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Everything posted by gonefishin

  1. I think the big problem is that the MDC turns its back more and more on hunters and fishermen everyday. Hunters and fishermen always have and still pay the largest share of money to the MDC every year and, with good reason, a lot of them feel feel they are being treated unfairly by MDC.
  2. See 'cheetz, there you go making blanket statments again. I agree that most of the time you seem to be so far out in the far left that your statememts tend to be real hazy so we generally disagree but, like you I think a gigging season for politicians is an outstanding idea which proves I dont always disagree with you.
  3. I wish my line had more memory maybe then it would remember from outing to outing how to catch fish.
  4. I certainly disagree with taxidermenst and 'cheetz. I personally don't grab, snag or gig for suckers because I catch all the suckers I want on hook and line but, I do like to snag for spoonbill. Other than netting them (illegal) I dont know of any other way to catch them. I would certainly hate to see spoonbill snagging outlawed just because I might accidentally catch a fish other than a spoonbill. That would be like outlawing Catfishing becaue a person might accidentally catch a Sturgeon or outlawing Bass fishing because a person might accidentally catch a Crappie. As to gigging, there has been several articles about this in missouri conservation magazine. One strong reason gigging is still allowed is because there is an over abundance of so called 'rough fish' in our lakes/rivers and giggers help keep this situation in check. I have also observed that there is also an over abundance of people around who make mountains out of mole hills. I don't doubt for a minute that there a few people who gig illegally but I seriously doubt the problem is as dire or extreme as it is made out to be. Most sucker fishermen I have met could care less for a bass, trout or any fish other than a sucker. Whats wrong with that?
  5. I went to Twin Bridges saturday. Lots of 'bills being caught. Biggest I saw weighed 57 lbs. Of the 5 I caught my biggest weighted 35. I tossed the 35 lb female back and kept a smaller male fish. They have free cleaning stations going. One game warden told me the City of Miami is selling the eggs to russia and the carcus and leavings are being used to make oil for heating or bio-diesel, the remaining solids will become fertilizer or catfood. Sounded like a good plan to me. Then I got to thinking about all those prob lem causing Silver and Bighead carp and the oil shortage..... seems a match made in hevan to me.
  6. I don't know if the fish was short or not and I certainly don't want to belittle Phil but, I do want to play devils advocate for a minute. First I don't like the idea of having a camera in my face just because I happen be fishing, and therefore might be a poacher or break the law in some other manner. To me this portrays an overall poor image of fisherman in general. Second, for me being a video vigilante of fellow fishermen doesn't have the same appeal as actually fishing. Finally it is prudent to remember that the road to hell has always been paved with good intentions therefore it should be considered what the impact of having people lined up along the river banks with cameras trying to film potential illegal fisherman would have on a persons overall fishing experience. Like I say, just food for thought.
  7. 'cheetz does alright on that guitar for sure. I wouldnt say he is a Cody Kilby but he is good.
  8. LOL Well at least they de-listed them. I agree with Teddy Rosevelt that wolves and other dangerous critters should be controlled not encouraged. Yep, I have been catching a few fish. Havent kept any so far but, the season isnt over yet. If I get into some male crappies I will break out the fryer.
  9. Just my two cents but I am glad they put them in someone elses backyard. As is always the case they have opened a problem that they wont realize or admit until it bites them in the posterior. They dont care how many problems they cause others and won't care until they personally get bit.
  10. Wheatenheimer aka Kevin. Be glad to help. I don't know what you want to know but to start I would learn the chop chords and double stops. gf
  11. I have never used a gaff. seems to me a fish doesn't have much of surviving after being gaffed. I use a tool I made years ago that looks kind of like a dog choke stick. I use a piece of PVC pipe, thread a line (my line from an old trotline) through it and make a slip knot in the line. Use the pipe to guide the rope over the bill then push the pipe and pull the rope at the same time to secure the knot. If you want to let the fish go just release the knot, after removing the hook/s from the fish. If you want to keep the fish pull the pipe from the line, throw a couple of half hitches around the fishes nose and tie him to the boat. Simple and no extra damage to the fish.
