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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I think I've found the easiest and least intrusive way for members to advertise on OAF. I placed a simple ad on the Table Rock Lake Forum header on the main page of the forum. It's a simple text/image gif which I can create for each advertiser with a sentence stating "White River Lodge BB is the sponsor for the TRL Forum. The image is linked to the advertiser's site and will open in a new browser window. Images will be limited to about the same size as Back Country's banner ad. I will make the image at no charge. Here's how the rates will run. 2009 Rates For ads in Special Forums, ads will run 6 months for one advertiser for $75. After 6 months, if another advertiser wants to take that forum he can but if there's no one else interested, the former advertiser can re-up for the same forum. This is to give others a chance to advertise on premium forums (top of the page). For all other forums, ads will run 6 months for one advertiser for $50. After 6 months, if another advertiser wants to take that forum he can but if there's no one else interested, the former advertiser can re-up for the same forum. This is to give others a chance to advertise on forums of special interest (forum on lakes where he or she has a special interest). OA reserves the right to cancel the ad at anytime, refunding the fee at a pro-rated sum. Otherwise, the fee is not refundable unless there is another member who wants to pickup the outstanding term. Once the space is paid for, then and other then will the fee be refunded. Payment- checks only, made payable to Lilleys' Landing and mailed to 367 River Ln, Branson, MO 65616 If you're interested, send me a PM. If you're not a member on OAF and want to advertise, register on the forum and then send me a PM. Only registered members will be allowed to advertise on the forum.
  2. I am sorry... I didn't see this. Are you still having trouble? There's a box in the top right corner of each topic called "Options". There you can change the way you view the thread. You want 'Standard' for normal viewing.
  3. Vince and I put in at Cricket at 4 pm. Talked to Mark and Linda... Mark showed me pics of last year's flood. They had it pretty hard. Hope this season makes up for their loss. Go by and buy something! We headed up and found a wind blown bank just above Yocum and started. Water temp was 49 at the dock, 50 on that bank. We caught 2 nice crappie out from the bank in 15 ft of water using a purple swimming minnow/ 1/8 oz head. Went up in Long and fished another flat on the left- found crappie in depths anywhere from 8 to 12 ft around stick ups. Only 3 more keepers and a few black bass. Most came on a small yellow tube jig, 1/16th oz head. They weren't on the bottom this time- suspended 2-6 ft down. Back out and then up in Cricket this time. Caught a couple of crappie along the bluff bank around stick ups, again suspended. Locals were fishing off the bank on the right in Cricket. Heard one say they'd caught a few whites. We caught about 6-8 small male whites scattered in all locations. Left at dark. Ramp wasn't crowded at all- surprised. Water color was great! Several boats came out of Long Creek about 5-6 pm... couldn't figure out why??? Did they limit on whites? Got tired- no bite? I'd think that was the time to head up the creek for the late evening bite? We were after crappie so we didn't mess with it.
  4. You dog... you didn't say you already went fishing!! Honey-do boy!! How's your nose?
  5. I'm in the process of creating a new site and forum. It will cover waters outside the Ozarks- waters that YOU, the OzarkAngler Member would be interested in. I need- #1 - names of lakes, river and streams you fish and would be interested in seeing on a forum. #2 - url's of sites you use now for those waters, if any. For example, I visited with a guests who fishes Carlyle Lake in Illinois for Sauger. I googled Carlyle and didn't find much information on the lake, especially current fishing information. I want to confine the area to MO, OK, KS, AR, IL right now. But I am open to other neighboring states in the future. Thanks
  6. What I'm interested in is what other forums are covering what waters and how well. I'd like to see the other forums so if you could provide url's it's be great!
  7. Thanks for the report, Phillip. Have you been out much? I've been fishing Bear some with some luck but I'm sure it's getting real good now. What color swimming minnows have been working? Hopefully you're schedule is filling up with guide trips...
