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Ozarks Chillbilly

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Everything posted by Ozarks Chillbilly

  1. waahoooo! Great catch and awesome to see a fish being properly caught and released... not only once but two times. Were you fishing up by the dam last night? I wanted too but was scared off by the water generation. What is typically a safe generation to fish up there at night? I rarely wade up to my waist in the dark to begin with, especially when I'm by myself and nobody else is in sight. According to the USACE app, they've been running 2500 CFS pretty much every night for 6 days now.
  2. What do you guys think of the first part of this fly (before he articulates it) for warmwater and/or saltwater species?it looks pretty cool.
  3. Looking forward to fishing this when they stop running the dang water. Is outlet 3 decent for night fishing?
  4. Yeah man, I've caught some decent rainbows up by the dam on an olive and white one. Black/white too. Pretty fun to tie also.
  5. Nice build. I can see the influence of Galloup's BL on the back side, I like your idea on the head. I think it would work really well up by the dam too, in that color and black/white. Looks very similar to Charlie Craven's Double Gonga too. Here's a few of those and some variations I was messing around with. They all have the lead eyes but I've been catching trout on the black/white/olive ones.
  6. Hello, in the General Fly Fishing forum section there is a thread Mr. Lilley made titled "Knots that Catch Fish". I was excited to check it out and the post must have timed out or something. I did notice it was from 200 so maybe the forum expired? Not sure, but just letting you guys know. Attached is the error message received upon trying to click the thread. Thanks!
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering who all is involved in the MTFA organization. Sounds like they have some cool events and apparently a good discount on materials at some shops. I'm thinking about joining but unsure whether to join the Springfield or Branson chapter.. is there a difference? Would appreciate any info/input. Thanks!
  8. 866-494-1993. The gentleman on the phone always answers and generally has what you need
  9. Haha, I like the name. Yeah ya got me there. Check out the resemblance though!
  10. That looks like it would be good for a handful of species. I can't seem to find the recipe anywhere though. Orvis must've had Wildwood hide it in his safe... Regardless, that one you whipped up looks very similar. The head reminds me of a badminton (ball?) shuttlecock*. Surely has some intense action.
  11. Threw together a couple practice clousers. Even from just tying two I've learned a couple things. I was using hair way to close to the butt end of the bucktail (the fly farthest back has a weird profile because of it). That one will probably be trashed but the one in front looks a little better.
  12. You bring up some good points. The biggest threat would probably be falling into the water and being bit by a snapping turtle, cottonmouth or copperhead, or eaten alive by a giant squid .
  13. Really slick piece of watercraft. Almost looks like a flats boat. Have you gotten out on the water on it yet? How's it performing?
  14. Does anyone know what tomorrow and this weekend is looking like water flow wise at night? Wanting to get out there and chuck some streamers. I'm dying to get my first Taney Brown. The past few nights it's been looking like they're only bringing it down to about 2000 CFS.
  15. I watched that first video the other day too haha, "I didn't catch it here!" Alright bud.. "Just cause you moved locations doesn't mean you can keep an extra fish"
  16. Took a study break and tied these up. Probably won't fish them in Taney, quite frankly I'm not sure where I will use them. Maybe in Florida. Picture doesn't show it but the bottom one has a neat rainbow effect for the body. Used rainbow tinsel and wrapped a clear tubing over it.
  17. Wow those are some tanks @BilletHead @fishinwrench I bet they put up a fun fight on the fly Do you have to use wire leader or just really large mono to protect from those teeth?
  18. Ohhhhhh. I've never thought about using them but I agree with you, they'd probably put in work. Gunnar Brammer have some great videos. He relays lots of information from Kelly Galloup in his tutorials which by no means is a bad thing.
  19. I'm almost embarrassed to watch Mizzou football anymore. I had higher hopes at the beginning of the season but that has all diminished which is a shame. Now at least we can look forward to their basketball season which, knock on wood, should be looking up.
  20. That's great news cause I ended up ordering some spirit river UV2 Bucktails AQUA-BLUE as well. Excited to get these materials in and start stockpiling..... even though the trip is still 3 months out haha
  21. these things? If so, they look cool, I've just been reluctant to try them out.
  22. I believe that's a walleye in the mix? Still need to add that to my resume of fish species.
  23. I could only imagine, beautiful fish too. I might have to take you up on that offer sometime, sounds right up my ally! Where do you typically fish them? Bull Shoals?
  24. Those are some really neat looking flies! Love the ones with articulating shanks. I've never been fishing for hybrids or whites. Does it have quite a big learning curve? It looks super fun but i'm pretty weak at targeting bass in bigger waters in the first place.
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