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Ozarks Chillbilly

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ozarks Chillbilly

  1. Good stuff. I wish I could say they shut off the water tonight! Not a chance.
  2. Thanks for the info. I need to find those books, they sound like hidden gems. EDIT: are any of these them: https://www.amazon.com/What-Fish-See-Colin-Kageyama/dp/1571881409 https://www.amazon.com/How-Fish-Work-Thomas-Sholseth/dp/1571882391/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=5BG947M984YSS8ZGBS4B
  3. Nice. Reminds me of the Bad Hair Day By Dave Pinczkowski
  4. What are you planning on bringing down in your streamer arsenal later this weekend? So far I have some unweighted woolhead sculpins, olive buggers, black n white buggers, and a couple articulated streamers. Has anyone used the double bunny on taneycomo? They look cool but not sure if they imitate any of the local food sources in Taney atleast.
  5. I am a fan of the rust colors. It isn't too flashy like a pure orange and looks natural to me.
  6. I see what you mean. I don't (yet, at-least) fish for walleye so I can't relate. I can only speak for myself, but I doubt your less manly than me... That's not what I was trying to get at.
  7. Awesome report and really pretty fish. Thanks
  8. Only time I've used a boga is in saltwater circumstances. Don't really see a need in freshwater for myself at least, unless i'm trying to catch a catfish.
  9. I'll be there this weekend if they have the water off, bet on it!
  10. Thanks for the detailed report, Phil. I agree with you on the tricky boating up to the cable at this lake level. The other day we just boated a little bit past the ramp and called it quits, drifting down from there. Hopefully I can get back out there this weekend in the day & night. Need to throw some streamer meat at angry browns and chubby 'bows. Definitely will tie up some beaded buggers now in preparation. Appreciate the update!
  11. Those look irresistible, wrench! I continue my squid squad with a pattern I developed on the right. Need a bigger eye and some all white tail hackle (id rather just draw in dots instead of that black n white).
  12. I guess they're not really necessary anymore with the access of youtube and the internet in general. @Nick Williams That second fly is really sweet! What do you call it?
  13. Where do you guys get your fly fishing books and tying books? I've seen a few online and in some fly shops.
  14. Awesome report! Y'all caught some great fish. Surprised by the smally. Glad too see the water generation is going down. Im going to try next weekend hopefully they keep it the same.
  15. Haha autocorrect is something else. My main targets are: Snook Jack Black drum (if I get lucky. Catching those o spinning rods was a blast) Ladyfish REDFISH! And anything else that bites. I would be ecstatic to catch any salt creature on the fly.
  16. I've only used spinning rods for saltwater fishing in the past. Right after last year's trip down to FL I really got serious about fly fishing. That being said, I am stoked to head down there with some fly rods this year to say the least. I'm planning on making about 100 flies for the trip from clousers to shrimp to squid to crabs to.... god knows what. So I'm just as inexperienced as well. Can't wait to put In some work and catch some of those salty fish. My dad has a 9wt rod we plan on using. Should be suitable for the inshore/surf fishing I plan on doing.
  17. Something a little out of the ordinary tonight. Already getting hyped for winter FL trip, thus I introduce the mini-squiddy! Has some insane UV flouresence, can't really get a good pic of it. Pretty fun to tie up. Should work good at night in around the docks.
  18. Tied a couple of those last night in black/white. Might need some olive. Thanks for the update! p.s. what are your guys views on rubber legs for streamers? I know they push some extra water and create vibration but I still am reluctant to try them out.
  19. Round one: Black barred white/hot orange Small black chenille Black schlappen MS nymph dubbing & copper cone These colors are kind of foreign to me but the scheme seemed intriguing.
  20. Right. I feel like they're kind of a shot in the dark. Attempting to organize the chaos which is my desk at the moment, planning on some rabbit/schlappen/conehead flies in a bit. Trying to get a leach/sculpin immitation. Anyone have color suggestions?
  21. Yeah I feel ya there. One time I tied a black chenille off the back of a hook, wrapped copper UV polar chenille up to the hook eye which had a ex. Small gold conehead. Looks pretty cool in the water, only fished it once and caught a dat little bluegill. I'll see if I can't find a pic EDIT: Similar to this but without the wacky colors
  22. Panini w/ Smoked turkey / roast beef /cheddar / mozzarella on French bread
  23. Went out today on the boat. They were running about 2 units most of the morning at least. Caught 1 on Tiger Tail, cousin got a decent one on an egg pattern. That sums up the entire trip... pretty slow goings. Back to the vise for the week~ Anyone whipping up some captivating creations?
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