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About wartman

  • Birthday 09/09/1956

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  • Location
    Lathrop ,MO

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Don.t know how to pass personal info such as numbers here but I am leaving from Liberty this evening about 4 and will be down til the 22nd I would probably be open to company on Monday as I am staying 10 minutes from the dam
  2. Look at BK Baits on Facebook. Brian kaiser out of Minnesota. He's been painting me new wigglewarts Fast ordersand will paint anything. He uses new wart body style and without hooks hes on $3 a bait included.
  3. Are you from the area?  Will be down for 9 days from Oct. 13th to the 21st.  Looking for someone to fish with for a few days and or any info on the lake to where and how to fish it

    1. cheesemaster


      I do live on the Rock, by Cape Fair. I work 70 or 80 hours a week this time of year so going out is hardly ever planned and always kind of spur of the moment. I can only fish Sundays when I get a little time. If I see that I have a some time on the 14th I will PM you.

    2. wartman
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