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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Stein

  1. Sorry for the late response. I'm in +1 in my boat. Do we have to commit to one or other of the three days right now? Need to check with my boat partner on schedule. Leaning towards the 8-10 as it is over a weekend.
  2. Thanks and I will get in touch. Might try to make a January trip. Will definitely be down the first of February to chase browns after they open the closed season area. Planning on being there the the 1st - 5th of Feb.
  3. Have fun guys. It pains me to miss what could have been my inaugural year but I had a disc removed and two vertebrae fused last month and I'm not up to making the trip this year. Next year for sure!
  4. All that I did was to ask Richard to put together a package for me based on what he liked. I ordered 8 dozen and he split it up into 16 half-dozen lots of 1/8 and 1/16 oz jigs of different colors. Enough to figure out what I like and what works for me and then can re-order as needed.
  5. I am in with a boat partner. I have a house south of Bull Shoals so do not need lodging.
  6. Fitting pairing to a fine Italian meal. I'm envious.
  7. I'd like to be in if there's space for two of us. Is the weekend set for sure now?
  8. Congrats on the slam!
  9. Thanks Mike, that clears things up for me. Since I live 2 miles from Fairview I don't see changing much.
  10. My wife and I will be making a trip down 8/25-8/28. What is normal for water temps by the end of the month? Similar to now? Dropping any? Bass moving up shallower at all?
  11. I could mail you a check and you could cash it right away but this works only if it won't be in your way for a few months.
  12. Love the photo!
  13. I'd take it if you aren't in a big rush to get it physically out of there. I can paypal a gift now but might be several months before I get through town again to pick up.
  14. What knot do you use on the nanofil? I lost two jigs back to back on fish on crooked creek last week when I tied straight to nanofil. Normally I use a 6' leader of 6 lb p-line on 6 lb nano with a uni to uni knot. Never had a line failure at the knot on a fish. I got hung and broke the whole thing off, didn't want to bother with retying a leader then a jig while standing in the stream so tried to go straight to nano. Failed miserably. I used a Trilene knot. Maybe should have used palomar?
  15. Very nice!
  16. Reminds me, I need to make another order. The last order is, ummmm, safely stored wherever I put them so that I was sure to find them when I packed. I'm sure the will show up randomly some year.
  17. Well, after seeing the last few posts I went back and opened up my kayak "river box" last night that had an assortment of rigged Neds, extra zinkerz, tubes and flukes. Yeah, gonna have to restock that one...what a mess. Didn't get a chance to watch the video above yet but I'm gong to have to reassess the zinkerz storage.
  18. Yeah, probably. That or a Jackson.
  19. They are tougher. I have a few. TopRaiders are hard plastic tails. Some other topwaters have metal tails. Those get bent but are easily formed back into shape.
  20. Subscribed so I can find it later. Last week we fished out of a couple of BPS $249 boats and still had fun. My buddy and I have both been looking for a decent SOT since. It would be nice to just leave at the house down there so when I happen to be in Fayetteville of Joplin for work I can pop by for the weekend and have something to fish out of.
  21. He seemed pretty adamant that it wasn't necessary. There was a warden at the ramp when we took out on Sunday. No tickets for anyone that I saw.
  22. To wrap this up the proprietor of PJ Cracker's country store at the turn off 178 to Fairview ramp said no permit to launch is required so I went with it. He sold licenses, etc so I figure he would have sold me one if it was needed.
  23. Finally got a chance to post. Thanks again Ham for taking a couple of neophytes out for an inaugural trout float and kayak shakedown. We had a great time and I'm looking forward to getting back down and spending some more time on the river. The problem is I'm probably out of commission until December with surgery to replace a disc and fuse L5 sometime in October.
  24. This will be a pretty short report. First ever time on the river. Friend and I put in at Pyatt and just started fishing little pools and riffles. No real luck at either of the two confluences - Clear creek or the next one of which the name escapes me. A couple of 10" fish. Again, not knowing what we were doing we would just stop and fish every little pool we could find. Things never really got going. I don't think we caught a fish over 12". Fished mostly flukes or tubes, tried a Ned and even some Zig Jigs. That said it was a pretty float. We ended up bringing the kayaks down to AR at the last minute along with the bass boat so we got to do some things that we would have never been able to do - this float and a lower White float on Thursday with Ham. Both were extremely enjoyable. I'll happily do this float again in better season. I am sure July is tough, just like the lake.
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