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Everything posted by shrapnel

  1. Oh wow, so sad. Spent a fair amount of time there in my younger days, lost a bass i swear was 10+ pounds one spring. It was beautiful, but the locals didn't give a crap about the rules, we were night fishing it one night in a small john boat when a big boat came flying down the lake about 40mph throwing a huge wake...it was trolling motor only!
  2. It was the lower ends, not the upper. It's not that uncommon, rapidly rising water temps, algae bloom, low dissolved oxygen levels. In the Glaize it was mostly small drum and a few catfish affected. It sounds like the Gravois was hit worse.
  3. A no wake buoy does NOT mean you can't create a wake that will pass that buoy, lol. It means shut it down before you get to that buoy. Entire lakes would be idle speed only.
  4. Thanks for the link. So $75.00 to replace a rod that cost me $130.00 6 months ago...I fail to see this as a good deal.
  5. I busted a 6'9 Mojo lifting a 2lb fish out of the water a couple weeks ago, dang thing busted like 4 eyes down from the tip. It's less than a year old and I have no idea what I did with the receipt...figured I was just out a rod.
  6. I caught a white! That is my report.
  7. Actually, I think there was I'll pay closer attention next time out.
  8. Gravois still clear ot has it picked up this green tint? It's pretty bad up here, visibility barely 3'
  9. Anyone else notice them? Hundreds floating around the glaize, mostly smaller ones maybe 8-12"ers. Haven't noticed any other species floating, anymore than normal anyway. I wonder if it has anything to do with the water color, this green can go away any day now.
  10. We have a whiner? Come to LOZ and "hotlap" Miller Time in your Tracker after he goes by...show that sum-b!
  11. PB2 is in Camden. See ya there.
  12. That's a good trip. Thing with these 11-12 hour tournaments is EVERYONE has a good bag it seems and ounces are everything. You been out, or hear of anyone catching any white's? Usually I stumble on them bass fishing but haven't caught a single one this year.
  13. 4th place guys did NOT catch that many fish, and most of theirs came from the 5mm of the Gravois to Shawnee Area. This lake's ability to sustain the population is amazing.
  14. Yes, biggest fish broke the tie. People using their own bags is the reason there were fish in bags for 20+ minutes which I'm sure contributed to some of the floaters.
  15. We tied for 6th place with 18.51lbs. Caught 20+ keepers through the night, culling by 10pm. Fishing got a lot better once the moon got up high.
  16. I know for a fact one of them had at least one fish with a shaky head in it's throat. Not bitchin, the club does it's best. I do hope they take some of the money made from these to buy new bags and do a better job of managing the weigh in line to cut down on time fish spend in bags. They do ask that you use their bags, but with their set-up probably shouldn't give out more than 10. The one I grabbed had 127 holes in it so I used my own.
  17. I fished this one, and ended in a 3 way tie for 6th place with 18.51! I don't think I have ever seen a tie before, much less 3 exact weights.
  18. Had one swim by the dock last week with one hanging off it, seemed like it was killing the fish.
  19. Well, the lake gained almost 2' of water in a week, it darn sure wasn't from rain.
  20. Truman is our b#%*h, they will use it as needed for LOZ levels.
  21. We found fish all over beds in 58* water this weekend, many of them had both males AND females on them rolling around doin their thing. I don't think they are going to wait for 72* this year as late as spring was. The moon and photo cycle might come into play more than temps this year?
  22. If your coming from Jeff City PB2 is a good 20 minutes closer.
  23. I have yet to catch a fish on top water, or even a spinner bait, but it won't be long. I know others have but not enough to make it fun to do.
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