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  1. I have been peaking on Google Maps and have found a few fishing holes to hit on the Frog Bayou in NW Arkansas. Has anyone fished this creek? I'll be coming down with a buddy on our way to Hot Springs and we have never fished here, but I have driven over this creek many times. I can't find much fishing info online, but it appears to be a fun creek to kayak on. Any tips!? The water looks gorgeous! Thanks!
  2. I used these zig jigs last summer on the White River with a guide and they were incredible!! I had my 6 year old son with me, so it was more of a "catch him as many fish as possible" trip... but I finally proved to our guide that I wasn't a complete fishing idiot and he let me tie one on. It was an absolute blast!! Every pop of the jig was exciting because you never knew what would be waiting for you. We are going to Colorado this summer and I have been staring at the website for a while now trying to figure out for sure what I want to buy! Great product! I'm excited to throw some business your way very soon!
  3. Thanks Jesters! Will do! I haven't gotten into Fly Fishing yet. I hope to soon. I was going to take it up in college, but I was broke and had to make a choice on what sport I wanted to pursue...bow hunting or fly fishing. Going to school in SE Kansas with giant bucks everywhere, the choice basically made itself lol. I do have friends and family that fly fish and I have learned some from them, but not many of the finer details. We've gone to the White River almost every year since I was a young boy and its one of my favorite places on planet Earth! I plan on beginning my fly fishing venture soon!! I will for sure visit back to let yall know how it goes on CO this Summer!
  4. We actually tried to find time before our trip to go down there and do just that, but it's not going to work out. I'm 3= hours away, so google maps/helpful locals is my best option.
  5. Yeah, that's what I've been doing and how I have found the few place that look like we can get to legally. There are are lot of good looking spots, but I just cant tell if they are private drives or what? I''m hoping some of them work out! Either way, we can fish the same spots we did last year and have a good time! I used to float that river multiple times a summer and I always remember people fishing in some pretty good looking water... I just dont have much knowledge on that area!
  6. A buddy and Me will be heading down to Hot Springs AR the second weekend of April!! Last year we took our poles and I found a few places to stop and fish on the Elk River near Pineville. We stopped at the public access area by Kozy Kamp and fished for a couple of hours... and we each did pretty well. My buddy landed a 4+ lbs large mouth and a few smallies, and I caught a couple of smallies as well. I was plenty happy for just fishing one little section on a whim. This year, we are are trying to locate a few other spots to try out as well. I have been all over google map and have seen some places that look promising, but I'm not sure if they are accessible or not. Does anyone have suggestions of a spot or two that would they would be willing to share? We would be in and out in a couple of hours as we pass through! Thanks in advance!
  7. This is the exact info I have been trying to find. We are doing a family vacation to Breck this June and the first thing I did was look up the trout fishing in the area. It's pretty impressive, but appears to dominated by fly fishing, as I mostly expected. I will bring my light spinning gear and waders, trying to find a few spot to jump in a get lost on the river! I have been scouring youtube trying to find some videos of non fly fishing, and I found a few... one in particular that was having tremendous success... catching multiple 16"+ rainbows like clockwork. I guess my biggest concerns is finding areas of the river that have enough depth to fish some rapalas or marabous style baits. The video of the kids catching the nice rainbows said he was using a 1/64 tube head with 1.5" crappie colored tubes. I assumes that similar color combo of a marabou jig would work? Looks like its been a LONG time since this thread was active. Let's see if I can get a bite! Thanks in advance!
  8. This is the exact info I have been trying to find. We are doing a family vacation to Breck this June and the first thing I did was look up the trout fishing in the area. It's pretty impressive, but appears to dominated by fly fishing, as I mostly expected. I will bring my light spinning gear and waders, trying to find a few spot to jump in a get lost on the river! I have been scouring youtube trying to find some videos of non fly fishing, and I found a few... one in particular that was having tremendous success... catching multiple 16"+ rainbows like clockwork. I guess my biggest concerns is finding areas of the river that have enough depth to fish some rapalas or marabous style baits. The video of the kids catching the nice rainbows said he was using a 1/64 tube head with 1.5" crappie colored tubes. I assumes that similar color combo of a marabou jig would work? Looks like its been a LONG time since this thread was active. Let's see if I can get a bite! Thanks in advance!
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