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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Stein

  1. Yes, they say to harvest when 1/3 of the leaves are turning brown. The scape is the smooth round green stem between the main plant and the flower bulb on the end. Don't eat the flower part, just the stem. Like I said earlier, they are pretty hard so the take a bit longer to cook than fresh green beans or asparagus. I don't cook so just relaying what the better half said. Olive oil, salt and pepper, saute and sample, cook until desired.
  2. I should also clarify. the scapes are the green stem, not the flower. Just cut the stems into couple inch long pieces and saute. Takes maybe a bit longer than Asparagus to cook.
  3. Just saw your other thread. You have it down on drying now. I also trim the hair roots after drying when I cut the tops off.
  4. Correct, do not wash garlic. Dig it up, brush off the loose dirt, don't remove even the outer layer of skin. Hang by the stems to dry in a warm, dry place with free air movement but out of the sunlight for 5-6 weeks. After that I cut the stems off and put in my wife's canning cellar (a dark room in the basement on outside walls that I built an interior wall and insulated). This year I'm going to try to braid some up in clumps of 6 or 8 with the stems to be able to give away to people. Will be easier to hang to dry and looks nicer when you give them away. All of this came from two bulbs that I bought at a farmer's market a couple of years ago. First year I saved back 6 to plant, last year 10, this year I'll save back 40 so I'll have around 400 plants next year. That will likely be my limit. As you can see in the photo I don't bother with weeding. I literally watered it twice this year when it was really dry. That's it. Otherwise ignored it. Pretty easy to grow. One other thing - you see the stems that have the white flowers on them? Those are called scapes. They come out right before harvest. When I dig the garlic I save them. My wife will saute them. They taste like garlic flavored asparagus. So if you like asparagus it's excellent.
  5. Wife pickled half of her beets last week, finishing the rest this week. We had a pretty good storm last weekend. Here's the corn after the storm. Figured it would be pretty much a loss but after one week here's what it looked like last night. Pleasant surprise. Garlic is starting to dry back so almost ready to dig up and dry.
  6. Serious question from someone who has never been around venomous snakes before...do people keep antivenin at home or in the boat "just in case"? Does it have a short shelf life? Does it need to be prescribed?
  7. I liked the post, not because of the lost fish but because I have never heard of a jika rig. Definitely going to try it in Canada. The rocks are different there than TR/BS. All granite boulders. Very sticky to baits. If you fish a plastic on the bottom it is unlikely that you will get successive casts back to the boat. Thinking of going with the split ring to the hook and the lightest cheap snap I can find on the weight to the ring. Might even try tying it with some 2lb or 4lb. Just one of those things you never think of. At least a hangup you still have a chance to get most of the $ back. It used to be that when snagged on a t-rigged worm you just break off, retie and move on. Plastics and hooks were cheap. Now it's $1.00 for a hook and a plastic so I'm not as flagrant with breaking off. Forget using jigs up there at $3.00 a pop for jig/trailer. Fish are there, though so need to be able to contact them. We have resorted to just cheap tubes/grubs on cheap bulk pack BPS ball jigs because it doesn't hurt so much to lose them and up there the SM don't seem to care what you throw but I'm sure we are missing fish that aren't interested in a tube.
  8. Personally I lock mine because I carry it in my pocket and I got tired of accidentally pocket dialing people. It would happen a lot. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't lock it. If the manager's phones are company phones maybe you can at least have labels printed that can be stuck on the back of the phone that says "in case of emergency please contact xxx xxx-xxxx.
  9. Stein