  12. Just think if he bought this van brand new; to drive 1,000,000 miles in 11 years he had to drive 250 miles every single day since he bought it. No weekends off, no holidays or vacations, no sick days, no break down days - just drive 250 miles every single day. And how bout the gas bill!?!?!? YIKES.
  13. It has been becoming an anti-hunting publication for a while. They have been fairly successful at converting fishermen to 'catch and release' so why not get hunters on the band wagon too. Get em building habitat for the MDC and hunting with a camera.
  14. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html I actually found the link on the NOAA Weather Site. Thought it was interesting.
  15. My Dodge Colt is just starting to get broke in at 315,000 and has had no major repairs. I have a friend with a Dodge Dakota that is getting close to 350,000 with no major repairs.
  16. Heck, I would just like to have an air gun with the accuracy and power needed to kill varmints at about 50 yards range. Power doesnt seem to be as big a problem as accuracy. It has been my experience that at 50 yards most air guns are capable of hitting something the size of a 5 gallon bucket about 40% of the time. Now it might be the shooter but I dont think so because, the same shooter, me, hits the can every time with a .22
  17. Spoonies dont appear to be at Twin bridges yet. I have a friend who fishes the Twin Bridges area nearly every weekend. He always lets me know when the spoonies start up. Anyway I talked to him last night and he allowed that he was catching some whitebass, and a few cats but no spoonies yet.
  18. I like to fish for the marble eyes. Dont know if I can answer your questions but it never hurts to ask.
  19. Is it always necessary to present both sides of the argument? Maybe. January Statistics The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) just released the January climate summary for the contiguous United States, along with some January weather highlights across the globe. According to the NCDC findings, January was the 49th coolest January on record for the contiguous U.S., or you could say it was the 65th warmest on record. This is based on the data from 1895-2008. January was also the 50th driest on record or 65th wettest, depending on how you want to look at it. Other U.S. highlights for the month.... --73% of the southeast remained in a moderate to exceptional drought. --The second largest January tornado outbreak on record (54 unconfirmed tornadoes) happened on January 7th-8th. I wonder where Tuesday night's terrible outbreak will rank for February? 
The NCDC will not release the global statistics until the 14th, but they did include some regional highlights..... --Severe winter weather (cold/heavy snow) impacted parts of China. Some of the worst in 50-100 years. --January was the hottest on record in Australia for the country as a whole. --Large parts of the Middle East were exceptionaly cold with unusual snow, especially the first half of the month. By the way, according to the Polar Research Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the current southern hemispheric sea-ice area is at 2.9 million sq/km, which is about 400,000 sq/km greater than the normal level expected for this time of year, or slightly above-normal. Based on the latest trend on the chart, it appears that the southern hemispheric sea-ice area could be right at normal by March.
  20. Interesting but, is it just me or does that bass look a little small to be over 11 lbs??
  21. I never said I didn't believe you. I was just making fun of the fact that they were caught on hot dogs. Sorry if you got the wrong impression.
  22. I like the blues. Can't say I ever tried to catch one on a hot dog tho. Hmmmm I didn't think a self respecting blue would stoop so low as to eat 'rooters and tooters'. Might have to give it a try sometime.
  23. I like the blues. Can't say I ever tried to catch one on a hot dog tho. Hmmmm I didn't think a self respecting blue would stoop so low as to eat 'rooters and tooters'. Might have to give it a try sometime.
  24. I'm still trying to figure out how they turned a pontoon boat over.!.!.! Must have been a really small pontoon or a really really huge load of trees. But then it could have been a rogue wave or perhaps the giant squid got em. I dont know what happened but it has been my experience that a person would really have to work at it to turn over a pontoon boat. Sheezzz.
  25. I can't help myself, I know I shouldn't ask but I have to ask .... How do you turn over a pontoon boat????? Must have been a mega load of trees!
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