  8. Am curious... what other forums do you guys frequent?
  9. Oh man... sounds like great fishing on the Spring. Wish I was there!
  10. Is it working for everyone?
  11. Got an email asking about flies... I need a killer fly for Rainy Lake for fishing in late June. Pike Walleye Smallmouth Any help would be appreciated ! ! ! Maryann Townsend Can anyone help? Thanks
  12. I just got this emailed to me to post- very beautiful brown trout.
  13. Click Here for Podcast This is a mp3 file. It should play on your system automatically when clicked.
  14. Clint from the hatchery and Larry from the Corp fished (boat) in the area. They reported to Jeremy they caught alot of whites, mostly small males but some sows. They left before we got there (3:30 pm). Fished from the bank at Slough- nothing. Saw nothing caught. Water is off color- don't know temp. Went up to below the Tin Whistles- nothing but the guy up from us caught 8 whites- all males but a few big enough to keep. He had a stringer full. He was using a small spinner- chrone and I think white. He was a local and knew what he was doing. Stories on the bank said whites were caught in the middle of the day best. We went on up thru the field to the bottom of the riffle below the Maiden Hole - it's where the small bluff ends on the south side of the creek. Lots of people up there fishing and we saw big stringers taken out. That's where we should have been earlier- sorry Duane. I bet the bite is going to be excellent in this area early in the morning. Take some waders and blue rebels and I bet you'll do well. May be even a fly rod- this water is perfect for it. No current though. The lake level is over the riffle there so very little current. If we get some rain this weekend- Katy bar the door.
  15. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showforum=4 Pinned on this page is a topic called ~~~~ Generation Chart (Corp site). There you can see exactly what they've been running for the past week. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=373 By this, looking at the forecast and rainfall predictions, you can take a very educated guess what they will do with the water this weekend, remembering they usually run LESS on weekends compared to weekdays.
  16. Had a great turnout... thanks for coming out. Bill did a great job I thought. I learned alot. I'm trying to post the audio of his talk. It's a whopping 860 meg file though. Anyone know how to condense it down to a manageable size? I counted 68 people at the gathering. One gentleman drove from Lake of the Ozarks.
  17. I need help. I have a 90 minute digital recording of Babler's talk tonight. The audio file is almost a gig. I don't need to edit is as much as I do reduce the size of the file if at all possible. Anyone have any experience? I've tried to search but finding it hard to ask the right question in the right place.
  18. Fall Creek continues to work on shoring up their bank upstream from their boat ramp. Last spring, flood waters ate away at the bank under one of their condos, making it uninhabitable. It appears they are going to keep adding chunk rock to this road they've created until the level reaches above flood levels. Whatever their plans, it's going to be tons of rock at I'm sure a big expense.
  19. Yes. That's the best and CHEAPEST line you can get for shooting line. I have plenty.
  20. I'd get 2 each. But only of the 6mm. I'd also get Orange Pearl and Sun Orange. There's a bright light orange- kind of a sherbert color we used last year that was hot but I don't recognize the color on the site. It could be one of the ones I just mentioned. You'll be using beads 95% of the time- may be all the time- so you can't have too many beads. The guides will have extras and Jim should have some for sale at the lodge in case you run out but for peace of mind, spend alittle extra to have enough. You have leadmaster plyers and lead? I sell them if you don't.
  21. Get 6 and 8mm in mottled colors. I'll have Jim come on and give you the exact colors you should get.
  22. In my 26 years here this was the first time I'd ever heard of a smallmouth caught below the dam, not to mention dozens that were caught there after the flood gates were opened right before spawn on TR. These sm were TR sm no doubt. It was a freak of nature. No reason to make rules just because you have one freak incident.
  23. Thanks for posting... don't mind the negativity... you'll get it anytime there's fish on a stringer. If you didn't keep them, someone else would have.
  24. We're expecting a good crowd this Thursday in Springfield to hear Bill speak on bass fishing on Table Rock. Got some great door prizes but that shouldn't be the reason you should head over to the nature's center.... Anyone want to save some gas and ride with another angler? Post here and get together. We're going from Branson. May have a car load already but someone can drive a second car. Let me know!!
  25. We need to go, Jeremy. When can you get away????
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