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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Herons are eating many these days...
  2. Is there a website we can look at for this? I'd like to link to it. Thanks for posting it.
  3. Got the attachment issue resolved. Try it and let me know. Also, test out the attachments that weren't opening before.
  4. Darren- nice to hear from you. Might try using minnows. Also, I drifted on the inside of the bend below Fall Creek thru Short Creek and picked up a few on an egg fly today. They were biting real short- Babler told me it was the same on TR today on bass... short bites. Funny how that is sometimes. Also, work a 1/8th oz jig along the bluff bank across the lake from us downstream, esp hit the eddies.
  5. Had some issues since the move yesterday. - Duane mentioned he had a post post 3 times. - I'm getting a delay of about 20 seconds on posting. - Can't attach images/files.
  6. We paid our kids a penny each for every cig butt they picked up here at the resort when they were kids... helped them with two vices... not to smoke and not to litter. It worked.
  7. Put in at K Dock. Have to put in at the parking lot- back down into the ditch. 6:30 am Looking for crappie. Headed down to Mincy first thing. Lots of trash in the water (tree branches). Water 61 degrees. Caught 7 crappie, 5 keeps on the left bank heading in. No patterns at all- most were off the bank 10-15 feet, none on the bank. Back to Trigger and a couple of other cuts- nothing. One spawned out male- rest were sows half spawned to not spawned yet. Water 52 in Trigger. Quite a few nice blue gills rounded out the harvest.
  8. Put in at Gages, Long Creek about 1 pm. Looking for crappie. Hit most of my spots - on the bank, off the bank, around brush- only 2 c's, 1 keeper. Sow with eggs ready to spawn. Water 63 degrees.
  9. Seems there's a permissions issue. I've reported it to Jim.
  10. If your image is already on the internet, copy and paste the url into the Insert Image popup box which will appear when you click this icon located on top of this text box If you want to attach your image, go down below this text box where you'll see a Choose File button next to another button called UPLOAD (in lite green). Click Choose File and locate your image. It cannot be over 2 megs. Actually, you should resize the image to no more than 800 pixels wide (what I do) and set the resolution to 72 (again what I do). Then click the UPLOAD button. Then your image will appear as a file in the drop down box called Attachments on your left side, below this box. Click the Down Arrow and you'll see 3 icons. Click the green one and it should add the image to your post.
  11. OA is much bigger than everyone thought... alot of it is the forum. All is well. If you do see something not right either here or on OA proper, let me know.
  12. Do you know Jerry Dudley? He takes kids fishing too- he's from Fayetteville.
  13. Hatchery is 417-334-4865 and dial 0 I'll have to PM his mobile...
  14. Did pretty good. Tried a jig head with gulp eggs under a float for a while, drifting along the banks from Lilleys down past Cooper. Had a few hits but nothing hooked. Wasn't pleased with the results. Went to a jig- 1/16th oz with a heavy float. Nothing. Went back to a 1/32, orange head brown marabou and caught a couple in a good eddie on the school side downstream below Cooper. Then tied on a 3/32nd oz olive and worked it pretty hard, jigging it up sharply. Wham! That's what they liked. REALLY nice rainbows coming out of the lake right now. I could have kept 4 weighing over 4 pounds- all chunky and really colored up. Those drifting bait the last couple of days have been doing real well! Most are limiting. Best area is in front of our place! Very thankful.
  15. Use to be 4 over 18 inches. Not sure if they changed it. I mentioned that to a guy in Swan one evening cause he was bragging on the huge whites he had. The rule is meant for hybrids but most people can't tell the difference between whites and hybrids.
  16. Trying to put info here in one place so that we don't have to click on several places to get otherwise. One stop shopping... Any other suggestions? I'll keep adding as long as they're good links.
