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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Looks like they are installing a bathroom down close to the water and may be building the tackle shop on the bank too. Not sure. But they are doing it right. Lots of rock, shoring up their bank.
  2. Found this via facebook. I like the flies, photos - especially in the artwork section - and how the site looks and navigates. http://myflies.com
  3. You might be already gone but Babler's place is ideal and he'll take you fishing too. His recent report sounds pretty awesome!
  4. Generation is steady... 707 ft... about 2.3 unit's worth. Water is stained and 53 coming out of the turbines. Stained is strange, this time of year for sure. O2 levels seems to be holding up- trout are still fighting pretty good. Lots of rainbows being caught the last couple of days. I was out for 90 minutes mid day today. Drifted #10 gray scud from Andy's down. Did the best below Fall Creek though- from Riverpoint's ramp to Short Creek on the inside, shallow side. Small trout though. Best - night crawlers and pink Gulp eggs from Fall Creek down.
  5. It is on our maps?
  6. The temperature gage is way off too. I have no idea where they're getting 61 degrees. I'm getting 53 at the dock and the same up below the dam since the gates were shut off.
  7. Actually it is posted under Table Rock as well as on the main pages with the link to this page. I can post it more often and in bold perhaps.
  8. I don't pay any attention to the O2 gage. Placement makes a big difference and no one I've talked to knows where it is.
  9. You're in a great place - upper Table Rock and close to Roaring River. And then there's Beaver Lake. Good to have you aboard.
  10. They can't run 4 units full without flood gates because of the lack of O2. Now they're back to what they were doing before the flood gates, if you look at the output and levels.
  11. Flood gates are closed. Water temp should be about 53 - that's what it was before the gates were turned back on.
  12. One issue is the hook set. Almost need a stiffer rod cause there's alot of slack to account for. Yes- all feel. He said they hit it on the "drop" sometimes. The strikes were pretty hard. I was using my spin cast and using alot of weight- overkill. Was just trying something different. It worked pretty well and I felt the strikes clearly. But even using mono and spin cast, I had trouble setting the hook because of the bow in the line.
  13. Brian - The Branson TU Chapter is NOT defunct. I'm the President and Dan is Vice. We had quite a few meetings last winter and spring. No meetings scheduled yet this winter but I'm working on it. It is hard to set meetings. Not much local interest to go to meetings where not much interesting is discussed. Need a pet project and we are working on a major one with MDC - habitat for upper Taney. Kids fishing is on local MDC's mind. Just hard to implement.
  14. With 4 units and 10 flood gates running, Roland Duffield does well fishing a sink tip line with a drift rig style technique. Have to get it to the bottom. Using a #10 weighted gray "peppy" scud and a 3/8 oz bell sinker, he casts the rig down stream at a 45 degree angle so that the weight is behind the fly, the fly out ahead of the weight and on the bottom. It works. See video #2. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"> We drifted from Andy's house down almost to Fall Creek.
  15. They tried to create a pond east of the new hatchery expansion but the area won't hold water due to bedrock and leaks. It was thought that it would be set aside for youth catch and release. It's a possibility but it'll have to be budgeted some time in the future. Browns - yes - #3 couldn't be used for that. But some of the other outlets could.
  16. Shane Bush, fisheries biologist for MDC, told me that the COE is planning on running 4 units plus 10 gates at Table Rock until TR's lake level reaches the 918 mark which could be Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Then they will return to normal generation which was a little less than 2 units 24/7, before the latest rain. Fishing continues to be good but the guides stress the fly or bait has to be on the bottom to get bit.
  17. New Law Will Improve Safety on Lakes 11/2/2009 News Release from Missouri Water Patrol On January 1, 2010, a new state law takes effect, requiring dock owners on Missouri lakes to post the closest emergency address for their dock. The goal is faster response times by emergency services to incidents on the water. Emergency address postings on docks will also aid in non-emergency calls for services for lost or disabled boaters. The new law affects docks on Lake of the Ozarks and all Missouri lakes managed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The law states that "the appropriate ‘911’ address or in the absence of a ‘911’ system, the physical address nearest to the dock by land," must be posted. It is suggested that the sign be posted so that it is visible when looking at the dock from the water. The Missouri State Water Patrol recommends a minimum of three inch letters be used when posting addresses on docks. For maximum visibility, the address should be in a color that contrasts with the backing. Reflective paint or material is preferred for the lettering. If you are unsure of the closest emergency or 911 address for your dock, please contact your local emergency services office or sheriff’s department. Many local sign shops are now printing dock signs that conform to the new law. Owners who wish to make their own signs can purchase reflective lettering at most hardware stores. The Water Patrol suggests that the posted address include the street number and street name and the zip code, or 911 address and zip code. For convenience, the dock permit number, which in most instances must already be displayed, can be posted alongside the emergency address. Dock owners should also be aware of additional requirements for the posting of dock information from the agency that permits docks on their lake. Docks on Lake of the Ozarks are permitted by Ameren UE. More information and examples for posting requirements at Lake of the Ozarks can be found at the Ameren UE website: ameren.com/LakeOzarks/ADC_911Posting.asp . Posting requirements for docks on lakes controlled by the United States Army Corps of Engineers are determined by the lake project office. For a listing of United States Army Corps of Engineers project offices see the following site: usace.army.mil/about/Pages/Locations.aspx . The posting of emergency addresses on docks will enhance safety on Missouri’s lakes. You can call the Missouri State Water Patrol with any questions regarding the new law at 573-751-3333. Seems like with today's technology, law enforcement could easily log this information on gps's instead of having to find it posted physically on a dock.
  18. You fished on the last day that water will be open for the next 3 months... now those fish have it all to themselves. Peace and quiet. Glad you got to fish it.
  19. ?
  20. Call your buddies or wait till I look tomorrow and tell ya.
  21. I'm back from Texas. I've heard flood gates are back on. They have to run gates so that they can run 4 full units to balance out the oxygen or lack of. So that's a good thing. Temp should be about the same - 55-59 degrees which is good. The lake crested lower than I thought it would. Last time they ran the gates till the water was down to 917.5 so it doesn't have far to go. This last rain wasn't as bad as the last one. I just came over Kings and Long Creek at 412 and both were down to normal or even lower it looked... the best look I could give it at 65 mph. On Friday when I went south, they were rollin'. I gather fishermen caught trout today. They were cleaning rainbows this evening on the dock.
  22. Not looking good for the Tri-Lakes Area. We were deluged tonight with several big showers, flooding at least our road in several places. Not looking good for the lakes either. If you hadn't noticed, they didn't drop Beaver Lake much at all and with this rain, I'd think they'll open flood gates to keep the water from coming over the dam - my guess anyhow. That means MORE water in Table Rock and Bull Shoals on TOP of all this runoff. Glad there isn't another rain behind this one... or is there?
  23. You can come down to our place and fish off the dock. Just saw a gentleman clean his limit he caught this morning off the dock. Stop in the office and register. I'm curious... where are you finding WiFi - at the park?
  24. Look to the west... it's coming. I'm afraid this will but any hopes of low water to bed for weeks. Hope I'm wrong.
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