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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. They can dump TR 6 inches per day but that's NOT with Beaver dumping at the same time. It's feasible for TR to be back to spring time levels by the end of the month if it stops raining... but that's a big IF.
  2. Am sending out an email thru the forum to all members but wanted to post for those who are not members and to those who don't get our emails. Here it is: Greetings! Got rain?! Morton Salt advertisers got it right when they said, "When it rain it pours" -- but they couldn't have meant for a whole month!! Rains continue while area lakes are being inundated to their highest limit. The water is racing from Beaver into Table Rock and through Taneycomo and into Bull Shoals where it's being held somewhat until water levels on the White River can drop to absorb the higher releases from Bull Shoals. It's a game the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has played many times, but that doesn't make it any easier. They can't control the rain. Fishing takes a back seat when a lake like Beaver experiences water lapping over the top of the dam from being 99% full!! I'd call that dangerous. The main reason for this email is to invite everyone to upcoming area events in the next few months. First, the Branson Chapter of Trout Unlimited has scheduled two programs for its members and the public and a wounded veterans outing: At 7 p.m., Friday, April 25, John Berry will share what he knows about fishing on the White River. John has been a long time guide on the White as well as the Norfork, Spring, Little Red and Crooked Creek fisheries. He's a teacher, a writer, former director for the Southern Council of FFF…and the list goes on and on. Read more on John by checking out his site http://www.berrybrothersguides.com. This meeting will be held at the Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery Visitor's Center. This could be just the excuse you need to plan a fishing weekend in the Ozarks. Then at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 15, Bill Babler and Michael Kyle will share their areas of expertise on fishing Lake Taneycomo. Each brings a different aspect to the table. Babler has been a guide on Taney, as well as Table Rock and Bull Shoals for more than15 years. As an Orvis-endorsed guide, he specializes in both spin and fly fishing. You've read his informative posts and articles on OzarkAnglers for years, and now you can come to hear him in person. Kyle owns BackCountry Outfitters in Springfield and has guided on Taneycomo, as well as Table Rock and other rivers in the area for several years. He guides mainly out of his Clackacraft drift boat but does wade when he gets the chance. Kyle has extensive knowledge to catch fish on a fly, either during the day or late at night, which he prefers. Come hear both anglers at the Second Baptist Church, located on Battlefield Road in Springfield. There is no charge for either event, and both are open to the public. On the following day, Friday, May 16, the Branson Chapter of Trout Unlimited in cooperation with Project Healing Waters, will host several U.S. Military Veterans from Ft. Leonard Wood for a fishing day here at Lilleys' Landing Resort & Marina. Project Healing Waters, initiated and conducted by members of the Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited, serves military personnel who have been wounded, injured, or disabled to aid their physical and emotional recovery by introducing or rebuilding the skills of fly fishing and fly tying so they may enjoy for fishing outings and for lifelong recreation. We are asking our fishing community for volunteers to help with this day, both from OzarkAnglers and from the Trout Unlimited members. We need a few anglers with boats to take these guys and gals fishing. We also need people to act as guides and take them fishing in boats we will provide. Of course, if we have an abundance of helpers, the consolation is that you'd just have to go fishing anyway.This will be a wonderful day for everyone who attends. If you are interested in making a commitment of helping with this day, please email me at lilley@lilleyslanding.com. I will provide you with a schedule of events and what to expect. Lastly, our Trout Unlimited Chapter has helped with an event each year during the free fishing weekend in June -- the Family Fishing Fair presented by the Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery for the Missouri Department of Conservation. This year's event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 7. We need a small army of volunteers to really make this event sing. This year we'd like to have fly tyers, fishing instructors, people to help with casting. Plus new this year will be a fishing pond where youngsters will be able to fish for trout with the help of volunteers. We hope we've planned this far enough out that many of you could make this a nice get-a-way weekend to work the fair and fish the rest of the time … or go to a show or two, if that is your fancy. That's about it. Keep watch OzarkAnglers for the latest fishing conditions and reports and ,of course, new episodes of the "Bill & Phil Show." Thanks- Phil Websites: http://mdc.mo.gov/areas/hatchery/shepherd/ http://www.backcountryoutfitters.org/ http://www.secondbaptist.org/ http://www.projecthealingwaters.org/ If you don't get emails and think you should, your email program is probably blocking them as spam. This is being sent out as bulk mail so it 100% spam according to most spam blocking programs. Takes about an hour to send 3000 emails to be patient if you're looking for it.
  3. I'm trying to talk my wife into it. We're going to Glen Rose, TX this weekend for a casting clinic (I'm taking it) but this would be fun for us. Marsha said I could teach her after this weekend and my reply- it may be better if someone else taught you...
  4. Beaver is running flood gates. The lake is at 99% and they're barely keeping up. More rain means more water into Table Rock. They are pushing as much water thru Taney as possible without flooding low lying houses downstream. They may have to move more shortly. That means opening the other 5 gates or opening the ones they have open more. As for fishing... Babler should be able to report. A few guides caught fish yesterday.
  5. The hatchery was a semi-bluff. At that time there weren't that many cell phone around so the hatchery personnel would radio an agent. I knew it would be fruitless unless he was real close. But it worked. Luckily he was ignorant of the fact that no one from the hatchery could write tickets.