  17. Congrats!! You've made the big time.
  18. Beaver Lake Beaver Lake Top Flood Pool: 1130.0 White River Top Power Pool: January 1 to April 30 - 1120.43 feet April 30 to May 1 - 1120.43 to 1121.43 feet May 1 to September 30 - 1121.43 feet September 30 to October 1 - 1121.43 to 1120.43 feet October 1 to December 31 - 1120.43 feet (BVGA4) Bottom Power Pool: 1077.0 http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/beaver_1.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/beaver_2.jpg http://beaver.uslakes.info/Level.asp River Levels White River near Fayetteville, AR Richland Creek at Goshen, AR War Eagle Creek near Hindsville, AR West Fork White River east of Fayetteville, AR Table Rock Lake - Lake Taneycomo Table Rock Lake Top Flood Pool: 931.0 Top Power Pool: January 1 to April 30 - 915 feet April 30 to May 1 - 915 to 916 feet May 1 to June 1 - 916 to 917 feet June 1 to November 30 - 917 feet December 1 to December 31 - 915 feet (TRZM7) Bottom Power Pool: 881.0 Taneycomo Power Pool: 702.3 Real time generation - 417-336-5083 http://www.swpa.gov/...nschedules.aspx for estimated generation 702.0 feet -- 000 m.w. -- 0,000 c.f.s.703.0 feet -- 010 m.w. -- < 1,000 c.f.s.704.0 feet -- 035 m.w. -- 2,500 c.f.s.705.0 feet -- 050 m.w. -- 4,000 c.f.s. -- 1 turbine (unit)705.5 feet -- 075 m.w. -- 5,000 c.f.s.706.0 feet -- 085 m.w. -- 6,250 c.f.s.707.0 feet -- 100 m.w. -- 7,500 c.f.s. -- 2 turbines (unit)708.0 feet -- 125 m.w. -- 8,000 c.f.s.708.5 feet -- 150 m.w. -- 10,000 c.f.s. - 3 turbines (unit)709.0 feet -- 175 m.w. -- 11,500 c.f.s.710.0 feet -- 200 m.w. -- 13,500 c.f.s.711.0 feet -- 220 m.w. -- 16,000 c.f.s. - 4 turbines (unit) http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/tabrock_1.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/tabrock_2.jpg Dissolved Oxygen Levels & Temperature at Table Rock Dam http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/trdo.jpg Lake at College of the Ozarks: http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/scofozdo.jpg Lake at College of the Ozarks: http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/scofoz.jpg Generation (Table Rock Dam) Megawatts and CFS through Turbines (only): http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/tabrock_3.jpg River Levels Long Creek at Denver Yocum Creek near Oak Grove, AR James River near Springfield, MO James River near Boaz, MO James River at Galena, MO Kings River near Berryville, AR Bull Shoals - White River Bull Shoals Lake Top Flood Pool: 695.0 White River Top Power Pool: January 1 to April 30 - 659 feet April 30 to May 1 - 659 to 660 feet May 1 to May 15 - 660 to 662 feet May 15 to June 15 - 662 feet June 15 to July 15 - 662 to 661 feet July 15 to September 30 - 661 feet September 30 to October 1 - 661 to 659 feet October 1 to December 31 - 659 feet Bottom Power Pool: 628.5 http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/bulsdam_1.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/bulsdam_2.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/bulsdam_3.jpg Norfork Lake - Norfork Tailwater Norfork Lake Top Flood Pool: 580.0 North Fork River Top Power Pool: January 1 to April 30 - 553.75 feet April 30 to May 1 - 553.75 to 554.75 feet May 1 to May 15 - 554.75 to 556.75 feet May 15 to June 15 - 556.75 feet June 15 to July 15 - 556.75 to 555.75 feet July 15 to September 30 - 555.75 feet September 30 to October 1 - 555.75 to 553.75 feet October 1 to December 31 - 553.75 feet Bottom Power Pool: 510.0 http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/norfork_1.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/norfork_2.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/norfork_3.jpg Greer's Ferry Lake - Little Red River Greers Ferry Lake Top Flood Pool: 487.0 Little Red River Top Power Pool: January 1 to April 30 - 462.04 feet April 30 to May 1 - 462.04 to 463.04 feet May 1 to June 1 - 463.04 to 462.54 feet June 1 to September 30 - 462.54 feet September 30 to October 1 - 462.54 to 462.04 feet October 1 to December 31 - 462.04 feet Bottom Power Pool: 435.0 http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/greersf_1.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/greersf_2.jpg http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/plots/pics/greersf_3.jpg Stockton Lake Truman Lake Grand Lake
