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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Got this off a facebook friend's site... "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  2. I'm not the greatest at talking to a camera... just hopefully I got the point across. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">
  3. Man- he's going picture crazy!!! Has alot of catching up to do.
  4. rsp - not sure whether to offer our condolences or congrats... the upper "0's" are usually the hardest to swallow for some of us. Be Blessed!
  5. Mike- how is the water quality on the Little Red? Have a feel for the fall forecast? Here on Taney, with the cold winter and mild summer, we're expecting a pretty good fall as far as water temp. That helps the low DO when it comes but really it's not that bad right now. Just curious if it may be the same for you down there. So if the water is good, is the lack of catching less fish or just not biting?
  6. Here's your rainbow!
  7. If he's checking fishing licenses, he's not the Water Patrol. He's probably MDC agent and they probably wouldn't issue any citations for bad boating... I wouldn't think. It's nice they were out checking fishing licenses!! I wonder what the actual LAWS are about boating on a river in close proximity to other boaters are.
  8. This is a very simple situation, one which arises more and more often on the forum... If you have a beef with someone, send him a PM. Keep it off the forum. It takes more guts to take it to someone personally cause it's one-to-one. Come on guys... quite posting stuff you know will start a fight. Yes you can disagree and post your disagreement but do it in a respectful way or don't do it at all. If something REALLY ticks you off, send a PM.
  9. Saw your pic in the office... beautiful rainbow. Congrats!!!
  10. I could create a forum topic all by itself and call it- THE PIT We'd dump any topic that goes south there, just as it turns that direction. Then let it goes it's course for those who want to waller. Problem is many of these topics are good discussions before they turn. I'd hate to lose some of the good content to THE PIT. May be we won't do that. Forums are like TV's... if you don't like the channel, change it - or block it.
  11. He was fishing with guide Tim Roller. They were either throwing or trolling crank baits for kings - didn't try for a brown but it happens. I'll have another pic of the fish and roller tonight via Jim Johnson.
  12. What a fish... guess someone will have to catch that 50 pound brown swimming around in Taney now.
  13. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> Here's Sara and Jeriah in the ECU in Lake Charles. They have weaned him off of almost all O2. He should be able to go home Friday.
  14. Yep- they missed it by 24 hours. Non-the-less, he's here and doing well.
  15. Thanks everyone. I can't imagine this little one could be more of a blessing that our own kids... they were wonderful to raise and even more of a blessing today. But I'm ready for anything... Another chapter... that's right.
  16. Our oldest daughter gave birth to our first grandchild - a bounding boy - this morning about 9 am. Jeriah Cadin Clark was born to Josh and Sara Clark at Hermann Memorial Hospital in Orange, Texas at 8:59 am. Today is also our youngest son's 21st birthday. Happy Birthday Greg! Today starts a new era in the lives of Marsha and I. Generations come and go but the God of all creation doesn't change. Glory to Him... thank you Lord! On the other end of the spectrum, my grandma Margarett Harvey turns 100 later next month in Sherman, Texas. Pics to follow. I'm still recovering from driving all night last night to get here.
  17. There's nice rainbows being caught all over the lake right now, not just finding them in the trophy area. Smallies... I might have to run out and see if I can find one or two. Thanks Darren for the report.
  18. http://www.rogueangels.net/ Met this gal on facebook. She guides for Bear Trail Lodge, downstream from our place on the Naknek River. I sure miss that place, especially right now.
  19. Anyone is the Branson area need anything special? We just get alot of anglers in the shop who are looking for particular items we don't have so... here's your chance.
  20. Got out from 2-5 pm. Boated to the Narrows above Fall Creek. Lake has been high all day from the rain yesterday and last night. Must have gotten a heavy local amount downstream cause the level has held high all day - about 18 inches. High enough that alot of the boats going up went right across the bars without hitting. Big boats were heading uplake above Fall Creek on the wrong side of the lake and never hit. Lucky dogs. Water was alittle off color too. We threw 1/8th oz olive jigs and slayed the rainbows. Alot of them would hit the jig right at the boat- most of the time they'd sheer off at the sight of the boat but because of the dingy water, they'd keep coming. Most were around 12 inches but had some pushing 15-16 inches. Lots of fun!
  21. Phil Lilley


    missed 3
  22. Yea- your question doesn't look good. I'd stay below Fall Creek and use gulp eggs in orange and pink. Stay out of the trophy area is you want to keep fish.
  23. We'll see THAT picture may be by Christmas!!
  24. I'm movin' the topic... I've seen them crap before- lots of times. No big deal. They do it wherever they feel like.
  25. I have a Big Brothers Big Sisters event here on the 3rd so I won't make it again this year.
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