. I'll try to find his name in my records but don't hold your breath... I don't keep good records.
  9. If you're on facebook, look Al up. He keeps us all up on his battle with cancer. He's doing much better but the cancer is not gone. You can read about it on his facebook page.
  10. Not sure I'm going to get to go tomorrow but I heard that they are catching lots of whites, some walleye and stripers below Powersite Dam the last 10 days. Throwing rouges is the only thing I've heard. From a boat or bank- I don't know. My schedule just freed up for tomorrow so I'm going to try to go. Also heard of stripers on the flats at Lead Hill. Big ones.
  11. Welcome to Missouri and our forum. Hope to help you with you're fishing here and may be you can point us to some fish in Texas!
  12. The images you're uploading are that big. You should resize them to about 800-1000 pixels wide when attaching photos to the forum.
  13. I know Anglers and Archery on 165 by the dam does. Not sure about River Run.
  14. You're forgetting about the dams. Nothing natural about dams.
  15. Thanks for joining... looking forward to hearing more from you and other members of MSA.
  16. In the long run- yes.
  17. Click this icon above the text box and type in the image url (address). Then hit insert image. It should post the script in the text box. Pretty much the same as the old one. Sorry for the new version. Maybe I should not have upgraded. But I can't go back unfortunately.
  18. test
  19. What buttons?
  20. It's an upgrade from 2. to 3. version. If and when I were to add a new feature to the forum, I would need to upgrade to 3. I didn't realize it would be this drastic of a change. Wish I didn't do it.
  21. Multi-quotes, I have no idea. What browser are you using? Are you posting on the quick post or full editor? These are questions the tech guys are going to ask.
  22. http://www.norforkstripers.org/ Welcome to Lake Norfork Striper Club, the Lake Norfork Striper Club was formed to promote our striper quality and quantity. The club promotes conservation of the striped bass fishing by emphasizing the principle of "Catch and Release, when feasible". The striper club is working with the State of Arkansas to increase and maintain the annual striper stocking program to ensure that Lake Norfork will continue to produce above average stripers. The Lake Norfork Striper Club meets in the Hensley Building off Bryant Street, just south of the East Side Baptist Church at 718 E. 9th Street in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Meetings are the fourth Monday of the month and start promptly at 7 p.m. Come early to talk about the current striper bite and to update our Membership Roster. Get tickets for our 50/50 drawing and BIG DOOR PRIZE give-a-ways. ALL STRIPER FANS are always welcome. The club’s FISHING MESSAGE BOARD is a great way to keep abreast of what’s happening on Lake Norfork. Please sign up at our monthly meeting and find out how our members are catching trophy stripers on Lake Norfork throughout the year. Note: I couldn't find their MESSAGE BOARD. Lake Norfork Striper Club meets every fourth Monday in the month at 7 pm. The meeting is held at the Eastside Baptist Church Mountain Home. Membership is $10 per year, $15 for families.
  23. Mid-South Walleyes http://mid-southwalleyes.com Well 2009 has certainly been a year of ups and downs. It was definately a year of "ups" for the team of Leslie Wake and Keith Smith as they swept all the titles by capturing the 2009 Team of the Year, North Division Champions, South Division Champions, and Big Fish of the Year! The awards will be presented at our annual banquet at Hemmingways on January 14th at 7 pm. Again this year we will enjoy the buffet at $21.00 per person, please contact Lee or I if you plan to attend so that we can provide a head count, email or forum post is fine. We will accept cash or checks at the banquet. This years Cabela's NTC will be held June 5 & 6 on Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, Wi. We don't know yet how many team invitations we will get, but should know by the end of January. We have scheduled four tournaments for the 2010 season. All four tournaments will be counted for points and there will not be separate divisions. May 22 - Stocton Lake - Mutton Creek Marina June 19 - Bull Shoals Lake - Theodosia Marina August 28 - Stockton Lake - Mutton Creek Marina September 18 & 19 - Bull Shoals Lake - Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock Please send in membership renewals when you get a chance so that I can get all the rosters and mailing lists updated before the tournament season starts. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Tournament Year from Lee and I at Mid-South Walleyes Membership - $30 per year for individuals, $35 for families. According to their website- Our meetings are held at 7pm the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Log Cabin Room inside Bass Pro Shop, Springfield, MO
  24. Try again. I think I fixed it. I was able to attach an image. Thanks for the report, Tito.
  25. Phil Lilley

    Deer Cam

    It's amazing how many bucks survive the season, isn't it? Trail cams are cool. Thanks for posting them!
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