  19. Hey- have a great time!!
  20. Heard the TV tower in Joplin came down on their station. No one hurt. Fair Grove High School lost their roof and part of their walls. One boy broken leg. We were spared. Very little damage.
  21. As in IF it rains? I doubt seriously if they reschedule.
  22. Have had several fighters fly over this morning... extremely impressive!! We're going out Sunday afternoon. BTW- Branson Airport made USA Today... saw it in Hartford, CT this week.
  23. One thing and I bet you already got 'em... if the others in the tournament now know they cheated, their tournament days are over, at least for that contest. And word gets around... they don't need to lose their check or go to jail to suffer the consequences. I believe reaping and sowing is a natural law, just like gravity and tithing... you don't have to be a believer to reap the benefits or suffer the consequences.
  24. Gonna close this thread. It's been very helpful for the most part and want to thank those who contributed. Sorry I miss the post about Bill Beck. I would have deleted it but it wouldn't make sense now. I think Bill has been exonerated from any wrong doing. He is one of the best guides we have in this area- period. I've said it many times here... if you're going to post negatively, change your screen name to your real name and put your address and phone number on your profile. It's totally chicken to make these kind of remarks and hide behind a screen name.
  25. Phil Lilley, ozarkanglers.com exclusive Vince Elfrink of Branson has a new personal best. And it just so happens it's a Missouri best, too! Elfrink, fieldhouse supervisor at College of the Ozarks, loves to fish -- and hunt-- for that matter. A native of southeast Missouri, he came to the tri-lakes area in the late 1970s to attend College of the Ozarks and there he has stayed and made the lakes area home with his wife, JoBeth, and their three children, Joel, Micah and Luke. Despite his faithfulness to his job and his family, Elfrink takes advantage of every opportunity to either be in the field or on the water. Three years ago he furthered his love for fishing and bought a bass boat and acquired his OUVP Coast Guard License and now moonlights as a part-time fishing guide. This past Sunday, he left church and headed straight to the bank on upper Bull Shoals. He was in search of the white bass and walleye that have been running the last few weeks. Armed with spinning rod, swimming minnows and his hand-tied buck tail jigs, he sprawled down the mud bank to the water to start his "restful" afternoon of fishing. It turned into a bit of a circus though. Hooking and landing a few decent white bass on his quarter-ounce white buck tail jig, he hooked another one – or so he thought. This fish fought about the same, but when it broke the water's surface, it had a different shape and color. It was a yellow perch. Yellow perch are not native to this part of the country. They normally are found farther north and are found primarily in the Great Lakes. But somehow they've found their way into Bull Shoals, much to the chagrin of the Missouri Department of Conservation. In another words, they were not stocked by MDC officials but rather by a third party -- without permission. But they've flourished and are now listed as an official game fish, at least on the record books. This yellow perch was a nice one. Elfrink knew he had something special. He made a call and found out the current state record was one pound, seven ounces. He thought his perch was bigger -- and he was right. He contacted the local MDC agent, Buck Nofsinger who asked him to bring the fish up to the local Country Mart in Forsyth to be officially weighed and verified. He weighed in at a whopping 1 pound, 11 ounces, several ounces bigger than the record. Vince Elfrink is now the Missouri state record holder for a yellow perch. The fish was picked up by officials from Bass Pro Shops. They will hold the perch in quarantine for 30 days and if it lives, it will be placed in their tank at Bass Pro on the Branson Landing. Vince and his prize fish.
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