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Everything posted by 3DHUSKER

  1. Can't take it with you when you go. Better spend it all.
  2. I expect all of you guides that make a living fishing to have the best and biggest. But do you (we) need it to catch fish? Probably not.
  3. You don't need a 12 incher unless you need a bigger one than the next guide.... er um... i mean guy. That set up Liphunter was just talking about is just fine.
  4. I am putting livescope in my float now. Hope to use it maybe this weekend. Can't wait.
  5. I imagine I am at that boat ramp all the time. Not sure it really exists. Is it made with concrete or creak gravel? 🙃
  6. Cant wait for everybody to go back to work then I will take vacation and go. We have been working 10 hour days through all of this and I am ready for some time off. Its a 4th of July weekend every day at the lake right now. That is not much fun.
  7. That is funny... And when he complains and they shut it down we will just keep doing it anyway because we want to even though it makes zero sense.
  8. Excellent post. Exactly what I was talking about. It's about protecting everyone and if you don't get that someone will have to help you get it. A wise old man once told me " Learn to discipline yourself, so someone else doesn't have to." I think it applies here also.
  9. What a day. Thanks for the report. Great pictures.
  10. How about fishing for fun for a couple of months so we can get out of this crap and get the country back to work. Dump in go fishing pull out go home. No contact.
  11. All seems harmless right? Its just a little tournament not a big one. Right? No one will be effected. Right? You need food from the supermarket, we all need that, but you don't need to see who has the biggest wiener at the dock.
  12. Just watched a video of a (small tournament) at Stockton by a Kansas city angler that was this last weekend. You can find it if you search for it. This is what will get the ramps and lakes closed. They pulled the permits for a reason now they will just close the gates if it keeps happening. These guys can't just go to the lake and fish. Already happened in Michigan.
  13. Yamaha 40 hp 2 stroke 1998 My Yamaha factory service manual is for 40 and 50 and the carbs are only thing different. Same pistons, same crank, same everything. I don't give a flip but it sure is interesting. Lists out all the specs right beside each other. Pic of one of the pages attached.
  14. Fuel system is what is different between my yamaha 40 and a 50.
  15. One is Standard and one is UHD. Reason I wanted real world opinions from users and there are not many on here. So thanks to all for the help and opinions that gave them. From my post on page 2. (Guessing I will just go with UHD so when they regulate this like firearms I have good UHD PRE BAN stuff. So I am in... and grandfathered.) Thanks again.
  16. That is what I am asking for. Opinions. Thanks.
  17. Off topic... I do agree with you on NOT hauling green carp around and dumping somewhere else. On topic... Do you see a difference in the standard units vs the UHD as far as detail? Units I am looking at have the same pixels but are STD and UHD. Maybe you can't tell or haven't really noticed. Do I spend the extra money for UHD or is it not necessary. Unit to view is all I lack to get up and running.
  18. So the units I am looking at have the same pixels. One is standard and one is UHD. If the pixels are the same does it really matter if it is UHD? Seems that it shouldn't.
  19. What is awesome? Both are awesome, sure they are, i know that already but what one looks better, is it true that Standard def unit looks better than HD unit with the only current premium ducer offered? How the hell did you get on the haul the green carp around the lake topic from this? Focus Wrench Focus.
  20. Thank you for that answer. I haven found anyone other than a couple jack leg youtubers that claim to have. Neither one of them are smart enough to tie their own shoes in the morning.
  21. Since no one has any idea what I am talking about (lack of comments on topic) and no one can afford this (it's too expensive is really the only comment) it's obvious this is just another moot point when it comes to banning or limiting something no one has or can afford. So once again has anyone seen this with their own eyes. Standard Def versus HD? Guessing I will just go with HD so when they regulate this like firearms I have good HD PRE BAN stuff. So I am in... and grandfathered.
  22. If the mortality rate is 65% how about we eat those instead of them rotting on the bottom of the lake.
  23. Yep lets study it send me some money and I can study it also. LOL About time this topic gets some run.....
  24. Could be no one has it. Who knows. I already have as much in electronics then my new to me boat cost. Not to mention the trolling motor that cost half as much.
  25. Amazing.. Maybe this is in the wrong place.
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