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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Thanks for posting. Yes- still trying to crack the LOZ market. We've had more people posting about crappie on LOZ here in the last couple of months so may be that's a start. Crappie reports are, though, kinda hard to come by anywhere. It seems crappie anglers aren't real excited about giving up places where they catch them. But that's probably like any other fisherman... Thanks again. Hoping to get up to LOZ before spring and do some crappie catching!
  2. Leonard called me yesterday and informed me he'd seen thread fin shad at outlet #1 the other day. Table Rock is certainly cold enough for a shad kill - 41 degree - according to Babler. So it's not surprising. Leonard also said he's seen and talked to guys fishing off the bank and out in boats who are catching lots of rainbows on white jigs and nickel spoons, another indication of shad. I'm still out of town but will return Monday late. I'll get on the water on Tuesday to see for myself and report back.
  3. I'll post them next week when I get home.
  4. I think I have them all at home... I kept sheets of stamps in the early 80's through the year they ended them.
  5. Gosh Brian... you're expanding. That's great. I've seen these houses online before. Rates are VERY reasonable. I'll try to come over and see you guys, bring Marsha, later this spring.
  6. Anyone interested in buying a couple of blackberrys? I have one that's a couple of years old, I think, at home. I traded for it last summer for a 9550, Storm I think. Now I'm thinking about getting an iPhone 4 when Verizon starts selling them next month. They're in perfect shape- no scratches- no drops. Course, I won't sell the storm till I get the new one. I'll have to check on the make of the older one next week when I get home. Just checking for interest.
  7. Did you take them to the cabin we stayed in in 09, Brian?
  8. That tent... did you guys haul that in? That's a great tent!
  9. Boswell Results 1-9-11
  10. The licenses that are sold without descriptions do have driver's lisence #'s on them. I double check the number each time I issue one. I never check the ones that either I enter or are in the system, at least for the number so I've never looked... only assumed. My mistake.
  11. It has to have a drivers license # or ss #. We're required to enter one or the other. If we're selling a daily or trout stamp or both, we can get away with just the birthdate and dd#/ss#. If the person is in the system, their info comes up and prints on the license. Otherwise, just the bdate and dd#/ss#- but they do either way. That's how an agent can identify the angler.
  12. You're drivers license # , B-date and/or ss# is on any license. If the agent asks for ID, you better have it. He can pursue the ID all the way back to your car. I tell people in the shop to carry your ID when fishing for that reason. I'm pretty confident MDC will do the right thing as far as these licenses... even if they have to tweak it after the fact.
  13. Wash- pretty much. We had to be bonded back in 1983- if I recall it was $250. I don't think we've ever done anything else for equipment.
  14. I haven't read the specifics... you're right on the commissions but we don't pay anything for the equipment presently. We don't lease anything. They'll come and get the equipment I guess. I would think it would be easy to program it so that it prints on the yellow paper but... we'll see. I do agree about less vendors. Alot of ppl won't want to mess with it. Not sure how a vendor will get any commission for selling... they'll have the same connection as everyone else on the internet unless they have a log in and an account. That's why I understood we'd have to add a surcharge to the fee to recoop our expenses if we wanted to. We'll see.
  15. I'm surprised the changed has taken this long. I can't tell if the jab about saving money is serious... so I'll jump on it gently. "Save Money" I think that's a good thing, no matter who it is. The savings will come from not having to pay a third party to process the permits. They've been doing this in Texas for at least the past 2 years. No terminals, all online transactions except if you buy it in a store, they had a special printer that printed on the durable paper. Where the consumer is going to see a surcharge is in WalMart and fishing shops where the agent can charge for the service. For instance, we'll have to add at least one computer to handle the extra usage for processing licenses in the shop. We have on there now for reservations - no way we can do licenses and reservations at the same time. Plus a printer and paper. Not saying WE will add a surcharge - still haven't decided, or actually heard exactly what MDC is going to do and require - but others probably will add a charge. But it will be easy to get around it- buy it at home... where by the way you have been able to if so desired for at least 2 years now. I've bought my KS hunting license online and printed it on regular paper for the last 3 seasons. I printed extra copies in case I misplaced it too. Small zip lock bag - no problems.
  16. There's a guy here locally that ties sculpin pattern tube flies. He buys materials in my shop. He's the only one around here that does for trout that I know of. There used to be a guy that lived on Table Rock that was big into tube flies 10 years ago or more but I haven't heard anything about him for a while. Thinking about carrying some in the shop... need to do more investigating.
  17. You could call them and let them know you found it... 417-334-4865 Thanks for posting.
  18. "brent" has been already used... sorry. How about another name?
  19. send me a pm and tell me what you want changed.
  20. ok guys. I have a half notion to delete this thread. You've gone beyond attacking to threatening to shoot someone... any more of that and I'll start deleting memberships.
  21. Heard on the radio tonight that the birds were "fly at rooftop height". And that ppl were firing fireworks.
  22. No I still have hundreds of orange dots.
  23. Gary brought the meatballs... Don brought his appetite! Terry fried up biscuits, chips and tots. He'd fry up some trout but no one could catch any. Dave Cook's chili was awesome. So was the jambalaya and rice. No I think Don brought a stuffed jalapeno appetizer. Dennis and his wife brought a nice meat and cheese dish with crackers (hfdhoosier). I brought coffee.
  24. Glad I was wrong!
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