    Suburban foxes

    Up at the resort that we go to in Canada one year there was a fox hanging around. One night after a few barley pops I said I was going to go feed the fox. Everyone gathered around on the deck to watch the drunk guy. I took some lunchmeat from the fridge with me. He was tentative but did come up and take it right out of my hand. Probably not the smartest thing I have ever done but it was cool at the time. Pics aren't very good because it was pitch dark so the cameraman couldn't see it well and the auto-focus had trouble in the dark on a flash pic.
  10. LOL, that's the only thing we have had so far. That and radishes. These pics are a week old so a bit further along than what is showing but way behind you guys. Amazing what a week of heat will do. I've been remiss in posting. Corn is about a foot high. lettuce doubled, peas needed to be strung up this weekend. Garlic patch is flying right along (Tall patch in the second pic). Harvest around 4th of July. Plant it Halloween for the next year so it can go through the winter freeze.
  11. I might give it one more shot but I will keep your offer in mind!
  12. First trip down the White this past weekend. Fishing was difficult with my wife (who can fish well), her niece who had never fished before and her niece's 8 year old son. Boat performed well even at 27,000 CFS but fishing was tough. In the two whole hours that we were out there (until he got bored) I managed two dozen casts between dealing with snags and tangles, baiting hooks, retrieving baits from trees. Boat is fishable with four people, will be great with three or flyfishing for two in the future. No fish caught.
  13. I just showed the pics to my wife. We are coming down this week with my niece and 8 yr old and I wanted her to see one. She likes snakes but these are something to watch for. I saw a small one dead on our road when we were out for a walk last time so I know they are in the area.
  14. Success! Maiden voyage went off without a hitch. Boat performed flawlessly. Very stable when standing with two of us on the same side, handled chop well and it did 16 gps downwind, 15 upwind with two aboard with the mighty 9.9. Note we were stocked with all of the required high quality safety gear that we could dredge up since my bass boat is down in AR.
  15. Finished. Not a moment too soon, heading to AR on Thursday. Bought a new 9.9 for it. Went for maiden voyage today and BPS sent me home with the wrong gas tank. It didn't have a primer bulb. Went back to BPS and got another tank. They let me keep the old one since it had gas in it already so now I have a 3.2 and 6.6 gallon tanks. Maiden voyage postponed until tomorrow.
  16. Phil, Throw a pic up of the type of damage you need to fix.
  17. Good prices and an excellent source of materials, epoxy, tools from http://duckworksbbs.com/ On my Ozarkian that I built I used the Marinepoxy resin. It's the economy resin but it works well, very easy to mix and use, 2:1 ratio. Order the pumps in the tools section. I have found after three gallons that they are very accurate in maintaining ratio. They gig you pretty good on shipping of epoxy so if you are on the fence between the 3 quart kit and 1.5 gallon kit go up. It keeps a long time (years) so you will be set for the next season. I oped for the 3 gallon kit and ended up having to order another 1.5 gallon kit and through in an extra jug of different rate hardener. I bought everything there from the unwaxed paper cups to tongue depressors to the plastic bondo spreaders. I bought 2" chip brushes and 5 mil gloves from Harbor Freight cheaper but again ordering it all at once at duckworks is easy-peasy. The chip brushes are cheap so use to paint on epoxy and throw away. Could be cheaper elsewhere but one box shows up with everything in it. Get a roll of 6 oz or 10 oz cloth. Note that if you get less than 10 yards they fold it instead of roll it. Not a big deal but the weave separates where the creases are. You can pay an extra $10 for rolled if less than 10 yards. You can get fiberglass tape for seams or just cut strips from the cloth. The good for tape is it is precut and stitched on the edges so it doesn't unravel. The bad is the stitched edge of the tape doesn't flow out as well when glassing and leaves a ridge. The bad on roll cloth is when you cut it the edges unravel and you have some strings that make wetting it out a bit messier, but they sand out when hard but you save the cost of adding a roll of tape to your order. if you just need to do some patching you can buy fiberglass cloth from the auto parts store. The Bondo brand is 6 oz cloth. Not too expensive but just a 2x4 foot section of cloth. For hardener just for patching you can go with the fast or medium. Pot life will be short for the fast hardener in the heat - maybe 3-4 minutes from mixing to kicking off so you might go medium.
  18. Thanks! It's been fun. Can't work on it tonight, Def Leppard/Tesla/Poison concert (showing my age here, saw them in '83 and '85) but only the last texture coat on the floors and one coat of blue left then cure for 3 days. Still need to mount the winch that I disassembled and painted and the lights but other than that it's DONE! So paint on Thursday, first water trial Memorial day. I'll take it to our cabin here in NE. It's on a little no wake lake but I don't think that will be an issue with the 4hp. lol
  19. Will be more interesting with the high water and launching from the road to the ramp I suspect. Waiting one week, heading down 6/1.
  20. Pretty sure the little 4 hp is going to be under powered for the trout boat that I'm building, especially given current water levels. Anyone have a near new 9.9 four stroke tiller 15" shaft that might be for sale? I'm heading down for four days 6/1 - 6/4 and considering options up to and including a new 9.9. Any leads?
  21. 1 1/2 hours. Not bad. Thanks.
  22. First coat of exterior paint on. When I took this pic it made me think that the color of the interior paint which was "sand beige" on the can isn't as dark as I thought it would be nor as dark as the color chip on the label. Would have been more accurate to call it "masking tape". Dead match. Doubt that would sell much boat paint, though. I already had the top of the blue taped off with standard tape but it wouldn't stick to the bottom chine log which is epoxy coated. The green frog tape did, though. Also I have been concerned about a smooth painted interior being slippery when wet. I considered several things that can be mixed into the paint for texture but many like sand or walnut shells aren't comfortable if you kneel down in the boat in shorts and are tough to keep clean. I read about painting the last coat and spreading sugar on it, let it dry and wash it out. Before diving into it I tested a panel. Two coats of paint, albeit on a scrap of plain plywood without epoxy so it shows the grain. Masked the edges off and rolled on a third coat and covered it with sugar. The next day I scrubbed it off while flooding it with water. The resulting pattern is very soft, feels like suede. The interesting thing is when it was wet the straight painted surface was very slippery under hand. The textured part gripped very well, zero slip. And, it feels nice. The pattern is extremely even, just a matte surface. It was tough to photograph well. I feel confident enough in it that I'm going to mask each floor section and do this for the last coat.
  23. This was happening for me quite a bit last week. My Adblock Plus was turned off. It was hanging up on the back button sometimes because it was waiting for a non-responsive script. Turned ABP back on and all back to normal.
  24. Here's what a $100 trailer looks like. All brackets and old bunks stripped off. Welded brackets back on to fit my bottom runner widths. Got the trailer sanded and painted and new bunks made. Sanded, sanded and sanded some more. That epoxy sands really hard. Finally today I got the first coat of interior paint on.
  25. No problems other than some withdrawal symptoms this morning. Thanks for setting up such a fine place for us to hang around! Even if I am still a newbie.
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