  6. Had a guy fishing during high water at outlet #2. He was close to the outlet with 10 others around plus a dozen people standing above him (tourists) watching. He fought a big trout for 30 minutes and finally someone netted him. About a 23 inch rainbow- snagged in the belly. He commenced to take him to his car!! Right in front of everyone!! The guy who netted him looked like he wanted to tell him off but didn't say anything. I spoke up- told him it was snagged. He ignored me. When he started up the steps I made myself very clear- you snagged the fish and it was illegally caught and it should be released. He turned to argue and I said I'd go to the hatchery and report him if he didn't release it. He was mad but went back to the water and threw it back. A couple of us worked with the fish till it swam off.
  7. Try again. It worked for me. It's been viewed 74 times.
  8. Yes but if he's a local or still here fishing and still taking fish illegally, they can watch the area. It's more of a heads up than something they can take and make a case- I agree with you there. But it is clearly a slot rainbow. If nothing else, he should be very nervous about being caught on camera with his catch... funny if he saw it on youtube.
  9. Check this out. Was looking at some videos that came up after mine and this guy took a slot fish up to his car. Almost ran to get it there!! Just a couple of days ago.
  10. See it on the homepage. I have part 1 up and working on part 2.
  11. First I'm frantically trying to upload our video from yesterday. Lots of trouble with editing and uploading. Google didn't work for some reason and youtube has a 10 minute limit now so I'm having to split the tape in 2 parts and it takes alot of time, esp when I'm in a hurry. Did boat to the dam for 2 drifts at 11 am. Babler is guiding a couple of guys and doing well. The wind is tough blowing upstream. White jigs and red san juan reported Bill. Got this pic of them- nice rainbow on a white jig. Lots of browns today but nothing huge. That's what I was after but only had a couple of bows. It'd slowed down Bill said. Videos up later this afternoon. Want to get it where they're uploaded the same day.
  12. ok... the shad we're seeing are from Table Rock but to say there's no shad in Taney is a bit on the far side. It's like saying there's no catfish here. Absolute statements like that don't abode well for the speaker.
  13. They could be anyplace- I'd say on the south side of middle of the lake- in the flood gate water. That's where most of the critters are coming over from Table Rock. Saw a big carp and several small blue gill, as well as shad on the surface. In the past we've gotten the big browns from the cable to the first island when flood gates are going. A big crank bait might work. How did you do, Don?
  14. Bill and I boated to the dam mind am today to see what was going on. A bunch of guide boats and a couple of private boats were up there and everyone seemed to be catching a few trout. We filmed a bunch but I can't capture the video just now because my son borrowed our firewire cable. Hopefully I'll get it tonight. We made lots of drifted and tried several techniques. Fly fished with 20 feet of tippet under an indicator with a san juan and scud combo. Caught fish but was impractical. Drifted a san juan red and a #10 olive/gray scud combo using a drift rig and caught some, mainly on the sj. Then we saw it... a shad floating in the foam. Then another. We pulled out the white jigs and started catching much larger rainbows with huge stomachs buldging out. Time Pagie told us he had been catching rainbows that were spitting out shad. Caught nothing huge... 16-17 inches maybe but beautiful colors and fat. Heard Buster had a 15-20 lb brown come after a stocker on a clients line right at big hole this am too. Water temp- 45 coming over the dam and 43 coming under. Water still stained over the dam and clear under. If I get the video online it'll be late tonight.
  15. Nothing's changed in over a week. Same water level, same chalky color. Me and Bill are going out to try to catch fish on a fly rod today. Roark is still the hot spot. Drifting power eggs from Monkey down thru bridges is still about the best bait drift. Best way to catch nice trout is drifting scuds up by the dam and below Lookout, spin rod using a drift rig. Table Rock came up a foot yesterday but is starting to drop again. Guys- they will NOT change the flow at the dam until Table Rock and Beaver are manageable. We are still under flood control and more rain is in the forecast. We may see flood gates for the whole month of April.
  16. It's probably your browser. Exit out of whatever you're using and open it back up and see if it changes. If you're using firefox, it's the worst. You may have to get the new download to fix it. I used to have alot of problems but none lately. Not sure what you mean by "kicked off".
  17. I'd say a couple of inches... rivers and creeks were high yesterday so I'd think their even higher today. When you say clear water- we won't see clear water till may be this summer. The water at least at the dam is perfect for fishing- off color green.
  18. He's not going to brag on himself so I will for him. He fished on the Am side- first tournament for him. Finished with 3 keepers and 12th place out of 185. Let him fill in the rest.
  19. It's not bad at in the dam area. Heard the place finishers at a tournament yesterday (I think) caught their fish there on pea gravel and in the brushes. I'd keep trying pea gravel banks- swim a grub or rig.
  20. Web? Any ideas? When I tried it the first time, I had to hit the play button because it said it stopped. It's worked for me since.
  21. It's working for me. I did reboot the program. Have to view it in Internet Explorer.
  22. 5 flood gates are open on the main dam. None on the aux dam.
  23. Sure ask alot of questions... some I'm reluctant to answer in public Don't know about the bush- water is too dingy. Yes there are trout up past the resort. Don't know about suckers. Whites/??? who knows when. I've only heard of a few males during the day. You're just going to have to go and report back to us.
  24. Any help on spots I will add to the map.
  25. It's about a 5 mile run to Roark from here and another- what- 4-5 miles to Rockaway. Economics and time management would be the reasons why I wouldn't run any further downstream. I'd think that would be clear but may be not.
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