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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by gonefishin

  1. I started thinking about them before christmas.
  2. I've been told repeatedly that snakes won't hurt you......problem with snakes is they sneak up on me and make me hurt myself.
  3. Wonderful. Nothing like a ecoli to make your fish fillets more flavorful.
  4. It has been a while. I been hiding out. heh heh Actually the wife surprised me by decided she wanted to split so I have been busy with everything but fishing and chatting on here.
  5. I agree Seth. I wouldn't mind seeing some regs put in place that would allow cats to grow larger. I have little interest in regs designed for nothing more than to increase the size of the general fund.
  6. I am glad it didn't pass. To many of these types of things have passed that were not really well thought out. I don't have a problem with managing some areas for bigger fish but it should be a well thought out plan rather than just a thrown together plan. For example the trout plan....charge, charge, charge more bucks to fish then then add insult to injury by lowering the limits because there isn't enough hatchery time to support the fishing pressure but there is enough hatchery time to sell trout. Seems to me that to many times the 'plans' have nothing to do with conservation and everything to do with grabbing more tax money. JMHO
  7. Seems to me, before they spend a bunch of bucks, they should decide what the main species they are going to manage the lake for and then decide how to best do it. It could be that the lake simply needs restocked after the big kill off of a few years ago. I'll probably get in trouble for saying this but, there is already plenty of money being spent to support trout and bass in Missouri. I think there should be some time and bucks spent on less glamarous fish such as crappie, walleye, catfish, spoonbill and such.
  8. Investing in gold, or any metals, has been used as a hedge for ages. It can be a good plan. The thing is I dont know that gold is that good of an investment for this purpose any more. I would be more inclined to invest in copper, aluminum or platinum group metals. Just my two cents worth.
  9. I dont know but Ithink that would get a person a lot more negagive attention than the one person who is bothering you in the first place. :0
  10. I posted this site before but everyone wanted to lynch me. I don't want to disban the MDC, I just want to breakup the political croonies and get it back to reality.
  11. Rusty: Looks like you and I are on about the same page. I am not kicking C&R fishermen. I am not a 100% C&R fisherman but by far most of the fish I catch in a year are released. As I said before my whole point is not to argue the merits of C&R but to point out there is a loss so for an annual permit to work it would have to be of a price that would save fishermen time and money and at the same time allow MDC to make a little money. As you say a 10 to 20 dollar permit is a pipe dream. Personally I think they should have a daily, weekly and annual tag. I also think a person should be able to by tags in advance. That way if a person is bringing the family for a vacation they could save some confusion and hassle by having their permit buying out of the way.
  12. They were all legal
  13. Ok ya'll asked for it so here is a pic of some of the speckled or freckeld bluegill I been catchin. Could be spotted Bass I reckon. At anyrate like I said they aint biting hard and they dont care for worms and thats a fact but use a black and chartreuse (sp) 1/16 oz tube jig on 4 lb line, move your jig up and down really slow, paying particular attention to the line when the jig is falling and you can catch some of em' too.
  14. Did ya pick up any marble eyes?
  15. Welcome to the nut house Mr Trout.
  16. Like I said it is full of variables but, it does look like I was about 1% light on loss of life. According to what I read in that report, I should have used 4% rather than 3% The point of my argument remains the same; a $10 or $20 annual permit would not cover the replacement loss of fish nor any of the day to day expense of operation of the park. Annual permits would have to be conciderably higher than the 10 to 20 bucks suggested.
  17. In my day paper was fig leaves unless one was wealthy; they used palm leaves. Is their a different kind of paper nowadays??
  18. Maybe we should have a poll for how much a person would be willing to pay for an annual trout park permit.
  19. Terry: Nope. No internet when I went to college that is why the teacher had to give the test on paper. Been fishin latley? My nephew caught a 29 lb bass a couple of days ago.....on his video game. I guess I am really old because somehow catching a huge bass on a video game doesnt seem as interesting as actually catching one of any size for real.
  20. Seth: At your age you should really consider putting some money in a Roth. Taxes will not be cheaper when you are ready to retire.
  21. Back in the stone age, when I was in college, there was no internet site to go to for this test so the political sciences teacher had a poll then tested us on paper. In the poll most people said they were liberal, but on the test revealed that most were conservative. The instructer allowed as to how it was politically correct to be liberal but in fact most people lean toward being conservative, some more so than others.
  22. The whole point to my posts was not how many fish die from C&R but rather to inform that C&R fishing is not without loss to life. What is that loss? No one really knows because there are simply way to many variables involved. I do know from experience that if you stand down river for very long from from a C&R only area you will see floaters. To get back on topic I was trying to point out that a annual permit could not be sold for 10 or 15 or 20 bucks because there simply would be to many fish lost to justify that price level. An annual permit would have to be conciderably more expensive.
  23. Ok. I will have to catch another one cuz I didnt keep pics last time. I will post one on here soon.
  24. McCloud, It does seem a lot of fish. I dont know the actual numbers and dont know anyone who does because there are so many variables, time of year, DO levels, ambient temps, Water Temps, how long the fight lasts, how the fish is handled, how fast the fish is returned to the water, species of fish ect ect ect. From what I have read the numbers are somewhere between 1.5% and 40% loss depending on the variables. I figure the loss to trout is relatively low so I just pulled 3% out as an average. It really is just a guess on my part but the fact is there is loss of life with C&R fishing and the more fish a person catches and handles in a year the larger the number of dead fish is going to be. Consider this: A catch and keep fisherman who goes to a park 10 times per year and catches his/her limit every time will kill 40 fish in a season. A C&R fisherman who goes 10 times and catches 50 fish (seems to be a popular number) to the outing at a 3% loss will kill 15 fish in a season. If as some here on OAF say, they catch a couple of hundred fish each outing they are going to kill about 60 fish per year or more than the person who keeps everything caught. Then one has to ask, what about the people who fish every day?? How many do they kill in a year?
  25. Staying home. Holiday weekends are to tough for me.
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